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    Level 結果共141筆

  • Taiwan braces for northeast monsoon; heavy rain forecasted

    Residents in Taiwan are preparing for a significant change in weather as the Central Weather Administration predicts the northeast monsoon to bring heavy rainfall and strong gusts to the region. Coastal areas from north to northeast, including Yilan, will experience gusts reaching Level 5-7 on the Beaufort scale, while regions south of Taoyuan, such as Taitung and the Hengchun Peninsula, can expect winds between Level 8-10. Daytime temperatures will drop to 20-22 degrees Celsius in the north and northeast, with a slight increase to 21-23 degrees on Saturday. The monsoon is expected to weaken by Sunday, but another surge is anticipated by Monday evening. During stronger monsoon periods, air quality may be affected, so individuals with respiratory concerns should take precautions.
    2023/11/24 12:24
  • Tsai Ing-wen endorses Lai-Hsiao ticket for Taiwan’s future

    President Tsai Ing-wen has endorsed DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, calling them "Taiwan’s best choice." Tsai praised Hsiao’s resilience and highlighted their shared grassroots-level political representation and legislative experiences. She expressed confidence in their ability to navigate Taiwan through complex international relations, while upholding democracy and freedom. Tsai believes that Lai and Hsiao can propel Taiwan onto the international stage and continue its democratic journey. The endorsement comes at a critical juncture as Taiwan prepares for the high-stakes presidential election.
    2023/11/22 19:54
  • Germany seeks to expand relations with Taiwan: Sigmund

    Germany is looking to strengthen its ties with Taiwan in various sectors, including academics and trade, according to Petra Sigmund, the German Director General for Asia and Pacific. Despite not having diplomatic relations with Taiwan, Germany is committed to maintaining and expanding connections with the country. While Germany adheres to the "One China Policy," it does not preclude official interactions with Taiwan, which can extend up to a ministerial level. Germany’s top representatives, such as the president, chancellor, and foreign minister, do not establish contact with Taiwan, but the country intends to utilize other open contact spaces. Sigmund emphasized that Germany will strive to preserve these spaces, even if it disturbs China, as Taiwan holds significant importance to Germany.
    2023/11/14 15:00
  • Lai Ching-te leads with 38.5% support: Formosa Magazine

    The latest poll by Formosa Magazine reveals that Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate, is leading the race for the 2024 presidential election in Taiwan with 38.5% support. The Kuomintang (KMT) candidate, Hou Yu-ih, trails behind at 26.2%, while Ko Wen-je, the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate, secures 16.9% support. Including independent candidate Terry Gou, Lai is leading with 35.6% approval in the "four-legged race," followed by Hou at 22.2%, Ko at 16.9%, and Gou at the bottom with 6.9%. The survey also asked non-Lai supporters if they would vote for the candidate with the highest level of support among Ko, Hou, and Gou to beat the ruling DPP. 45.5% of respondents disagreed, while 39.1% agreed. In comparison to the previous poll, Lai saw a 0.8 percentage point increase to 38.5% in a three-legged race, while Hou dropped 1.4 percentage points to 26.2%. Ko, on the other hand, increased by 1.4 percentage points. Regardless of the race format, Hou currently beats Ko by five to six percentage points. The poll was conducted from November 2-3 and 6, surveying 1,201 adults across 22 counties and cities nationwide, with an error margin of 2.8% at a 95% confidence level.
    2023/11/08 19:54
  • Ko Wen-je ahead of Hou Yu-ih, Lai Ching-te in latest poll

    The latest presidential poll by Newtalk shows that Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) has surpassed Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), while Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang (KMT) has also gained support. Ko leads Lai by 0.52%, and Lai’s lead over Hou is only 0.08%, indicating a closely contested election. However, if Terry Gou were to enter the race, the rankings would change significantly. Lai would still be first, but Hou would move up to second, Ko would drop to third, and Gou would trail at the end with 9.39%. This is the first time in past polls that Hou surpasses Ko. The poll collected data from 1,088 valid answers through online questionnaires sent to random mobile phone numbers. The findings have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.03% at a 95% confidence level.
    2023/11/02 21:44
  • Taiwan closely monitoring Biden-Xi Meeting in San Francisco

