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    Federal 結果共41筆

  • Taiwan stock market dips, recovers slightly to 21,500 points

    Discover the latest on the Taiwan Stock Exchange’s significant drop and modest recovery, including the performance of major tech stocks like TSMC, MediaTek, and Foxconn. Learn how U.S. market trends and unemployment benefits claims impact Taiwan’s stock market, despite Nvidia’s record high.
    2024/05/24 11:32
  • Experts positive on Taiwan’s export performance in 2024

    Taiwan’s currency faces depreciation as the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes continue. Experts weigh in on potential impacts on exports and inflation, with anticipation for future Fed decisions. Stay updated on Taiwan’s economic landscape.
    2024/03/05 17:32
  • Pentagon expedites F-16 sales to Taiwan: Hunter

    The U.S. Air Force is actively exploring options to expedite the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Taiwan, with 136 upgraded aircraft already delivered and the final three on the way. An additional 66 new jets are scheduled to be delivered by the end of 2026. Concerns were raised by over 20 Republican members of Congress that the promised deliveries to Taiwan might be delayed due to commitments to Ukraine, Israel, and global security issues. Taiwan’s existing F-16 upgrade program has already faced significant delays due to a lack of crucial parts, and the delivery of the new jets has been postponed by over 15 months due to software development complexities. Lawmakers are committed to collaborating with the Pentagon to ensure the timely delivery of the jets, especially in light of China’s frequent military drills near Taiwan.
    2023/12/22 18:08
  • Taiwan Central Bank holds interest rate steady for 3rd time

    Taiwan’s central bank has announced that it will maintain its interest rate for the third consecutive time in its quarterly board meeting. The decision was influenced by price changes and the need to balance stabilizing consumer prices with sustaining economic growth. Despite rising consumer prices due to natural disasters, the central bank remains optimistic and expects the inflation rate to drop below 2% next year. Forecasts for Taiwan’s GDP growth rate in 2023 are more positive, projected to reach 3.12%. This is supported by increasing private consumption, particularly in tourism and dining, as well as the central bank’s expectation of a global export increase to stimulate local investment and drive economic recovery. In contrast to the Federal Reserve in the U.S., Taiwan’s central bank stated that its monetary policy approach would be adjusted gradually based on the country’s economic conditions. Despite high housing prices, the central bank has decided against imposing stricter measures or withdrawing from market intervention to avoid further impact on the property market.
    2023/12/15 16:31
  • Taiwan defense stocks surge ahead of presidential election

    Taipei’s military, national defense, and aerospace stocks experienced notable performances in early trading as Taiwan’s presidential election approaches. AirAsia, Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC), and Thunder Tiger stood out, attracting investor attention. With the United States reporting a slowdown in inflation growth, the market anticipates a lower probability of further interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve (Fed). AirAsia reported a net zero profit for the first ten months of the year, with optimism in the commercial maintenance market. AIDC exceeded last year’s total revenue in the first ten months, aiming for its highest annual profit since listing. AIDC Chairman Hu Kai-hung is working towards enhancing Taiwan’s aerospace industry through the A-Team 4.0 alliance. Thunder Tiger is planning collaborations with domestic electric vehicle supply chains and aiming to introduce innovative solutions in the defense sector.
    2023/12/12 19:13
  • German universities launch NT$68M Taiwan studies project

    Discover the groundbreaking "Taiwan as a Pioneer" (TAP) project, a four-year research initiative by Trier University, Bochum University, and Tuebingen University, aimed at elevating Taiwan studies in Europe. Supported by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the project has already made significant progress, including workshops, fieldwork in Green Island, and funding for scholars’ trips to Taiwan. With a budget of approximately NT$68 million, TAP seeks to enhance the profile of Taiwan research, while a handbook on Taiwan research methodologies is set to be published by 2025, marking a milestone in European academia.
    2023/12/12 11:36
  • Taiwan’s TAIEX hits year high, crosses 17,500 mark

    Taiwan’s stock market opened strong on Tuesday, reaching a new high for the year of 17,528 points, surpassing the 17,500 mark. This increase came after a rise in U.S. stocks on Monday. The Taiwan Stock Exchange Weighted Index (TAIEX) climbed by 78.65 points to 17,496.99 points, with a trading volume of NT$36.387 billion as of 9:06 a.m. Leading the gainers in early trading were Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), Largan Precision, and Foxconn. This week, as the market enters a central bank super week, banks in the U.S. and Europe are expected to announce their final rate decisions for the year. Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) chairman Huang Tien-mu expressed the government’s commitment to stabilizing the capital market and highlighted the resilience of Taiwan’s stock market. Huang assured that the FSC is prepared to manage the impact of the Federal Reserve’s decisions on the market.
    2023/12/12 10:24
  • Wang Mei-hua confirms talks with TSMC on German subsidies

