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    Egg 結果共64筆

  • Taiwan’s CPI rises for fourth month, hitting 2.36% in August

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s economy: August’s Consumer Price Index rose by 2.36%, marking the fourth month of inflation above 2%. Factors include higher rents and dining costs, offset by lower egg and fuel prices. A trend toward stability is expected.
    2024/09/06 17:20
  • KMT Chao criticizes selective judiciary approach in Taiwan

    Discover the latest on Chao Shao-kang’s call for judicial fairness in Taiwan, highlighting concerns over the Core Pacific City case and the Ultra Source egg scandal. Learn why he deems the situation a political witch hunt.
    2024/09/06 15:35
  • Pingtung duck egg prices drop as supply stabilizes

    Discover how Pingtung’s duck egg supply is stabilizing post-Typhoon Gaemi, leading to a price drop from NT$50 to NT$48 per catty ahead of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
    2024/08/26 17:27
  • 為「先有雞還先有蛋」起衝突 印尼醉漢連捅15刀殺死好友

    全世界最知名千年哲學問題「先有雞還是先有蛋」(Chicken or the egg),如今竟成為引發命案的主要原因。印尼警方日前接獲通報,當地有兩名男子,疑似在喝醉狀態下,爭論著先有雞還是先有蛋,其中一人疑似不滿對方的答案和態度,竟持刀對好友連續捅了15刀,造成對方傷重不治。
    2024/07/30 14:57
  • Taiwan’s egg farmers face challenges after Typhoon Gaemi

    Discover how Typhoon Gaemi and other factors have led to a significant increase in egg prices in Taipei, with a detailed analysis of the current supply and demand situation.
    2024/07/28 20:00
  • Poultry association to protest feed prices on Aug. 1

    Taiwan’s poultry industry plans to protest on Aug. 1, as egg prices hit a three-year low and feed prices remain high despite a drop in international corn prices.
    2024/07/22 17:40
  • 知名網購爆歇業!他「8年合約」千顆蛋飛了 業者認:無法支付

    網購成為現代人購買商品的方便管道之一,然而廠商與消費者之間的消費糾紛也層出不窮。日前知名網購雞蛋平台「My Egg」無預警宣布歇業,引發消費者錯愕,更有民眾控訴自己簽了8年合約,繳了一萬多元,目前仍有3000多顆蛋未拿到。對此,業者回應因成本增加才做出此決定,坦言目前無法支付薪資與消費者退費。
    2024/07/10 11:59
  • Taiwan to offer egg freezing subsidies for cancer patients

    Discover how Taiwan’s Health Promotion Administration plans to introduce medical egg freezing subsidies for young cancer patients by year-end, aiming to mitigate infertility risks post-treatment.
    2024/07/08 14:03
  • Taiwan’s CPI hits 4-month high with 2.42% increase in June

    CPI up 2.42% in June, highest in 4 months Fruit prices soared 22.60%, rents and dining out rose Egg prices fell, core CPI grew 1.83% annually Medical costs up 3.78%, housing rose 2.27%
    2024/07/05 17:06
  • Violations in egg storage costs lead to subsidy cuts

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture plans to recover over 50% of subsidies from the National Animal Industry Foundation due to violations in procurement laws related to cold storage expenses.
    2024/06/26 16:44
  • Taiwan to cull 1.8M hens monthly to address egg glut

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture plans to address the egg oversupply by culling 1.8 million old hens monthly, aiming to stabilize the market and egg prices.
    2024/06/18 16:04
  • 香港男星台灣開唱!台下突遞大紅包 「背後原因」曝光

    2024「吾夜Woo Love生活節」在上週末於基隆和平島地質公園登場,作為台灣第一個以跨夜演出為號召,吸引了許多夜貓族、聽團仔前來朝聖,陣容也十分國際化,包括香港創作才子黃耀明、泰國元祖級樂團Cocktail、日本新銳創作女聲a子,以及曾多次獲得韓國獨立音樂獎的樂團Standing Egg等,而黃耀明一登台,就有很多來自香港的粉絲送上鮮花還有大紅包,原來6月16日恰巧是黃耀明的生日,好友陳珊妮也特地專程來探班送上生日祝福,黃耀明開心的說最棒的禮物就是跟大家在吾夜相聚一起。
    2024/06/17 18:57
  • Taiwan sees major egg price cuts amid market slump

    Discover how Taiwan’s major retailers are slashing egg prices to the lowest in nearly two years, responding to market conditions and public scrutiny. Learn about the promotions and price cuts starting June 14.
    2024/06/14 15:05
  • Taipei egg prices hit three-year low amid market slump

    Discover the latest on Taipei’s egg market: Prices hit a three-year low with the fifth cut in less than two months amid sluggish demand. Learn how this affects farmers and consumers.
    2024/06/12 10:18
  • 馬國飯店「把滷蛋當韓國的」!陸客氣瘋逼業者改:是中國的食物

    少部分的中國大陸民眾因受到「愛國教育」影響,任何小事都能觸碰敏感神經。近日,就有一名中國大陸旅客前往馬來西亞旅遊時,入住飯店享用早餐Buffet時,發現滷蛋的品名竟是「Korean Soya Egg」後,並向飯店經理投訴要求改為中國的,沒想到飯店並無所作為,讓他氣炸喊「以後都別去了!」
    2024/05/27 11:05
  • Hsinchu expands fertility support with free AMH testing

