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    survey 結果共107筆

  • President Lai’s approval rating sees slight increase in June

    Discover the latest approval ratings for Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te and Premier Cho Jung-tai in a comprehensive June poll. Learn about the shifts in public opinion and key statistics from the survey.
    2024/07/01 16:28
  • 秘魯7.2強震「發海嘯警報」 美國:最高恐達3公尺

    根據美國地質調查所(US Geological Survey, USGS)最新情報,秘魯阿蒂基帕(Atiquipa)於當地時間今(28)日凌晨12點36分,發生芮氏規模7.2強震,震源深度僅28公里。目前未發布海嘯相關警報。
    2024/06/28 14:04
  • Survey: 40% in Taiwan unsure where to get HIV tests

    Discover the latest findings from a Taiwan AIDS Foundation survey revealing that 40% of Taiwanese are unsure where to get HIV tests. Learn about the CDC’s recommendations and self-testing options.
    2024/06/27 15:33
  • AI to cut 29.2% of jobs in the next decade, survey finds

    Discover how AI is set to transform the job market, with a survey revealing a 29.2% reduction in job opportunities over the next decade. Learn which jobs are at risk and the rising demand for AI skills.
    2024/06/26 10:51
  • Foreign minister Lin Chia-lung tops Taiwan satisfaction poll

    Discover the latest satisfaction ratings of Taiwan’s government officials, including the top-ranked Minister of Foreign Affairs and the lowest-rated Minister of Digital Affairs, based on a Taiwan Brain Trust poll.
    2024/06/20 16:18
  • President Lai’s approval dips in first month, survey shows

    Discover the latest poll results on President Lai Ching-te’s performance, showing nearly half of Taiwanese citizens approve. The survey, conducted by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation, highlights a significant support loss and public opinion trends.
    2024/06/18 10:08
  • New Taipei mayor sees highest dissatisfaction rate: Survey

    Discover the latest shifts in public approval for Taiwan’s city leaders, as revealed by a Global Views Monthly survey. New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih sees the highest dissatisfaction, while Taipei’s Chiang Wan-an enjoys a surge in approval. Explore the dynamic political landscape and how it reflects on local governance.
    2024/06/06 17:17
  • Taichung mayor tops Taiwan city governance survey

    Discover the top-performing mayors in Taiwan’s major cities according to the 2024 Global Views City Governance Satisfaction Survey. Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen leads with a 72.9% satisfaction rating.
    2024/06/06 16:15
  • Taiwan sees surge in pet numbers, cats lead the boom

    Discover the latest findings from the Ministry of Agriculture’s survey, revealing a significant rise in pet ownership in Taiwan, with pet cats seeing a 50% increase. Learn about the changes in survey methods and the potential for a new cat registration system.
    2024/05/31 17:21
  • 阿拉斯加河流「變橘色」 全球暖化「永凍層」釋放毒金屬

    美國國家公園管理局(National Park Service)、加州大學戴維斯分校(UC Davis)和美國地質調查局( US Geological Survey)的最新研究發現,阿拉斯加的河流和溪流正在「改變顏色」,從清澈的藍色變成鏽橙色,原因是永凍層融化釋放出有毒金屬。
    2024/05/30 12:38
  • DPP clarifies use of mobile signal data amid KMT criticism

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s political scene: DPP spokesperson Cho Kuan-ting addresses KMT’s surveillance accusations, explaining the use of mobile signal data for market research is standard practice. Learn more about the controversy and the clarification provided.
    2024/05/28 17:58
  • Poll: Majority of Taiwanese oppose death penalty abolition

    Discover the latest findings from a TPOF poll revealing strong opposition among Taiwanese citizens against the abolition of the death penalty, with insights across demographics and political lines.
    2024/05/27 11:06
  • Taiwan’s new Cabinet needs to build public trust: TVBS Poll

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s political landscape as Vice President Lai Ching-te and Premier Cho Jung-tai take office, promising to bolster Taiwan’s domestic and international standing amid divided public opinion.
    2024/05/20 19:54
  • Survey reveals Taiwan office workers’ financial challenges

