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    BORDER 結果共30筆

  • Experts call for monetary policy twist to boost investment

    Explore how Taiwan’s excess savings rate, projected to reach 15.46% in 2024, indicates economic resilience yet poses challenges for growth. Learn about the government’s strategies to stimulate investment and spending.
    2024/04/15 16:45
  • Taiwan takes step towards international human rights norms

    Taiwan intends to follow the U.S. lead and outlaw the import and export of goods made using forced labor. With a preliminary resolution to alter the "Human Trafficking Prevention Act" by the Ministry of the Interior to establish a legal foundation, the Executive Yuan has called for many inter-ministerial discussions.  Following the amendment’s completion and implementation, the Ministry of Labor will be in charge of identifying goods made using forced labor. Border control will be managed by the Ministry of Finance’s Customs Administration. "Import and export are both prohibited. A representative of the administration stated, "The regulation is bidirectional.
    2024/04/15 14:48
  • 採用「超窄邊框」設計? 韓媒爆料iPhone16螢幕變大

    全球果粉引頸期盼的下一代蘋果iPhone 16手機,似乎又有新設計的傳聞流出,根據韓國媒體「Sisa Journal」指出,新一代iPhone 16手機,極有可能採用一種名為縮減邊框結構(Border Reduction Structure)的技術,讓手機邊框能縮到最小,給使用者最大面積的螢幕,目前已知包含三星、京東方和LG三家,將為iPhone 16系列供應面板的廠商,皆已掌握這項重要技術。但讓外界擔心的是生產良率,因為有業界人士表示,「廠商跨入這項技術的門檻不算高,但是一旦開始大規模生產,每家公司的面臨狀況與問題就會有所不同。」
    2024/03/22 11:00
  • 台日路人喊他「阿大」不忍了! 松下洸平:我只拍過《最愛》?

    松下洸平這幾天為了拍攝雜誌照而祕密造訪台灣,今(18)天一早特別接受台灣媒體訪問,誠意十足。松下洸平跟吉高由里子演出《最愛》爆紅,至今日本、台灣仍有許多粉絲稱呼他為「阿大」(大ちゃん),不過他坦言每次被這樣叫的時候,都會心想:「我是只拍過這部戲嗎?」日前公布他的新作品《9 Border》,本劇講述每個年齡階段的心境,受訪時他也對自己的不同階段的人生侃侃而談。
    2024/03/18 12:59
  • Taiwan to set up food safety fund: Premier Chen

    Premier Chen Chien-jen announces plans for a "Food Safety Integration Conference" and a "Food Safety Protection Fund" following a food safety event involving Sudan Red chili powder. He emphasizes the need for a comprehensive review of current systems, including border inspections, post-market auditing, autonomous management reporting, and track and trace systems to ensure food safety. The government has implemented 100% inspection on imported dry chili and chili powder and calls for strengthened post-market management by food industries. Premier Chen highlights the collaboration between government, industry, and public to enhance food safety management efficiency.
    2024/03/14 15:58
  • Families of deceased Chinese fishermen arrive in Kinmen

    The families of four Chinese fishermen arrive in Kinmen to manage the aftermath of a tragic accident. Accompanied by Red Cross representatives, they prepare for the entombment of their loved ones amid cross-strait tensions. #Kinmen #CrossStraitRelations #RedCross
    2024/02/20 16:21
  • 好萊塢男星演戰地攝影師 《心靈殘骸》聚焦難民議題

    近年來關於難民的電影枚不勝舉,從獲得柏林影展金熊獎的《美麗新世界》(In This World...)和《海上焰火》(Fire at Sea),到今年大獲好評、雙雙於威尼斯影展獲獎並入圍歐洲電影獎年度影片的《少年的漂浪旅程》(Io Capitano)和《邊境無間》(Green Border),澳洲導演班勞倫斯(Ben Lawrence)的首部劇情長片《心靈殘骸》(Hearts and Bones),便是另一部聚焦於戰亂難民議題的重要作品。
    2023/12/28 18:03
  • FDA increases inspection on Japan-imported strawberries

    Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has identified two batches of Japanese strawberries as non-compliant due to pesticide residue issues. The strawberries, imported from Fukuoka and Tochigi, failed to pass border inspections and will now undergo 100 percent batch inspection. Out of the 1,084 batches of Japanese strawberries inspected this year, 19 were found to be non-compliant, accounting for a rate of 1.75 percent. The FDA will continue to conduct thorough inspections until April 30, 2024, to ensure compliance with pesticide residue regulations.
    2023/12/26 19:48
  • TCX initiates first global carbon credit trades

