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  • 買咖啡別忘!小7送限量「好運旺來」杯塞 全家祭黃色小鴨款

    掌握節慶商機,超商7-ELEVEN今年首次推出「金好運旺龍來」CITY鳳梨風味系列飲品,包含鳳梨風味拿鐵、鳳梨風味冰茶、鳳梨風味氣泡珍珠,且購買CITY鳳梨風味系列飲品任一杯,免費贈送鳳梨造型杯塞任一款,一整套就能湊成「金」、「好」、「運」、「旺」、「龍」、「來」;全家則搶搭1月27日將再度登陸高雄愛河灣的黃色小鴨,推出黃色小鴨杯塞,即日起購買Let’s Café或私品茶全品項任1杯,即可加39元就能拿到。
    2024/01/24 10:41
  • Tainan Mayor grants schools autonomy amid cold snap

    Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-che has given schools in the city the authority to determine their own holiday schedules based on student count and weather conditions. While winter vacation has already started for junior high and elementary schools, students attending tutoring and after-school programs will continue classes unless the schools themselves decide to give them days off. The Tainan City Government is also taking steps to support the homeless population by providing warm clothing and hot meals. They have urged the homeless to seek shelter in available accommodations, with adequate bed spaces promised. Currently, there are 219 registered homeless people in Tainan City, with 130 living on the streets and the rest placed in local facilities. Rehabilitation centers have been set up in the South District and Xinying District to provide support and help these individuals rebuild their lives.
    2024/01/23 17:32
  • 朋友來看球賽竟被「活活凍死」陳屍後院 警察來了才知道

    美國密蘇里州,本月(9日)晚間一民宅中發現3名屍體,據了解1名男子在(7日)時邀請3名友人前往家中作客,一起觀賞橄欖球隊堪薩斯城酋長隊(Kansas City Chiefs)的比賽,沒想到兩天後警方找上門,屋主才發現這場悲劇,三名好友陳屍在自家後院,而死因明顯都是被活活凍死。
    2024/01/23 14:13
  • Cold front in Taiwan linked to fatal cardiac arrests

    A cold front in Taiwan has been linked to five fatal cases of Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) in the Keelung region. Victims’ ages ranged from 52 to 97. The Keelung City Fire Department reported a total of five emergency rescue cases of OHCA, with two males and three females affected. It is unclear whether the cold weather was the cause of these emergencies. Temperatures dropped to 6-8 degrees Celsius on Tuesday morning, prompting the fire department to urge the public to prioritize warmth and guard against the risks posed by the low temperatures. The Central Weather Administration (CWA) reported temperatures of 6-8 degrees in areas north of central Taiwan and Yilan, and 9-12 degrees in southern Taiwan and Hualien-Taitung regions. The whole island may experience regional short-term rain due to moisture from southern China, with heavier rainfall expected in Keelung, the northern coast, and the mountainous area of Taipei city. New Taipei, Taipei, and Yi-lan may also be affected by heavy rains.
    2024/01/23 13:16
  • 人氣樂團成員名字太「菜市場」 最大困擾曝光宣布改名了

    新生代樂團溫蒂漫步上週六於高雄展開最新巡迴「Midnight Wandering午夜漫遊」的第一站,上次開專場已經是2022年底,一開場團員就是穿著呼應新專輯的「午夜藍」西裝,五人一字排開再加上客座薩克斯風手昱廷,看起來非常帥氣,另一個主唱曾妮戲稱自己很少穿得這麼人模人樣的,鼓手阿叡則是聊起第二張作品的樂風轉變,他提到這些轉變是自然而然發生的,就像是鍵盤手曜如以前很愛聽City Pop的曲風,現在則比較愛techno這種節奏重並且充滿速度感的電子音樂,因此這些變化就自然地透過作品呈現了。
    2024/01/22 19:13
  • CWA warns of prolonged cold spell across Taiwan

