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    A-Lin 結果共500筆

  • 接棒蔡依林!陳芳語登紐約時代廣場嗨翻了 突自爆初戀地好害羞

  • BWF’s error leads to extra Olympic group, players protest

    Discover how Taiwanese badminton star Wang Chi-lin criticizes the Badminton World Federation for a scoring error affecting Olympic groupings, and his hopes for the Paris Olympics.
    2024/07/15 14:05
  • Taiwan braces for scorching weekend, temps to hit 39°C

    Discover the latest weather update: Meteorologist Lin Te-en warns of a significant temperature rise in Taiwan, especially in the Greater Taipei area, which may exceed 39 degrees Celsius this weekend. Stay informed on the changing weather patterns and how they might affect your area.
    2024/07/03 10:19
  • 金曲35/草東奪最佳華語專輯! A-Lin「揭獎口誤」機智反應曝光

    2024/06/29 23:28
  • 金曲35/草東沒有派對狂掃3獎!經紀人撞臉「憂憂」意外成亮點

    2024/06/29 23:28
  • 金曲35/舞台曝光!延伸頒獎台 呼應歌后A-Lin名言:這段路太漫長了

    2024/06/28 19:05
  • 金曲35/萬芳獻唱特別貢獻獎鄭華娟 4經典串組曲認了壓力大

    第35屆金曲獎將於本週六(29)日在台北小巨蛋登場,除了得獎名單備受關注外,每年頒獎嘉賓也為典禮增添許多亮點,今(24)日公布頒獎嘉賓陣容,包括(按筆畫排序): 9m88、A-Lin、Faye詹雯婷、HUSH、Leo王、YELLOW黃宣、江美琪、艾怡良、呂薔、告五人、桑布伊、高捷、許茹芸、陳君豪、陳建瑋、陳建騏、彭佳慧、熊仔、鳳小岳、魏如昀、魏如萱、蘇珮卿等都將出席這場屬於音樂人的盛會。
    2024/06/24 12:32
  • 影音/A-Lin現身《原子少年2》首錄讚選手! 挑戰〈有一種悲傷〉釣出歌后:差原唱一點

    2024/06/18 10:58
  • 《原子少年》第二季首錄現場! 坤達、歐弟、健志當導師

    2024/06/17 18:30
  • 「原子少年」挑戰歌后〈有一種悲傷〉 釣出A-Lin:差原唱一點

    2024/06/17 14:28
  • Former U.S. official urges Biden to clarify Taiwan policy

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s foreign affairs as Minister Lin Chia-lung responds to calls for a clear U.S. strategy on Taiwan, emphasizing peace and international support in the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/05/30 15:56
  • Taiwan vows not to raise health insurance costs for citizens

    Discover how Taiwan’s Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare, Lin Ching-yi, addresses concerns over National Health Insurance reform, emphasizing a balanced approach to maintain high-quality healthcare without increasing the financial burden on citizens.
    2024/05/22 17:10
  • 「泰坦級女團」NMIXX來台 獻唱A-LIN金曲超有誠意

    被譽為是韓流「新生代泰坦級女團」的NMIXX,5月18日、19日兩天舉辦首次「FAN CONCERT」專場,人氣大旺的她們,兩場開賣不久便火速公告完售,NMIXX於17日中午抵台,在桃機遇到媒體與剛好同班抵達的民眾,成員立刻揮手致意,漂亮臉蛋下笑容始終沒停過,也讓大家感受到她們的天花板級親和力。
    2024/05/20 18:05
  • 替老么圭珍提前慶生!NMIXX唱〈第一天〉五月天搖滾版超嗨

    2024/05/20 09:49
  • 戴愛玲變超瘦!苗條身材火辣成這樣 初戀身份驚為天人

    「鐵肺天后」戴愛玲昨(17)日在Zepp New Taipei舉辦戴愛玲「FOREVER 21」限定演唱會,演唱會一開場以一身銀色閃亮洋裝華麗登場,第一首歌就演唱瑞奇馬丁的〈A Cup of Life〉揭序幕,而完全合身剪裁的衣服,完全展現她的好身材,歌迷更直呼戴愛玲昨晚一身勁裝「超辣」,讓她笑說:「我也覺得我今天超辣,這場演唱會是我出道以來第一次一口氣唱這麼多不同人的歌,所以大家今天聽我唱之餘,如果聽到自己有回憶的歌也可以一起跟著我唱!」
    2024/05/18 14:05
  • Lin Fei-fan named deputy secretary-general of Taiwan’s NSC

