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    staff shortages 結果共38筆

  • Premier Cho upholds 40-year nuclear plant limit amid debate

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s energy policy: Premier Cho Jung-tai emphasizes the 40-year nuclear plant contract as a trust principle, amid debates on extending Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant’s life to tackle energy shortages.
    2024/06/28 22:00
  • Economic recovery influences salary trends, data shows

    Explore the latest findings on Taiwan’s wage trends: A Ministry of Labor meeting reveals a decade-high average salary increase of 5.4%, driven by economic recovery and talent shortages. Dive into industry-specific data and the implications for wage adjustments.
    2024/06/26 15:05
  • MOEA: Taipei tech park outage not due to power shortage

    Discover the latest on Taipei’s unexpected power outage in Neihu Technology Park, not linked to power shortages, as Minister Kuo Jyh-Huei clarifies. Learn about the measures Taiwan is taking to ensure power stability amid concerns over the Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant’s shutdown.
    2024/06/19 10:28
  • Taoyuan blackouts not caused by power shortage: Premier

    Premier Chen Chien-jen addresses the recent power outages in Taoyuan, Taiwan, clarifying they are not due to power shortages but external factors, equipment issues, and natural disasters. Over 100 staff from Taiwan Power Company are deployed for inspections and maintenance to mitigate future incidents.
    2024/05/08 15:54
  • Taoyuan faces power crisis: aging infrastructure to blame

    Explore the challenges Taoyuan City faces with power outages, as Deputy Mayor Wang Ming-chu addresses equipment failure, aging infrastructure, and the indirect role of power shortages. Amidst public dissatisfaction and the impact on industries and healthcare, Taoyuan confronts the realities of climate change and growing demands on its electricity supply.
    2024/04/19 18:07
  • Taiwan’s young adults face record-high mortgages

    Young adults in Taiwan face record-high mortgages, with only 21% of young people in Taipei City owning homes. Rising property prices are attributed to labor and material shortages and increasing land prices. Homeownership among young people dropped to 32.2% in 2023, with Taipei and New Taipei having the lowest rates. Kaohsiung has the highest rate of young homeowners at 37.3%.
    2024/03/28 16:13
  • CDC measles update: 2 new clusters identified

    The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) revised information on measles spread, revealing two cluster infections instead of four. With a potential spike in cases predicted for March and April, the CDC urges the public to get vaccinated to prevent shortages.
    2024/03/06 14:46
  • MOL finalizes MOU exchange, set to address labor shortages

    Minister of Labor Hsu Ming-chun confirms completion of MOU exchange process with India, introducing migrant workers to various industries in Taiwan. Details of the initiative and discussions with India outlined.
    2024/03/06 11:43
  • Taiwan’s MOL clarifies remarks on Indian workers

    The Ministry of Labor clarifies remarks about Indian migrant workers by Minister Hsu Ming-chun, emphasizing no discrimination. Taiwan and India aim to address labor shortages through a recent MOU. Taiwan’s labor policies uphold human rights and equal treatment, rejecting discrimination. The MOL promotes labor cooperation with India and urges the public to focus on constructive bilateral cooperation.
    2024/03/05 10:53
  • Yannick cake chain to shut 6 stores amid market shake-up

    Yannick, the pioneer of Taiwan’s cream roll cake, is set to close six stores nationwide as part of its 2024 strategy adjustment due to labor shortages and high raw material costs. Despite this, Yannick Chairman Wu Tsung-en remains optimistic about the company’s operations and plans to launch 30 additional Yannick To Go Machine (YTM) cake vending machines. Founded in 2000, Yannick is known for being the first cake shop to specialize in slice cakes and later introduce the cream roll cake.
    2024/02/27 13:48
  • Taiwan faces critical blood shortage, O-type at alarming low

    Taiwan Blood Service Foundation reports critical shortage of O-type blood, with only 3.7 days’ worth in stock. Decreased donations due to Lunar New Year holiday impact blood supply, with Taipei Blood Center urging public to donate after work to alleviate crisis. Blood bank stocks at only 4.5 days, far below optimal level of 7-10 days. A, B, and AB blood types also facing shortages.
    2024/02/17 13:29
  • Taiwan signs MOU with India to employ migrant workers