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) has issued a low-temperature alert for nine counties north of Miaoli, warning of temperatures below six degrees Celsius. Taichung City, Changhua County, Yilan County, and Hualien County could experience temperatures of 10 degrees and below, with similar dips expected in the Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan region. The CWA predicts that this cold weather will persist from January 22 to January 24. New Taipei City, Keelung City, Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Hsinchu City, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, and Kinmen County have been designated with orange signals (very cold), indicating a likelihood of temperatures lower than six degrees. The CWA advises citizens to take necessary precautions to keep warm, including proper indoor ventilation and electrical safety when using gas water heaters and electric heaters.
    2024/01/22 18:01
  • Mediation efforts underway to avert EVA Air pilot strikes

    EVA Air faces the threat of strikes as pilots gain the right to strike over pay disputes. The airline’s management and workforce are willing to negotiate further. The strike, planned during the Lunar New Year holiday, may impact long-haul flights to and from the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Mediation efforts by the Taoyuan City government’s labor bureau are set for Wednesday. Negotiation is seen as the key to addressing the raised demands and reaching a consensus.
    2024/01/22 18:00
  • TSMC eyes southern Taiwan for 1nm factory: report

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) has emphasized that Taiwan is its primary base and is considering various locations for potential semiconductor factories. TSMC has expressed interest in collaborating with the Southern Taiwan Science Park for potential spots. Media reports suggested that TSMC planned to build a one-nanometer factory in the Science Park in Taibao City, Chiayi County. These reports cited anonymous sources and stated that TSMC proposed the need for a 100-hectare plot, with 40 hectares dedicated to an advanced packaging factory and 60 hectares for the proposed one-nanometer factory. TSMC has also disclosed its evaluation for expanding the two-nanometer production infrastructure and planning to establish three factories in Kaohsiung to meet the growing demand for their two-nanometer process.
    2024/01/22 17:59
  • Hou Yu-ih aids homeless in cold snap initiative

    New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih personally visits homeless individuals, distributing cold-weather supplies to aid the less fortunate during the winter chill. The city government has initiated cold-weather care protocols, providing temporary housing and resources for the homeless. District offices, volunteer groups, and community chiefs proactively comfort solitary seniors by phone, providing cold-weather health information and checking on their well-being. The government also reminds residents to prioritize line safety and ventilation when using heating equipment or water heaters to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. These measures aim to ensure a safe and comfortable winter season for all in New Taipei City.
    2024/01/22 17:57
  • Taiwan monitors Chinese aircraft and balloons near strait

    Taiwan’s National Defense Ministry (MND) reported the detection of four Chinese aircraft and six Chinese balloons in the vicinity of the Taiwan Strait within a 24-hour period. The balloons were found soaring between 15,000 and 27,000 feet, with one detected just 57 nautical miles west of Keelung City. The MND also identified activities involving four Communist vessels in the Taiwan Strait. The Republic of China Armed Forces closely monitored and responded to these activities using mission aircraft, ships, and shore-based missile systems. The military emphasized the constantly changing threat landscape faced by Taiwan, with China’s cognition warfare accompanying its military actions to affect Taiwan’s security. Continual refinement of public announcements is seen as imperative to avoid enemy influence.
    2024/01/22 14:42
  • Iconic yellow ducks return Kaohsiung after a decade

    The Kaohsiung City Government has announced the return of the beloved yellow rubber ducks to the southern Taiwan port city after a decade away. The "2024 Kaohsiung Wonderland Winter Fair" will take place at Kaohsiung Port Pier 17 from Jan. 27 to Feb. 25. The fair will feature two rubber ducks and various attractions, including inflatable installations, interactive art displays, circus acts, and children’s theater performances. The yellow rubber duck first toured Taiwan in 2013 and attracted almost 3.9 million tourists to visit Kaohsiung.
    2024/01/22 12:10
  • 全台首場「寶可夢盛典」!30條官方路線曝光 2稀寶現身台南

    如果你是寶可夢訓練家,一定要看這篇!今年喜迎「台南400」,不僅「2024臺灣燈會」再度回歸,全台首場、規模最大的《Pokémon GO City Safari》也要在3月強勢登陸台南!官方19日搶先釋出活動亮點,除了跨越9大行政區、規畫30條官方抓寶路線,還有機會捕捉到2大超稀有級的寶可夢呢!美食、美景、寶可夢一次擁有,這也太幸福了吧~
    2024/01/20 15:25
  • 優惠快收!超商「今日限定」大杯美式、拿鐵買2送2