    As President Biden and Xi Jinping gear up for a San Francisco meet in November, Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu highlights the island’s vigilant observation. Additionally, prospects of a Biden-Chang meeting during the APEC summit are in discussion.
    2023/11/02 17:59
  • NIA disputes reports of surging growth in emigration

    Recent media reports claiming a tripling growth in emigration businesses in Taiwan due to war fears have raised public concerns. However, statistics from emigration companies show no increase in approved applications over the past five years, with annual numbers ranging from 1,077 to 704. The National Immigration Agency (NIA) states that the overall migration level, currently around 20,000 people, may fluctuate significantly in the event of major events such as pandemics or wars. The NIA also notes that the pandemic has caused an increase in citizens unable to return to Taiwan, rising from 180,000 to 220,000 between 2021 and 2022. The agency emphasizes that immigration consultancy firms represent only one channel of advisory services and do not reflect the total number of emigrants. They request that the public avoid generalizations that could lead to societal instability. The NIA further highlights that exaggerated media portrayals of war-evading migration risk can cause unnecessary social anxiety and emphasizes that population mobility is part of the freedom of migration.
    2023/10/30 14:27
  • Poll: DPP’s Lai leads 2024 presidential race with 34.7%

    A recent poll conducted by online magazine My Formosa reveals that Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te is currently leading the race for the 2024 presidential election in Taiwan with 34.7%. The survey indicates a narrow gap between Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je and Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih, with only a 0.5% difference. Even if independent candidate Terry Gou joins the race, Lai’s lead is projected to persist. The survey was conducted from Oct. 23 to Oct. 25, with 1,470 individuals successfully interviewed. The maximum margin of error is ±2.6% and the confidence level is 95%.
    2023/10/28 14:28
  • Magnitude 6.2 earthquake shakes eastern Taiwan

    An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck off the coast of Taiwan, causing tremors felt in various parts of the country. The quake originated east of the Hualien County Government Office and had a shallow depth of 5.7 kilometers. Some areas reported a seismic intensity of level 3, while others experienced a level 2 intensity. The Taipei Metro Company alerted riders of reduced speeds, but operations continue as usual. So far, there have been no reports of casualties or significant structural damage. Authorities are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as necessary.
    2023/10/24 08:13
  • Retired rescue dog up for adoption by Taichung City Gov’t

    Tieh-hsiung, an advanced-level rubble search and rescue canine owned by the Fire Bureau of Taichung City Government, has retired and is now available for adoption.
    2023/09/07 13:05
  • EVA Air union demands fair wages as company profits soar

    EVA Air union members stage a rainy protest over withheld bonuses despite the company’s record profits. Entry-level employees highlight disparities with other airlines’ pay raises. Learn more about the demand for fair wages.
    2023/08/16 17:55
  • Spanish artist accused of damaging historic temple in Taipei

    A Spanish artist, Fang, was charged with unintentionally damaging a historic temple in Taipei City’s Shilin District. Learn about the restoration mishap at the 150-year-old Shilin Cixian Temple.
    2023/08/14 18:55
  • Hou chairs disaster response meeting amid Typhoon onslaught

    Mayor Hou chaired the second work report meeting of the first level of the New Taipei City Disaster Response Center on Thursday (Aug. 3). 
    2023/08/03 14:35
  • 外媒爆iOS 17藏新功能!iPhone拍照不再歪斜

    蘋果在WWDC 23帶來新一代作業系統iOS 17,並在活動結束後釋出開發者版本,有外媒安裝後發現iOS 17為相機加入新功能,可幫助用戶拍照時掌握正確角度,不用再擔心歪歪斜斜。
    2023/06/09 11:44
  • 危險!他用「口罩+礦泉水」當方向盤配重環 躺平開半自駕GG了

