  • 歷史搜尋:
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  • Cross-strait relations unaffected by celebrity split: TAO

    The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) addresses the Wang Xiaofei and Barbie Hsu divorce, stating that it will not impact cross-strait relations. Chen Pin-hua emphasizes the importance of amicable separations in failed marriages, highlighting the unity and familial ties between both sides of the strait.
    2024/03/27 13:50
  • Taiwan’s FDA investigates deadly food poisoning case

    A suspected mass food poisoning incident at a vegetarian restaurant in Taipei’s Xinyi District has left one person dead and eight others ill, according to Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration. Wu Shou-mei, Director-General of the FDA, stated that three victims are in serious condition. The incident occurred at Polam Kopitiam in the Far Eastern Department Store’s Xinyi A13 branch. Authorities are investigating the cause and testing food samples from the restaurant.
    2024/03/27 13:45
  • New Taipei City accelerates YouBike upgrade

    The New Taipei City Government Transportation Department completes the upgrade of YouBike 1.0 stations to 2.0 in Tamsui, Xindian, and Xizhi districts. The city aims to finish the citywide upgrade by October 2024, integrating public bicycle resources in the Taipei-Taipei-Taoyuan area.
    2024/03/27 12:51
  • Hsiao: Ma Ying-jeou’s China itinerary still being arranged

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming visit to China, including a potential meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, is eagerly anticipated amid ongoing tensions between Taiwan and China. Stay tuned for updates on Ma’s itinerary and its implications for cross-strait relations.
    2024/03/27 10:38
  • S Hotel undergoes major rebranding and ownership shift

    Discover the latest on the rebranding of the S Hotel in Taipei, owned by Wang Xiaofei, ex-husband of Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu. Reports suggest it may soon be known as "MGallery" on Dunhua Road, following Wang’s transfer of ownership to the French multinational Accor Group.
    2024/03/27 10:06
  • 泰4歲弟玩射飛刀!「直插姐姐後腦」2.5公分 驚悚X光照曝

    2024/03/26 19:39
  • 20歲拳王猝逝!日教練曬「遺容大合照」挨轟 1大咖現身道歉了

    2024/03/26 19:24
  • Speculation grows over a possible Ma-Xi meeting in Beijing

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming visit to China from April 1-11 sparks discussions on cross-strait relations and a possible meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping amid Taiwan’s push for sovereignty.
    2024/03/26 17:51
  • Tsai urged to visit Taiping Island to assert sovereignty

    Foundation Executive Director Hsiao Hsu-tsen warns that President Tsai Ing-wen’s failure to visit Taiping Island may break the tradition of asserting sovereignty in the South China Sea within two presidential terms, potentially affecting future claims and morale. The United States has historically opposed such visits, exerting pressure on former Presidents Ma Ying-jeou and Chen Shui-bian. Ma’s 2016 visit was not related to a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, as clarified by Hsiao.
    2024/03/26 17:23
  • Potential food poisoning incident under probe in Taipei

    Taipei’s Department of Health is investigating a food safety scandal involving Polam Kopitiam at Far Eastern Department Store Xinyi A13. Two diners experienced symptoms of food poisoning after consuming food at the restaurant. The investigation results are expected in two weeks. The restaurant faces potential fines if health violations are not rectified by the given deadline.
    2024/03/26 16:21
  • 批高虹安愛將田政弘是「國民懶X」 社運名人判賠10萬

    2024/03/26 16:15
  • 孫盛希表弟遭酸變性!本人不忍開嗆「供X」 訴真實心聲網挺爆

    2024/03/26 15:57
  • 餐飲健康風潮再升級 新型無酒精啤酒吸引XYZ世代

    2024/03/26 14:59
  • Ko Wen-je supports Ma Ying-jeou’s China trip with conditions

    Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je expresses openness to former President Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and dignity. Speculation arises over a potential meeting between Ma and Chinese leader Xi Jinping, their first in nearly nine years. Ko has no plans for his own visit to China, stressing the need for a clear purpose. Hsiao Hsu-tsen of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation comments on the possibility of a second "Ma-Xi meeting," emphasizing respect for mainland arrangements.
    2024/03/26 14:12
  • 億萬金童陳宣任驚爆恐怖家暴!鈔票狠割妻臉「X!妳就死要錢」

    2024/03/26 07:56
  • Ma Foundation expresses wish to meet with Xi Jinping

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou is set to visit mainland China again in April, leading a group of young people from the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation exchange program on a cultural and educational tour. The visit includes stops at Peking University in Beijing, Sun Yat-sen University, and a grand ceremony worshipping the Yellow Emperor. Plans for a meeting between Ma and Chinese leader Xi Jinping are subject to China’s arrangements.
    2024/03/25 15:18
  • 得流感連咳1個月!30歲陸男「胸口像被捶」 就醫才知斷2根肋骨

    2024/03/25 11:27
  • 半夜急送醫救治!48歲男星「3疾纏身」 突喘不上氣病況曝

    2024/03/25 09:43
  • 噁!印度變態攤販疑在冰淇淋「加料精液」 自瀆畫面全都錄

    2024/03/24 21:35
  • NBA/萬用籌碼大翻身!險淪湖人棄子 羅素升格「單季三分王」

    順利捱過季中交易的「流言警訊」後,羅素(D’Angelo Russell)雖然在進攻端仍偶爾會出現手感冰冷的情況,但整體狀態相比上半季要好出許多,無論是持球組織、外線冷箭的信心都有明顯提升,被視為湖人下半季最令球迷「欣慰」的X因子之一;而在台灣時間23日對陣76人的比賽中,雖然僅有4顆三分球進帳,仍順利以187顆的進球數躍升「湖人單季三分王」。
    2024/03/23 21:17
  • 「電梯按錯樓」手畫X有用?他衝百貨實測 結果讓萬人驚呆

    2024/03/23 15:49
  • 越男肚痛爆送急診!「30公分活鰻」溜進腹中 咬腸穿破洞慘了

    2024/03/23 11:37
  • 未來做什麼最賺錢?他揭6大產業最紅 「1行業」像印鈔機

    2024/03/23 10:22
  • 汪小菲大暴走!直播狂飆髒話怒點「1大咖」傻X:封殺我吧

    2024/03/23 09:47
  • 《財閥X刑警》爆紅!連老鄉都忘安普賢本名 劇組保證:不會爛尾

    安普賢、朴智賢主演的全新刑偵爽劇《財閥 X 刑警》,上檔以來屢次締造韓國收視佳績,更一度突破全國11.0%的高標,被譽為今年最大黑馬,也讓「最暖肌肉男」安普賢再添一部代表作!本週即將迎來完結篇,安普賢飾演的財閥富三代陳利手,這次將正式面對自己的身世之謎,他要查明親生母親在25年前的死亡真相,第14集結尾竟迎來震撼轉折,陳利手的父親、漢水集團會長陳明鐵竟意外身亡,深陷憤怒情緒的陳利手,卻在此刻決定遞出辭呈不當刑警,他們是否能找到詭計多端的幕後真兇?
    2024/03/23 08:52
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