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) may face obstacles in establishing a factory in Germany due to a shift in German subsidies. Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua has confirmed that the German government is actively addressing the budget issues involved. The recent ruling by Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court, which deemed the diversion of pandemic funds for the "Climate and Transformation Fund" unconstitutional, has raised concerns about the fulfillment of financial promises to TSMC and other tech giants like Intel Corporation. If Germany decreases its subsidies, TSMC may need to renegotiate or even abandon its plans for the factory. The Taiwanese government is closely monitoring the situation and is prepared to provide support if necessary. This investment dispute has significant implications for the global supply chains and the semiconductor industry, as TSMC’s advanced semiconductors are in high demand worldwide.
    2023/12/06 18:51
  • 美年末消費強勁!美股企業獲利反彈 聯準會這時有望降息

    富蘭克林證券投顧指出,雖然聯準會(Federal Reserve)主席鮑爾(Jerome Powell)已承諾將持續「謹慎」行事,市場觀望聯準會是否會再度啟動升息週期。儘管美國2023年第三季(3Q23)經濟成長強勁,但由於就業市場放緩以及通膨數據進一步下降,分析人士預計,在2024年3月之前聯準會不會升息,甚至可能在2024年5月降息。
    2023/12/04 10:25
  • 美航客機3分鐘驟降1.5萬英呎 氧氣罩落下乘客嚇壞

    美國航空(American Airlines)一架從夏洛特(Charlotte, North Carolina)出發的國內線客機,在飛行途中突然發生驟降,短短3分鐘時間內,客機高空急速跌落1萬5000英呎(約4.57公里),嚇壞所有機上乘客,所幸飛機即時回穩並安全抵達目的地。不少乘客事發也在社群上發文,分享戴上氧氣面罩,或是當下即時的恐懼感受。根據美媒報導,該架客機疑似是增壓系統故障,才讓如此驚恐的事情發生,聯邦航空總署(Federal Aviation Administration)已介入調查中。
    2023/08/18 14:53
  • 改版PS5要來了?SONY傳將在8月發表PS5 Slim

    微軟(Microsoft)欲收購遊戲開發商動視暴雪(Activision Blizzard),目前正接受多國審查,先前提供給美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission,FTC)的審查文件曾爆料SONY可能會在今年稍晚為PS5(PlayStation 5)推出改版新主機PS5 Slim,近日再有消息傳出PS5 Slim可能會在8月發表。
    2023/07/20 09:39
  • 加州小型飛機「疑受大霧影響」失事墜毀!機上6人全罹難

    美國聯邦航空總署(Federal Aviation Administration)表示1架從拉斯維加斯起飛的小型私人飛機8日傳出墜毀於加州的田野,機上6人全數遇難,經初步調查顯示失事原因疑為「大霧影響視線」。
    2023/07/09 10:49
  • 被對手爆料!SONY今年將推改版PS5 官方促銷主機疑清存貨

    微軟(Microsoft)欲收購遊戲開發商動視暴雪(Activision Blizzard),目前正在多國接受審查,有網友在美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission,FTC)的審查文件中發現,微軟透露SONY可能會在今年稍晚為新世代家用遊戲主機PS5(PlayStation 5)推出改版新主機PS5 Slim,讓許多玩家相當期待。
    2023/07/06 16:00
  • 美國「女版賈伯斯」監獄打工時薪僅3塊 獄友也是大咖

    有「女版賈伯斯」之稱的美國矽谷生技新創公司Theranos創辦人霍姆斯(Elizabeth Holmes)因詐欺等多項罪名,遭判刑入獄11年,在申請保釋失敗後,於30日正式前往安全級別最低的「布萊恩聯邦監獄營」(Bryan Federal Prison Camp)報到。據悉,霍姆斯服刑的監獄中大多都是「白領階級罪犯」,其中一人還是真人秀女星珍妮佛‧莎阿(Jennifer Shah)。
    2023/05/31 11:31
  • 德意志銀行:同時湊齊2條件 日圓有機會飆漲60%