    現今有許多新車都會配備「ACC+車道維持輔助系統」,讓駕駛人在車流與交通狀況較為單純的路段,能夠有電腦提供輔助以減輕開車負擔。不過,這種駕駛輔助僅屬於Level 2半自動駕駛,仍需要駕駛人將手固定握在方向盤上,並保持一定的注意力在路面,偏偏有些人會投機取巧,購買「配重環」或「配重塊」裝在方向盤,欺騙電腦的偵測警示系統,結果就導致憾事發生。
    2023/05/31 21:49
  • President Tsai, former UK PM Liz Truss discuss cooperation

    President Tsai Ing-wen met with former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss on Friday (May 19), expressing gratitude to the UK for raising the Taiwan Strait issue to a global level. 
    2023/05/19 17:40
  • 遭李正皓指中共同路人 陳玉珍開嗆:跟你Level不同

    2023/03/19 15:42
  • Applications for Taiwan’s Employment Gold Card soaring

    In order to attract high-level foreign professionals, Taiwan began to issue Employment Gold Cards in 2018, and the number of issued cards has grown significantly in recent years.
    2023/01/05 19:15
  • Christmas gift exchange games go next level in Taiwan

    Taiwanese got into the Christmas spirit by preparing gifts and joining gift exchange parties last weekend. But some people received gifts that were quite out of the blue. 
    2022/12/26 18:33
  • 定速巡航失靈怎麼辦?不用開到沒油 Andy老爹授2招自救

    為了讓駕駛人長途開車更加輕鬆且安全,車輛從早期配備的定速巡航,到後來演進至能夠維持跟車距離的ACC,甚至目前乘用車幾乎都要有Level 2車道維持功能才具備足夠產品競爭力,不過,一但這些系統故障失靈後,很多人可能會因此慌了手腳,不知如何是好。《地球黃金線》節目上,達人Andy老爹就針對中國發生的休旅車定速巡航失靈事件,說明駕駛人碰上這類狀況該如何自救。
    2022/12/23 13:42
  • Poll: Taiwan president’s approval rate lowest in 44 months

    A survey by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation released Tuesday (Dec. 21) shows Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) approval rate has dropped to its lowest level in 44 months.
    2022/12/21 17:01
  • Taiwan companies create hi-tech drones for Defense Ministry

    From military reconnaissance to agricultural exploration, the technicians from the national-level UAV production and assembly line do their best to customize the drones and UAVs according to specifications from the Ministry of National Defense.
    2022/10/25 20:11
  • Quiet quitting becomes latest work trend among Taiwan youth

    Miss Liu, a beverage store manager, started at an entry-level position before getting to her current role. However, over the years,  she has noticed a shift in employees’ willingness to work.
    2022/09/23 14:10
  • 22年式Nissan Altima升格Level 2自駕科技! 還有GT-R 50周年紀念全新車色加持更具魅力

    2019年起在台灣上市的大改款Altima,扛起了Nissan房車產品線新一代旗艦的重任,外觀有著全新的V-Motion 2.0設計加持,引擎蓋下的動力心臟還是世界第一顆量產的可變壓縮比引擎,還有Nissan Intelligent Mobility全方位智行科技來守護全車乘員的安全,不論是車格還是科技表現上都相當大氣!如今隨著22年式新車上市,本就算是相當完善的主動安全配備進化到了ProPILOT智行安全系統後,不但賦予了Altima相當實用的Level 2自動駕駛輔助機能,還有RR-AEB後方緊急煞車系統全方位顧及行車安全性!
    2022/09/15 15:34
  • 「天王星」鬼月拍MV遇怪事!金雲半夜「被黑黑的跟」小孩看到了

    電玩遊戲《新楓之谷》邀來原子少年的「天王星」化身「楓潮大使」,成員吳昱廷參與主題曲〈Level UP〉的歌詞創作,MV於昨(6)日晚上正式上線,帥氣逼人的造型讓粉絲超嗨。而他們透露,拍攝期間正值農曆7月,因為行程緊湊,只能連夜拍攝,成員中最怕鬼的唐立杰相當緊張,沒想到最後竟是身高最高的金雲遇到驚魂插曲。
    2022/09/08 12:21
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