    優惠快收!超商全家今(20)日推出APP隨買跨店取大杯特濃美式、特濃拿鐵同品項買2送2優惠,還可以開放寄杯、冷熱互換,每人限購2組,今日上午10點開賣;另外7-ELEVEN則是1月21日至1月24日限時4天CITY系列指定同品項第二杯10元,包含CITY CAFE大杯美式咖啡(冰/熱)、CITY CAFE大杯熱卡布奇諾咖啡、CITY TEA現萃茶英式紅茶(冰/熱)。
    2024/01/20 09:27
  • Safety vs. aesthetics: Taipei grapples with transformer box

    Taiwan addresses safety concerns as it grapples with transformer boxes obstructing narrow sidewalks. New Taipei City’s success inspires Taipei’s plans, balancing safety and aesthetics.
    2024/01/19 17:57
  • Taiwan prepares for winter’s coldest spell

    Taiwan prepares for the coldest period of the winter as Lunar New Year approaches, according to meteorological expert Peng Chi-ming. If a cold surge leads to disaster, it is classified as an "other natural disaster," potentially resulting in work or school closures. Employers are advised to implement safety measures and consider potential risks caused by cold temperatures. Failure to comply with guidelines may result in fines of up to NT$300,000. Holidays due to low temperatures are unprecedented in Taiwan, with work or school suspension only possible if low temperatures cause a disaster. In extreme cold weather conditions, transportation, water, or electricity disruptions may lead to work or school suspension based on assessment by city and county chiefs.
    2024/01/19 17:52
  • 限4天!超商咖啡第2杯10元 GODIVA熱巧克力再特價

    週末冷空氣南下,超商看準冒煙商機,7-ELEVEN熱食自助區推出優惠活動,星級饗宴滷味、麻辣燙、關東煮等冬日夯品,即日起至3月5日搭配指定杯湯可享任選4件88折;另外,1月21日至1月24日限時4天推出CITY系列指定同品項第2杯10元優惠,包含CITY CAFE大杯美式咖啡(冰/熱)、CITY CAFE大杯熱卡布奇諾咖啡、CITY TEA現萃茶英式紅茶(冰/熱)等。
    2024/01/19 12:09
  • Taichung bus drivers speak out on harsh working conditions

    Bus drivers in Taichung City met with the Transportation Bureau to express their concerns about long hours and lack of facilities. The drivers discussed their difficulties, including working 14 to 15 hours a day and not having enough time for breaks or restroom use. Democratic Progressive Party Taichung City Councilor Chang Fen-yu highlighted how poor labor conditions contribute to a shortage of drivers and hinder public transportation development. Taichung Transportation Bureau Director-General Yeh Chao-fu committed to improving conditions and compensation for drivers, including wage calculation, monitoring mechanisms, insurance, and vehicle maintenance.
    2024/01/18 18:28
  • 超商春節限定!限時刮刮樂抽咖啡買1送1 加碼抽雙人巴黎遊

    2024/01/18 14:07
  • Hou Yu-ih calls rivals post-election, urges unity

    New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih acknowledged phoning his presidential rivals Ko Wen-je and Lai Ching-te on election night, advocating for unity and emphasizing the importance of listening to the public and resolving issues. Hou, running on the Kuomintang (KMT) ticket, lost the 2024 presidential race. Peggy Chen, wife of Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je, revealed that Ko received a call from a KMT-affiliated individual on election night, rumored to be Hou. Ko reportedly ignored the calls, expressing reluctance to be "fooled for a second time." Mayor Hou confirmed making the call after the election results were final, emphasizing the need for unity and addressing urgent problems faced by Taiwan.
    2024/01/17 14:37
  • Hou Yu-ih vows oversight for Taiwan Strait security