    The Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange (TCX) has launched its first international carbon credit transactions, offering credits sourced from various regions in Asia, Africa, and South America. Notable companies such as TSMC, Foxconn, China Steel Corporation, and Taiwan Financial Holding have expressed interest in participating in the inaugural trade event. The initial batch of credits available on the Taiwan Carbon Exchange is estimated to range from 50,000 to 100,000 tons and has been certified by the Gold Standard. Once procured, these credits cannot be resold on the carbon exchange platform, and their use will be determined by each company’s individual needs. It is important to note that these credits have international "voluntary" carbon rights and do not fall under "mandatory" carbon pricing, meaning they cannot be used to offset Europe’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
    2023/12/22 16:49
  • Taipei braces for cold wave, snow in high mountains forecast

    A meteorologist predicts a cold front will bring lower temperatures and possible snowfall in high mountain areas of Taiwan. Temperatures in Taipei could drop to 9.5 degrees Celsius, meeting the standard for a cold wave. Areas north of Miaoli County and the Huadong Valley may see temperatures below 8 degrees Celsius. The weather in areas north of Hsinchu and in Yilan will be damp and cold throughout the day. Snowfall is expected in Taipingshan, Lala Mountain, and Shei-Pa National Park, with Yangmingshan possibly experiencing sleet or rain mixed with snow. Mountains over 3,000 meters above sea level in areas north of Taoyuan and at the border of Yilan and Hualien counties may also see snowfall.
    2023/12/20 17:29
  • Top U.S. senator ’optimistic’ on Taiwan aid border talks

    U.S. senators met in an unusual weekend session to amend border security policies, aiming to resolve the deadlock over assistance plans for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Democratic centrist Senator Joe Manchin expressed optimism about the progress being made, stating that bipartisan negotiators and representatives from the White House recognize the seriousness of border issues and the need for repair. Independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Democrat Chris Murphy, Republican James Lankford, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and other senior officials engaged in discussions to seek a compromise on border security policy revisions. While progress was reported, details were not disclosed. The crafting of the bill’s comprehensive text requires time for deliberation before the voting process can proceed.
    2023/12/18 11:57
  • FDA destroys 2kg of Japanese green tea powder at border

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that two kilograms of green tea powder imported from Japan were destroyed at the border due to trace amounts of radioactive cesium-137. The batch’s cesium-137 levels were within the acceptable limit of 100 becquerels per kilogram, but the FDA emphasized the importance of ethical practices and urged businesses to adhere to them. The FDA tested the batch on October 31 and found 3 becquerels per kg of cesium-137 and 3 becquerels per kg of cesium-134 plus cesium-137. Since last year, food from five prefectures of Fukushima, Japan, has been imported to Taiwan, provided it meets radiation and origin inspection requirements. The FDA’s regulations for cesium-134 and cesium-137 levels in various food categories are based on the "Standards for the Tolerance of Atomic Dust and Radioactivity Contamination in Foods." From 2011 to 2023, Taiwan has tested 224,970 batches of Japanese food, with 252 samples showing trace radioactivity that did not exceed national or Japanese standards.
    2023/11/22 19:45
  • Taiwanese doctor recounts Gaza evacuation amid war

    In an interview with TVBS, Taiwanese doctor Hung Shang-kai, a member of Doctors Without Borders (MSF), shares his experiences of living and working in Gaza amid escalating conflict. He recounts the challenges of providing medical aid during the Hamas-Israel conflict, the plight of the people, and the urgent need for humanitarian assistance.
    2023/11/14 19:36
  • Chicken producers push for enhanced labeling regulations

    Taiwanese chicken producers are pushing for stricter labeling regulations for chicken and egg products, similar to those in place for pork and beef. The proposals include labeling the origins of these products in dining establishments. Chen Yu-che, Chairman of the Taichung City Poultry Association, has been advocating for thorough labeling since 2019, particularly for imported chicken. Following the COVID-19 lockdown lift in 2023, there has been a significant increase in imported chicken, reaching 230,000 tons per month, about half the volume of domestic chicken. The government’s importation of large quantities of eggs this year has led to quality issues, prompting industry representatives to call for a review of border management methods and increased inspection rates for imported chicken. Chen emphasizes the importance of clearly stating the origin of imported chicken, disclosing slaughter dates for chicken in the consumer market, and specifying the type of meat used on menus at dining establishments.
    2023/11/13 11:55
  • Mutual gains in U.S.-Taiwan bilateral investment: Amb. Tong