    Taiwan’s Executive Yuan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with India to facilitate the hiring of Indian migrant workers. The MOU states that Taiwan will determine the sectors and numbers for employment, while India will recruit and train the workers according to regulations. Contrary to online rumors, the plan does not involve the introduction of 100,000 Indian workers. The signing ceremony occurred online between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India and the India-Taipei Association. Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor will submit the MOU to the Legislative Yuan for record and will hold meetings with Indian counterparts to discuss further details. Once all preparations are completed, India will be recognized as a new source of migrant labor, allowing employers to hire based on individual demand. This move is part of Taiwan’s efforts to address issues such as an aging population, decreased birth rate, and labor shortages by developing new sources of migrant labor.
    2024/02/16 17:33
  • Taiwan’s mega job fairs offer 6,000 vacancies in February

    The Ministry of Labor’s Workforce Development Agency Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli Regional Branch organized five job fairs in Taiwan in February, with a total of 150 companies offering 6,000 high-quality vacancies. The job fairs, held in Taoyuan, Zhongli, Hsinchu, and Miaoli, attracted a significant number of companies and job seekers. Notably, the Zhubei Civil Sports Center hosted a job fair on February 22, featuring 52 companies offering 2,400 job vacancies, including positions such as electronic engineer, product engineer, safety engineer, and Japanese translator. Some of these roles boasted top salaries of up to NT$70,000. Another job fair with a manufacturing theme took place in Miaoli on the same day, where the highest salary on offer was NT$60,000. Three job fairs were held in Taoyuan, with the highest salary reaching an impressive NT$100,000. The Director General of the agency, Lai Chia-Jen, highlighted the branch’s commitment to addressing job shortages and promoting employment in the post-epidemic period. To encourage employment, the branch also extended employment incentives for project labor shortages.
    2024/02/15 17:30
  • Dine on a new career: Din Tai Fung offers high-paying jobs

    Renowned restaurant Din Tai Fung and the Taipei City Government are partnering for a massive recruitment event, offering 150 vacancies with salaries up to NT$57,000. The job fair will take place on Feb. 24 at the Taipei Youth Salon. Over 90% of the positions are open to applicants without prior work experience, as part of Din Tai Fung’s efforts to invest in talent recruitment, salary welfare, and training. The available positions include catering service specialists, cashiers, restaurant tidying staff, pastry apprentices, chefs, dish quality inspectors, dishwashers, and in-store timing staff. Part-time workers can earn up to NT$240 an hour on weekends. Salaries start at NT$48,000 for waitstaff, with the potential to reach NT$55,000 after assessments. Chefs have the opportunity to make up to NT$57,000. The average monthly salary from previous recruitment drives with Din Tai Fung is NT$40,000, and many companies have increased salaries due to labor shortages caused by the pandemic. The catering industry has seen a rising salary trend, with Din Tai Fung increasing salaries by 3% to 6% in 2023, totaling a 16% increase over three years. This recruitment drive is open to talents in Taipei, New Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung, and Kaohsiung.
    2024/02/15 13:51
  • Taipei to reoffer free 30-minute YouBike rides

    The Taipei City Department of Transportation will announce the implementation date of the free 30-minute YouBike rental policy after the 2024 budget is passed. The policy aims to reduce carbon emissions by 40% and increase the use of green transportation to 70% by 2030. It was previously implemented in 2012 but ended in 2015. A public opinion poll in 2023 showed support for the policy among motorcyclists and the YouBike community, with over 60% of motorcyclists willing to switch to using YouBike for short trips. To address potential bike shortages, the department has added 1,780 bikes in May and 1,500 bikes in December 2023, increasing the availability of bikes citywide from 80% to 90%. In 2024, the department plans to add another 6,000 YouBikes and improve scheduling and personnel to meet the increased demand.
    2024/01/05 18:11
  • Ko highlights Taiwan’s challenges under DPP rule