    Discover how Hsinchu City is leading Taiwan in women’s health with a free AMH ovarian function testing event on May 18, aimed at supporting fertility planning and awareness.
    2024/05/13 14:29
  • Taiwan consider egg freezing subsidies amid birthrate crisis

    KMT legislator Chang Chia-chun advocates for government subsidies for egg freezing to combat Taiwan’s declining birthrate, emphasizing the need for women’s reproductive autonomy and equal rights. Despite a national crisis, only three cities offer such subsidies, and a central government report remains unevaluated after a year. Chang calls for swift action from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
    2024/05/10 15:56
  • Taipei egg prices drop as summer demand cools

    Discover how the Taipei City Egg Merchants Association plans to lower egg prices this summer due to decreased demand, as announced by executive director Liu Wei-chih. Learn about the expected market adjustments and the Ministry of Agriculture’s insights on Taiwan’s egg supply and demand dynamics.
    2024/04/23 17:28
  • Taiwan to destroy 2.2 million expired eggs by April 19

    Acting Minister Chen announces destruction of 2.2 million expired eggs by April 19; costs and process to be disclosed on MOA website.
    2024/04/17 17:18
  • 明年要解散!泰國元祖樂團6月訪台 首登吾夜生活節

    「吾夜Woo Love生活節」6月14、15日將在基隆和平島地質公園登場,主辦單位公布第2波演出卡司,除了新增台灣樂團「冰球樂團」之外,更邀來香港創作才子黃耀明、泰國元祖級樂團Cocktail、日本新銳創作女聲a子以及多次獲韓國獨立音樂獎的樂團Standing Egg加入。
    2024/04/16 17:26
  • Taipei city egg prices drop post-Lunar New Year glut

    Taipei City Egg Merchants Association announces wholesale egg prices will decrease from NT$52 to NT$49 per Taiwan catty due to unsold stock from before the Lunar New Year. The egg market was closed during the holiday, resulting in no quotations. To alleviate pressure on sales, the farm-gate price has been reduced by NT$3, now at NT$42.5. The association is monitoring demand and potential price adjustments as primary and secondary schools reopen. Current pricing remains unchanged.
    2024/02/16 14:03
  • 石川強震缺物資 日本YTR竟「送飛機杯」稱災民應該想要

    日本石川縣本月1日發生芮氏規模7.6強震,各地災情慘重,許多受災居民面臨停水、停電、缺乏物資的窘境,來自日本其他地區的善款及物資也開始湧入災區。日本一名頗具爭議的「逮捕系」網紅Youtuber宣布要捐贈物資給石川縣,但在整車的物資中,居然還送了好幾箱的「TENGA EGG」飛機杯,更稱提供飛機杯「可以防止性犯罪事件」,在網上引發極大爭議。
    2024/01/08 16:13
  • Taiwan boosts avian flu checks amid regional outbreaks

    Taipei’s Acting Minister of Agriculture, Chen Junne-jih, announced the implementation of a specialized avian influenza prevention program in September, including increased testing frequency to monitor the disease. This comes in response to recent outbreaks in Japan and chicken farms in Yunlin County, raising concerns about egg price hikes and shortages. Chen warned that the situation may worsen with the expected drop in temperature next week. Taiwan has been conducting active and passive surveillance for avian influenza since September, focusing on high-risk areas near migratory bird paths and implementing biosecurity measures at poultry farms. Chen assured that the country’s egg production capability has recovered since the shortage earlier this year, with reserves of liquid eggs available for emergencies. Domestic egg reserves will be released first in the event of increased market demand, with the import of liquid eggs only considered if a severe outbreak leads to a supply shortage. Chen emphasized the importance of maintaining appropriate stock levels through the imported egg project to ensure a stable egg supply despite the challenges posed by avian influenza.
    2023/12/12 17:54
  • Japan’s 2023 kanji of the year reflects ’tax’ concerns

    The kanji of the year for 2023 in Japan is "稅" (tax), chosen by the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation. This is the second time since 2014 that the character for tax has been selected. The choice symbolizes the Japanese people’s increased attention to tax issues, including tax increases and cuts. Over 147,000 individuals participated in the vote, with "稅" (tax) receiving the most votes. The second and third most voted characters were "暑" (heat) and "戰" (war), respectively. In Taiwan, the "2023 Character of the Year" results were announced, with "缺" (lack/shortage) taking the top spot, followed by "蛋" (egg) and "詐" (fraud) in second and third places, reflecting specific societal concerns in the region.
    2023/12/12 17:00
  • Cities end school liquid egg ban, set strict standards

    Multiple municipalities in Taiwan, including Taipei, New Taipei, Keelung, Taoyuan, and Taichung, have announced the lifting of the ban on imported liquid eggs in school lunches, following a controversy over their use. The ban will be lifted starting from December 11, with the condition that only liquid eggs produced in December and carrying the Certified Agricultural Standards (CAS) mark can be used. CAS-certified liquid eggs, priced at approximately NT$125 per kilogram, are 1.5 times more expensive than regular shell eggs but guarantee higher quality. Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-Yen cited the resolution of the "egg shortage crisis" and strengthened regulation on liquid egg production as reasons for lifting the ban. School meal providers can now gradually reintroduce egg dishes that were previously removed from students’ menus. Former Agriculture Minister Chen Chi-chung expressed his view on the ban lift, emphasizing the importance of food safety in a Facebook post.
    2023/12/09 15:37
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