    A recent survey in Taiwan indicates a pressing issue with office workers finding their wages insufficient due to rising living and dining costs, highlighting the need for economic adjustments.
    2024/05/13 17:36
  • E-cigarette use among Taiwan’s youth doubles, survey finds

    Discover the latest findings on the rise of electronic cigarette use among junior high students in Taiwan, the dangers posed by marketing tactics, and the government’s efforts to combat this trend.
    2024/05/13 17:30
  • Taiwan’s Medical Act revision to protect pregnant doctors

    In Taipei, a survey by the Doctors’ Union highlights that nearly 30% of female doctors are required to work night shifts, prompting calls for amendments to the Medical Care Act to better protect pregnant and child-rearing female doctors. The Ministry of Health and Welfare emphasizes existing protections but faces challenges in enforcing these due to previous constitutional rulings. Amendments aim to allow night shifts for pregnant doctors with consent, under specific conditions, with fines for non-compliance. The situation underscores the ongoing struggle to balance medical care needs with gender equality and workers’ rights.
    2024/05/10 18:05
  • Taiwan’s workplace smoking rates climb, survey finds

    Recent surveys in Taiwan reveal a troubling rise in smoking rates among workers, despite longstanding bans and efforts to curb tobacco use in workplaces. Health risks from secondhand and thirdhand smoke are increasing, highlighting the need for stronger enforcement and smoking cessation programs.
    2024/05/02 15:34
  • 82% of Taiwan employees worked unpaid overtime, survey finds

    Discover the alarming trend in Taiwan’s workforce where 70% of employees are virtually on call 24/7, with a significant portion working unpaid overtime, as revealed by a Yes123 survey. This situation has led to an indirect salary reduction of 11.6% for many, exacerbated by the constant connectivity enabled by smartphones.
    2024/04/30 13:17
  • Zero lost luggage: Kansai Airport’s 30-year perfect record

    Discover how Kansai Airport in Japan has achieved the title of best airport for baggage handling in the 2024 Skytrax survey, maintaining a perfect record of zero lost luggage since 1994. Learn about its efficient baggage handling process and see how it compares to other top-ranking airports worldwide.
    2024/04/29 16:44
  • Japanese group conducts drone survey near Senkaku Islands

    Explore the latest on East Asia’s territorial disputes: A Japanese group led by ex-Defense Minister Tomomi Inada conducted a drone inspection near the Senkaku Islands, amid tensions with China.
    2024/04/29 15:32
  • Semiconductor industry optimistic despite challenges

    Discover insights from the "2024 Global Semiconductor Industry Survey" by KPMG, revealing optimism among executives despite challenges, with 85% expecting revenue growth and strategies for supply chain diversification.
    2024/04/26 21:50
  • Taiwan leads in tourist spending in Japan for 2023

    In 2023, Taiwan led foreign tourist spending in Japan, with Taiwanese visitors contributing significantly to the country’s tourism revenue. Find out more about the record-breaking spending trends and top spenders in this insightful report.
    2024/04/02 17:05
  • Officials face public dissatisfaction, survey shows

    The latest poll by My-formosa.com reveals high dissatisfaction rates towards Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua, Minister of Digital Affairs Audrey Tang, and NCC Chairman Chen Yaw-shyang. Criticism is directed at the Tsai administration’s handling of inflation, fraud prevention, and green energy policies. Conducted through telephone interviews across Taiwan, the survey highlights public discontent with specific government departments and policies.
    2024/03/29 12:15
  • Taiwan businesses prioritize swift action for profitability

    Read about the latest insights from the 2024 Taiwan Business Leadership Survey by PwC Taiwan. Discover how Taiwanese business leaders are navigating challenges and opportunities in a rapidly changing economic landscape, with a focus on sustainability, competition, and transformation. Gain valuable perspectives on the future outlook and industry-specific trends shaping Taiwan’s business environment.
    2024/03/27 16:52
  • NCKU tops job bank’s university rank for business favorites

    Discover the latest job bank survey results ranking Taiwan’s favorite universities for businesses. National Cheng Kung University leads the list, followed by National Taiwan University and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Private institutions like Tamkang University and Fu Jen Catholic University also make the top ranks. Learn how these universities integrate digital skills and industry disciplines to nurture diverse talent.
    2024/02/27 17:01
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