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je criticized the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) governance in Taiwan, pointing out various shortcomings such as shortages of land, water, electricity, talent, and labor during Lai Ching-te’s tenure as premier. Ko also claimed that Taiwan is currently lacking eggs, pork, vaccines, health screening resources, and even toilet paper. He further highlighted present issues including low birthrates, national security risks from an aging population, wage stagnation, inflation, slow industrial transformation, and high housing costs. Ko accused the government of not allocating special budgets for expenditures, resulting in an alleged surplus of NT$900 billion, and criticized their lack of transparency. He expressed disappointment with the DPP’s failure to address issues left by the Kuomintang (KMT) after eight years in power. Additionally, Ko mentioned that Taiwanese people generally feel insecure about the current status of the Taiwan Strait, which has caused societal discord, political factions, and cross-strait unrest.
    2023/12/30 17:05
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih slams DPP’s COVID-19 response in debate

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticized the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for their mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic during a live presidential debate. Hou specifically targeted DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, accusing him of neglect during the outbreak. Hou further claimed that Lai focused on issues surrounding his family home’s illegal expansion claim instead of caring for the public. As the former mayor of New Taipei City, Hou stated that any pandemic-related advice proposed to the central government was denied. He also criticized the DPP government for shortages of anti-epidemic supplies and food safety issues. Hou emphasized the need to establish a special investigation team to probe malpractices in the DPP’s pandemic approach. Additionally, he questioned Lai’s advocacy for Taiwanese independence, suggesting that it could escalate cross-strait tensions. Hou criticized Lai’s tactics as underestimating the intelligence of the Taiwanese people and disrespecting the Republic of China (Taiwan). He portrayed Lai as ungrateful and not trustworthy for Taiwan.
    2023/12/30 15:23
  • Lai Ching-te defends ’2025 Non-Nuclear Homeland’

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te defended his party’s energy policy against criticisms from the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) on Tuesday (Dec. 26), reiterating that the ’2025 Non-Nuclear Homeland’ is not forcible termination. The plan, launched by President Tsai Ing-wen, is not meant to abruptly end the operation of existing nuclear power plants. The Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant’s No. 2 Reactor will cease operations by 2025 in accordance with the law. Lai praised Tsai’s initiative in developing the renewable energy industry and questioned the stance of KMT’s presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and TPP’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je on nuclear power. Lai also cast doubts on the candidates’ proposals to resurrect the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, questioning the disregard of the referendum’s legal effects. He announced plans to invest NT$900 billion by 2030 in motivating corporate investment for the goal of ’carbon neutrality by 2050.’ Lai emphasized the importance of aligning with international standards, establishing carbon trading systems, promoting green electricity, reducing carbon emissions from the Taiwan Power Company, and addressing climate change’s impact on industrial development. He dismissed concerns about future green energy supply sufficiency, citing the Taiwan Power Company’s prediction of an electricity demand increase to 7 million kilowatts by 2030, with supply surpassing 9 million kilowatts. Lai predicted an end to power shortages and the advent of a diverse green energy era.
    2023/12/26 19:35
  • C.C. Wei to maintain course after Liu’s 2024 exit: analyst

    TSMC chairman Mark Liu’s upcoming retirement in 2024 has led investment experts to suggest that the semiconductor giant should slow down the progress of its new manufacturing facility in the United States. Industry analyst Jonah Cheng believes that TSMC’s policy direction will remain unchanged under the leadership of chief executive C.C. Wei, who is expected to succeed Liu as chairman. Cheng also proposes maintaining a dual leadership structure to cultivate successors from various backgrounds. Speculation suggests that Liu’s retirement may be linked to potential investment challenges in the company’s U.S. expansion. In response to these challenges, Cheng recommends a deceleration in the construction of TSMC’s second U.S. plant. He also highlights the need to assess the current downturn in the car market and economic outlook before proceeding with the German plant focused on automotive applications. Cheng suggests that the Japanese facility could be an optimal choice due to labor and power shortages in Taiwan, as well as cultural similarities and strong government support from Japan. TSMC’s primary obstacle, according to Cheng, is maintaining its leadership position in the semiconductor industry, especially after surpassing Intel. Additionally, the cyclical nature of the industry and the potential opportunities presented by the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) applications pose further challenges for the company.
    2023/12/20 18:45
  • Taiwan boosts avian flu checks amid regional outbreaks

