  • 歷史搜尋:
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  • Civic groups demand rights for Taiwan’s migrant workers

    Explore the efforts of civic groups in Taiwan advocating for the rights of new immigrants, including migrant workers. They seek legal reforms to ensure equality and protection.
    2024/06/19 16:41
  • NBA/總決賽輸球超慘!格林認「寧願無緣季後賽」:不同的壓力

    2023-24賽季的NBA總冠軍賽落下帷幕,由東區豪門塞爾提克以4-1擊敗獨行俠,捧起聯盟最多的隊史第18冠;談到賽季的歐布萊恩金盃(Larry O’Brien Trophy)歸屬,手握四枚冠軍戒指的勇士悍將格林(Draymond Green)卻在節目中坦言,闖進總決賽卻沒能笑到最後的感覺「史上最糟」,更語出驚人的表示,如果沒法奪冠,那他甚至「寧願不打季後賽」。
    2024/06/19 16:34
  • Signal malfunctions delay trains on Taiwan’s South-link line

    Discover the latest on Taiwan Railway Corporation’s signal malfunctions on the South-link line, causing delays. Repairs are underway as the cause remains under investigation.
    2024/06/19 16:24
  • MND opens doors to military internet influencers for event

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense is embracing digital age transparency by opening its doors to military internet influencers, a first following regulatory revisions. This initiative aims to include diverse media voices in defense reporting.
    2024/06/19 16:12
  • Netflix6月收視出爐 韓劇《名校的階梯》非英語劇榜第一名

    2024/06/19 16:08
  • Kaohsiung Metro adjusts AC times following online backlash

    Discover how Kaohsiung Metro is responding to public outcry over hot platforms by starting air conditioning an hour earlier. This change follows a viral Facebook post and aims to balance comfort with energy-saving policies.
    2024/06/19 15:56
  • NBA/勸布朗尼別去湖人!米勒認「恐被壓力毀掉」:適合去馬刺

    隨著塞爾提克奪下NBA總冠軍,籃球界也將迎來短暫的休息時間,除了即將到來的巴黎奧運值得關注之外,「皇之子」布朗尼(Bronny James)將會在什麼區間被球隊選中、詹姆斯(LeBron James)是否將實現「父子同隊」的夢想,無疑是令球迷相當好奇的重點之一;然而卻不是所有人都看好父子同隊,名人堂傳奇米勒(Reggie Miller)也對此表態。
    2024/06/19 15:48
  • 藤岡靛自爆來台發展「被逼辦簽名會」 跟告五人登高雄巨蛋:爽!

    日本男星藤岡靛雖然目前主要在東京活動,不過2000年代曾在台灣拍攝多部偶像劇,包含《極道學園》、《轉角*遇到愛》等。最近除了日劇《潘朵拉的果實-科學犯罪搜查檔案》,更回到台灣拍攝Netflix戲劇《誰是被害者:第2季》。影歌雙棲的他準備發行個人精選輯《Stars of the Lid》,對於先前能跟告五人一起站上高雄巨蛋演出,藤岡靛直呼:「感覺很爽!」
    2024/06/19 15:42
  • NBA/塔圖姆率隊奪冠 塞爾提克將開聯盟史上最大約綁人

    NBA波士頓塞爾提克在總冠軍賽以4:1擊敗達拉斯獨行俠,拿下隊史第18座總冠軍,一哥塔圖姆(Jayson Tatum)雖然錯失FMVP,但他應該不會失望太久,因為球隊準備端出聯盟史上最大的合約與他續約。
    2024/06/19 15:38
  • New Taipei Mayor outlines plans for Linkou Light Rail

    Discover how New Taipei City plans to enhance regional traffic with the potential prioritization of the Linkou Light Rail project, based on passenger thresholds and the impact of the TPASS1200 monthly pass.
    2024/06/19 15:32
  • Lai calls for legislative review of supervisory powers bill

    Discover the latest on President Lai Ching-te’s appeal to Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan to reconsider the expansion of legislature’s supervisory powers bill, amid societal discontent and upcoming vote.
    2024/06/19 14:46
  • 超大咖搖滾樂團主唱無預警登場 他圓夢全場嗨翻