    日圓自2019年以來持續走貶,6日匯率約為1美元兌136圓。德意志銀行指出,若日本央行政策正常化,搭配聯準會(Federal Reserve System)進入寬鬆週期,日圓有望飆升至1美元兌85圓,等於是升值近60%。
    2023/03/07 10:12
  • 快訊/美FAA電腦當機 全美超過4百架航班飛不了

    根據美國媒體《ABC》11日報導,美國聯邦航空總署(Federal Aviation Administration)的電腦系統當機,有可能會影響全美國航班起降,甚至導致停飛。
    2023/01/11 19:41
  • Australian delegation wraps up unofficial visit to Taiwan

    A cross-party group of federal politicians from Australia wrapped up a five-day visit to Taiwan on Friday (Dec. 9), meeting privately with President Tsai Ing-wen on Thursday morning, and remaining low-key during their entire stay. 
    2022/12/10 09:22
  • FCC commissioner: Chinese growing tech a rising threat

    The leaders of the world’s top superpowers, Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden, met in person in Bali at the G20 summit for the first time since Biden took office. Against this backdrop, TVBS Commentator Wenchi Yu spoke with Brendan Carr, commissioner of the Federal Communication Commissions of the U.S., on information censorship, semiconductor chips, and all things related to information and communications technology with the U.S., China, and Taiwan.
    2022/11/17 19:13
  • 川普「再戰2024!」 喊話支持者:讓美國再次偉大

    美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)15日已向聯邦選舉委員會(Federal Election Committee)提交參選文件,台灣時間今(16)日,在佛州棕梠灘(Palm Beach)的海湖莊園(Mar-a-Lago),正式宣布投入2024年美國總統選舉,第三度角逐白宮大位!
    2022/11/16 10:07
  • 美國聯準會本週料將升息 美股3大指數開盤均走高

    美國聯邦準備理事會(Federal Reserve)本週將發布利率決策會議結論,投資人準備藉此和企業財報評估強勢美元與通貨膨脹帶來的影響,美股三大指數今天開盤都走高。
    2022/07/25 23:02
  • 美股重挫後反彈 科技股開高「那指上漲0.48%」

    在美國聯邦準備理事會(Federal Reserve)宣布1994年以來最大單次升息幅度,導致美股主要指數前一個交易日重挫收黑後,華爾街股巿主要指數今天開盤漲跌互見。
    2022/06/17 23:00
  • 中共盤算「秋天」攻台? 陳明通曝習近平處境:不太可能

    俄羅斯出兵入侵烏克蘭,兩國戰火持續,日前俄羅斯聯邦安全局(Federal Security Service,FSB)一份機密文件曝光,當中指稱中國國家主席習近平計畫在今年秋天「全面接管台灣」。對此,國安局長陳明通今(24)日在立法院答詢時表示,今年中共20大(中國共產黨第二十次全國代表大會)應該希望整體維穩,這種說法是認知作戰,「這個不太可能啦」。
    2022/03/24 11:22
  • 【今日熱搜】習近平/日本地震/林昀儒/鏡電視/升息

    今(17)日台灣熱門搜尋話題為「習近平」。俄烏戰火持續延燒,外界擔心大陸是否會採取相同模式對台灣發動攻擊。先前一份俄羅斯聯邦安全局(Federal Security Service,FSB)機密文件突曝光,裡面竟有段內容寫下,大陸國家主席習近平曾考慮過在今年秋天之前「全面接管台灣」。以下為最受網友歡迎、點閱率最高的5則新聞。
    2022/03/17 12:12
  • 俄情報曝陸「秋天接管台灣」 國台辦:突破紅線將採取斷然措施

    俄羅斯聯邦安全局(Federal Security Service,FSB)機密文件日前外流,曝光中國大陸國家主席習近平盤算在今天秋天「接管台灣」。對此,國台辦發言人朱鳳蓮今(16日)表示,「如果『台獨』分裂勢力挑釁逼迫,甚至突破紅線,我們將不得不採取斷然措施」。
    2022/03/16 12:15
  • 俄羅斯機密情報外流 驚爆習近平欲「今年秋天接管台灣」

    俄羅斯武力進犯烏克蘭導致全球經濟動盪,更進一步引發國際間對台海情勢的憂慮。日前一份俄羅斯聯邦安全局(Federal Security Service,FSB)機密文件曝光,當中驚爆中國大陸國家主席習近平曾考慮在今年秋天「全面接管台灣」。
    2022/03/16 10:22
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