    New Taipei City mayor Hou Yu-Ih pledges to support Taiwan Strait security and reassure the U.S. as an opposition party member after his presidential election defeat. He emphasizes the need for the newly elected government to carefully address global difficulties and stresses that Taiwan’s unity is crucial in facing future challenges. Hou dismisses claims that alleged fake polls by the Taiwan People’s Party caused the Kuomintang’s electoral defeat and urges acceptance of voters’ decision. Sun Yat-sen School President Chang Ya-chung calls for KMT chairman Eric Chu to step down, but Hou takes responsibility for the election failure as the commander of the campaign.
    2024/01/16 15:16
  • Tigerair Taiwan aids Japan with disaster relief supplies

    Tigerair Taiwan transported six boxes of disaster relief goods, including winter blankets, to Japan following the devastating earthquake. Chairman Kevin Chen believes the airline’s extensive network and frequent flights can provide significant support to disaster areas. Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has established a dedicated disaster relief account to receive donations. The Taiwan Development Association for Disaster Medical Teams, the first non-governmental organization from Taiwan, has entered the hard-hit Suzu City in Japan to provide medical relief. Relief efforts from Taiwanese civil groups continue, despite the Japanese government’s refusal of official aid from several countries. This demonstrates Taiwan’s commitment to assisting international neighbors in times of crisis.
    2024/01/06 16:07
  • Kaohsiung’s Siaogang High hosts Hong Kong karate exchange

    The Siaogang Senior High School’s karate team in Kaohsiung hosted a five-day technical exchange and learning session with the City University of Hong Kong’s team. The activity was endorsed by Yun-Yuan Yen, the director of student affairs and coach of the Siaogang High karate team, to enhance live-duration proficiency and pressure-resistance skills among scholars. Hsueh Yu-chin, the principal of Siaogang High, warmly welcomed the Hong Kong guests, emphasizing the importance of sports exchange. The Siaogang High karate team, established in 2000, has extensive competition management and training experience, nurturing national team athletes who have achieved accolades in various competitions. Siaogang High provides comprehensive support for further studies, with students in the sports class benefiting from the "108 Curriculum" for multi-faceted development. Principal Hsueh acknowledged the karate team’s achievements and emphasized the significance of international exchanges in improving technique and personal character. She expressed hope for students to make strides on the international athletic stage.
    2024/01/05 22:20
  • Taoyuan legislator candidate detained for alleged China ties

    Ma Chih-wei, an independent legislative candidate from Taoyuan City, has been detained on suspicion of violating Taiwan’s Anti-Infiltration Act, amid allegations of receiving support from mainland China.
    2024/01/05 22:04
  • Taiwan’s Keelung street mirrors iconic Japanese scenery

    Discover the captivating street in Keelung City’s Zhongzheng District, Taiwan, that has become a social media sensation. Reminiscent of a popular photography location in Yamanashi, Japan, this picturesque street with shop signs and the backdrop of Shiqiu Hill has caught the attention of photography enthusiasts. By using a telephoto lens and positioning the camera at the street’s center, the distant Shiqiu Hill seems to be brought closer, creating a visually stunning effect. While the Taiwanese location offers potential tourism and business opportunities, caution is advised for photographers aiming to capture the perfect shot, as safety concerns should not be overlooked.
    2024/01/05 21:55
  • Taipei to reoffer free 30-minute YouBike rides

    The Taipei City Department of Transportation will announce the implementation date of the free 30-minute YouBike rental policy after the 2024 budget is passed. The policy aims to reduce carbon emissions by 40% and increase the use of green transportation to 70% by 2030. It was previously implemented in 2012 but ended in 2015. A public opinion poll in 2023 showed support for the policy among motorcyclists and the YouBike community, with over 60% of motorcyclists willing to switch to using YouBike for short trips. To address potential bike shortages, the department has added 1,780 bikes in May and 1,500 bikes in December 2023, increasing the availability of bikes citywide from 80% to 90%. In 2024, the department plans to add another 6,000 YouBikes and improve scheduling and personnel to meet the increased demand.
    2024/01/05 18:11
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