    《王牌冤家》導演米歇爾龔特利(Michel Gondry)睽違7年的喜劇新作《萬事通大全》,他竟邀請《時尚大師聖羅蘭》凱薩獎影帝皮耶尼內(Pierre Niney)在片中詮釋患有躁鬱症的自己,坦誠大膽令人折服。皮耶尼內除演活躁鬱症導演的陰晴不定,片中也有不少神來之筆的無厘頭金句。
    2024/06/19 14:28
  • Lai defends Taiwan’s sovereignty in first month in office

    2024/06/19 14:19
  • NBA/先換國家隊球衣?湯普森將加入巴哈馬男籃訓練營

    NBA金州勇士球星「浪花弟」湯普森(Klay Thompson)今夏將成為自由球員,是否離隊成為外界關注焦點,然而在他的去向確定前,傳出湯普森將與巴哈馬男籃一起練球,未來有機會披上巴哈馬國家隊球衣。
    2024/06/19 13:41
  • 魔獸揪「NBA兩球星」來台 霍華德:台是第2個家

    2024/06/19 13:27
  • 愛女喝醉搭車被性侵!美爸火大「開槍掃射司機」 替她報仇

    2024/06/19 12:32
  • President Lai forms three committees in Taiwan’s new era

    Discover how Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te is advancing national development with the launch of three new committees focused on climate change, societal resilience, and health promotion, marking a new era in Taiwanese politics.
    2024/06/19 12:08
  • Taiwan defense ministry demotes commander for misconduct

    Discover the actions taken by Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense after a battalion commander faced allegations of sexual harassment in Matsu. Learn about the disciplinary measures and future plans for prevention.
    2024/06/19 11:29
  • 過度競爭無利可圖 分析師建議:福特、通用退出中國

    面對中國自家品牌快速崛起,外加成本、售價和銷售愈來愈競爭,讓這個最大消費市場壓力無限擴大。此時美國銀行(Bank of America)分析師墨菲(John Murphy)在一份研究報告中,直接點名總部位於底特律的三大美國車廠,呼籲通用(GM)、福特(Ford Motor)和斯泰蘭蒂斯(Stellantis NV)認清現況,「中國不再是你們最核心關注的重點,你們應該專注在真正能賺錢的領域!」
    2024/06/19 11:28
  • Taipei envoy’s plane hit by lightning after takeoff

    Discover the harrowing experience of Frank Hsieh, head of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan, as his plane was struck by lightning after takeoff from Songshan, sparking a moment of reflection and a light-hearted conclusion.
    2024/06/19 11:10
  • NBA/KCP將力拚生涯最後一張大約 金塊恐無力留人

    NBA丹佛金塊本季在季後賽次輪提早落馬,無緣衛冕冠軍,賽季結束後還得面臨核心球員波普(Kentavious Caldwell-Pope)的續約難題,外媒認為他很有可能因為價碼談不攏而離隊。
    2024/06/19 11:09
  • 擦完防曬「為何還是變黑」?醫揭2大盲點:超NG錯誤行為

    2024/06/19 10:54
  • Incidents reignite debate over MRT’s priority seating policy

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s priority seating policy in public transportation: A proposal to expand the scope under the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act is back to square one. Learn about the ongoing debate, recent incidents, and what’s next.
    2024/06/19 10:52
  • MOEA: Taipei tech park outage not due to power shortage

    Discover the latest on Taipei’s unexpected power outage in Neihu Technology Park, not linked to power shortages, as Minister Kuo Jyh-Huei clarifies. Learn about the measures Taiwan is taking to ensure power stability amid concerns over the Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant’s shutdown.
    2024/06/19 10:28
  • 大賈斯汀紐約酒駕被捕!拒酒測辯:只喝一杯 眼充血上銬照曝

    43歲美國歌手大賈斯汀(Justin Timberlake)曾獲10座葛萊美獎,被譽為「流行音樂王子」,他美國時間17日晚間驚爆在紐約(New York)酒駕、闖紅燈被捕,被警方攔查時還拒絕接受酒測,稱自己只喝了一杯馬丁尼(Martini,一種雞尾酒)。他最後被禁止在紐約州駕駛1年,被捕檔案照也曝光。
    2024/06/19 10:11
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