    Amidst rising tensions between the U.S., China, and Taiwan, Ambassador Kurt Tong of The Asia Group highlights the overlooked yet significant mutual benefits of U.S.-Taiwan trade and investment. Tong urges policymakers and the public to focus on economic opportunities that can lead to long-term profitable relationships between the U.S. and Taiwan.
    2023/10/22 17:30
  • 拉法關卡生命線 一篇看懂重要性

    埃及與加薩走廊南部交界的拉法邊界關卡(Rafah Border Crossing)今天開放,是以色列與巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭主義組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)戰爭爆發以來,救援卡車首次進入加薩。
    2023/10/22 16:58
  • FDA finds food safety issues at border inspection

    Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reported that several food items failed safety standards at border inspection. These include American cherries, Chinese chili powder and Thai mangosteen.
    2023/09/12 15:05
  • 古柯鹼塞入6顆健達出奇蛋藏體內 男澳機場闖關被逮

    一名28歲愛爾蘭男子近日從中東飛往澳洲時,出奇招走私毒品,將約120克重的古柯鹼裝進6顆健達出奇蛋(Kinder Surprise)膠囊,再全數「藏於體內」;本以為能神不知鬼不覺輕鬆闖關,未料還是被澳洲邊防署(Australian Border Force,ABF)人員識破,將他以「進口可銷售數量的邊境管製藥品」(importing a marketable quantity of a border-controlled drug)起訴,將面臨最高25年監禁。
    2023/01/06 15:05
  • 淨零碳排衝擊!歐盟CBAM認證才能進口 台業者6成挫勒等

    中華開發金控今(16)日發布「中小企業減碳調查」,調查顯示高達八成五企業關注到「碳邊境調整機制」(Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism,CBAM)即將實施,七成業者擔心碳費衝擊,卻有逾三成業者尚未進行碳盤查。
    2022/11/16 14:50
  • President Tsai heads to Taoyuan Airport for border reopening

    President Tsai Ing-wen and Premier Su Tseng-chang arrived at Taoyuan International Airport on Thursday (Oct. 13) to cheer airport staff on Taiwan’s borders reopening after a 2-year hiatus in arrivals.
    2022/10/14 15:58
  • Travelers at Taoyuan Airport cheer as Taiwan reopens borders

    Tourists from Thailand excitedly left their hotels on Thursday to begin their trip in Taiwan, as the country’s borders officially reopened.
    2022/10/13 18:00
  • Airfares to Japan drop ahead of Taiwan’s border reopening

    Some travelers headed to Taoyuan International Airport on Wednesday (Oct. 12), one day before Taiwan reopens its borders. Many at the airport were going directly into Japan due to its recent opening and cheaper ticket prices that make it an ideal destination for this time of year.
    2022/10/13 09:50
  • Taiwan to open borders on Oct. 13, relax prevention measures

    Taiwan is preparing to open its borders and relax its current epidemic-prevention measures after more than two years living in the pandemic.
    2022/10/04 20:00
  • 驚!高仿「勞力士」價值33億美金 專家教9步驟辨真假

    Rolex名錶保值,人人皆知,尤其是Rolex勞力士,只升不跌,可謂最保值的時尚,加上Rolex的產量無法滿足市場的需求,愈來愈難買,二手市場價愈來愈高,美國海關及邊境保護局(U.S. Customs and Border Protection)更發現Rolex的仿冒品愈來愈多,到底一般人可以從哪幾點分辨Rolex的真偽?
    2022/05/14 14:23
  • 雪崩滅團! 修復GoPro見8登山客最後身影

    喜馬拉雅山是許多登山客這輩子想要征服的夢想,但登頂過程相當危險;5月時山上發生雪崩,由8名跨國登山客所組成的團隊也因此不幸遇難,其中只有7人的遺體被尋獲。印藏邊防警察(Indo-Tibetan Border Police)日前釋出1段影像,是由其中1名罹難者的GoPro所拍下,也看到了他們生前的最後身影。
    2019/07/10 22:03
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