    Discover the latest reshuffle in Taiwan’s administration as Lin Fei-fan, a key figure in the Sunflower Student Movement, is appointed deputy secretary-general of the National Security Council ahead of President-elect Lai Ching-te’s inauguration. This move, part of a broader administrative change, signals a blend of continuity and new directions for Taiwan’s future.
    2024/05/15 09:27
  • 貓女兒下重手!A-Lin愛徒胸口冒驚人血痕 自嘲事業線變長

    金曲歌后A-Lin愛徒琟娜(Verna),年前推出首張EP《量子幹嘛糾纏》,入圍第17屆FRESHMUSIC AWARDS「年度EP獎」,讓她和團隊都高興飛上天。不過日前母親節,她帶著家人吃大餐慶祝,回家後也與貓女兒「小花」共度佳節,胸口卻慘遭小花的利爪劃出一道長達10公分以上的血痕。
    2024/05/14 16:53
  • 楊丞琳認《帶我走》失常! 鄧紫棋直播談節目:挺好看的

    2024/05/13 12:06
  • 天王天后推手!索尼CEO連4年登美國告示牌 笑納最具影響力人士

    美國告示牌近日公布「2024年國際最具影響力人士」,該名單每年選出對全球流行音樂產業做出重大貢獻的代表人物,其中索尼音樂大中華區CEO陳國威(Andrew Chan)連續4年入選。
    2024/05/02 15:23
  • Northern Taiwan cools down amid plum rain front and monsoon

    Explore the recent weather forecast for Taiwan as meteorologist Lin Te-en discusses the impact of the northeast monsoon and the plum rain front, leading to a cooler, rainy week ahead. Discover how these conditions affect various regions differently, from potential thunderstorms in the north to lighter rains elsewhere, and how residents should prepare for the changing weather.
    2024/05/02 13:38
  • Taiwanese marmalade won gold, shines on world stage

    Tainan’s young farmer, Lin Wei-hsun, wins a gold medal at the Marmalade Awards in the UK, showcasing Taiwan’s agricultural prowess on the global stage with a uniquely crafted marmalade that competed against nearly 4,000 entries worldwide.
    2024/04/30 17:57
  • Taiwan’s weather swings: From heatwave to plum rains

    Taiwan faces a scorching day with temperatures up to 36°C, particularly in its southern and southeastern areas, as forecasted by the Central Weather Administration. Foehn winds are anticipated in Taitung County, prompting a heat advisory with a yellow warning for Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung counties. A weather shift is expected to bring brief showers or thunderstorms, especially in the central and northern regions, with heavier rainfall predicted for the northeastern and Greater Taipei’s mountainous areas. Meteorologist Lin Te-en highlights an expected above-average rainfall for May, aligning with the plum rain season, potentially easing Taiwan’s water scarcity concerns yet raising flooding risks.
    2024/04/30 11:54
  • A-Lin愛徒唱一半!台下「帥哥」拿匾額示愛 真實身分曝光

    A-Lin力捧的新人琟娜Verna一出道就以曼妙舞姿和動人歌喉竄紅,首張個人EP《量子幹嘛糾纏》大受好評,日前獲邀出席「2024 VOGUE風格野餐日」表演,特別有趣的是,當天居然有粉絲帶著匾額到現場吸引偶像注意,匾額上刻著「率真舞姬 琟娜 量子幹嘛糾纏」,讓琟娜Verna當下心裡狂喊:「不敢相信。」仔細一看此歌迷不是別人,居然是自己大學的學弟,當下邀他上台,卻遭學弟婉拒,但卻舉著匾額跳舞,讓VOGUE風格野餐日引爆最高潮,琟娜Verna說:「一般很難會收到匾額吧!」
    2024/04/28 18:00
  • President-elect Lai unveils sixth wave of cabinet reshuffle

    President-elect Lai Ching-te unveils the sixth wave of cabinet and national security appointments, featuring Joseph Wu as Secretary-General of the National Security Council and Lin Chia-lung as Minister of Foreign Affairs. The team, praised for its professionalism and commitment, includes a total of 34 appointments with an average age of 62.5.
    2024/04/25 17:35
  • Teen developer’s earthquake alert app hits 320K downloads

    Discover the story of Lin Tzu-yu, a high school senior who developed the Taiwan Earthquake Alert app, providing early warnings for earthquakes. With over 320,000 downloads, this self-taught coder’s creation has become essential for residents in seismic-active Taiwan, especially following a 7.2 magnitude quake in Hualien.
    2024/04/24 11:14
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