    Taipei’s Acting Minister of Agriculture, Chen Junne-jih, announced the implementation of a specialized avian influenza prevention program in September, including increased testing frequency to monitor the disease. This comes in response to recent outbreaks in Japan and chicken farms in Yunlin County, raising concerns about egg price hikes and shortages. Chen warned that the situation may worsen with the expected drop in temperature next week. Taiwan has been conducting active and passive surveillance for avian influenza since September, focusing on high-risk areas near migratory bird paths and implementing biosecurity measures at poultry farms. Chen assured that the country’s egg production capability has recovered since the shortage earlier this year, with reserves of liquid eggs available for emergencies. Domestic egg reserves will be released first in the event of increased market demand, with the import of liquid eggs only considered if a severe outbreak leads to a supply shortage. Chen emphasized the importance of maintaining appropriate stock levels through the imported egg project to ensure a stable egg supply despite the challenges posed by avian influenza.
    2023/12/12 17:54
  • TRA eyes punctuality boost with 2024 corporatization

    Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) is set to undergo corporatization on January 1, 2024, with the aim of improving punctuality and reducing delays. The agency believes that this transformation, along with the introduction of new trains next year, will enhance its competitiveness in the transport market. The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) has experienced increased passenger numbers recently, leading to capacity shortages and overcrowding in non-reserved seating. Concerns have been raised about the decline in THSR service quality, with some referring to it as "high-speed rail becoming like local trains." Under the new Taiwan Railways Corporation, TRA plans to offer services on the eastern main line and support the western short-to-medium-haul network, creating a cooperative yet competitive relationship with THSR. TRA aims to enhance the passenger experience by updating ticket gates and passenger information systems across all railway stations in Taiwan over the next three years. To address the capacity issue, TRA plans to provide shuttle services at Changhua Station and improve inter-rail transfer services. The establishment of the TRA corporation aims to clarify its market positioning, including strengthening intercity transport service between the eastern and western main lines and improving regional commuting transport on the western line. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has established a debt repayment fund to address TRA’s short-term debt of around NT$170 billion, with the goal of making TRA debt-free by 2025 and profitable by 2028. Post-corporatization, TRA plans to increase revenue and optimize asset management through flexible approaches such as joint development initiatives and land rights establishment.
    2023/12/12 17:03
  • Five things you need to know

    Taipei’s top five reports from Monday include the indictment of an army officer on charges of defection and espionage, an investigation into a professor for engaging in technological collaboration with China, the draw for presidential and vice presidential candidate ballots, railway reforms following a train derailment, and intense debate on the Minimum Wage Act in the Legislative Yuan.
    2023/12/12 09:55
  • ’Lack of’ wins Taiwan 2023 character of the year poll

    The "Taiwan 2023 Character of the Year" poll announced that the character "缺" (lack) received the most votes, representing the multifaceted social issues faced by Taiwan. The character symbolizes challenges such as shortages of water, electricity, masks, vaccines, rapid test kits, labor, and notably, eggs. "蛋" (egg) secured the second position, forming the term "缺蛋" (lack eggs), highlighting the egg scarcity in Taiwan. "詐" (fraud) came in third place, reflecting the persistent fraud cases in Taiwanese society. The nominations for these characters were made by Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang, former Control Yuan President Wang Chien-shien, and Taiwan Mobile President Jamie Lin, who emphasized growing insecurity, political quality, and fraud issues, respectively. The "Taiwan 2023 Character of the Year" election, organized by the CTBC Foundation for Arts and Culture and the United Daily News, received a total of 65,043 votes from the public over a 25-day period. This annual character selection has been conducted for 16 consecutive years, reflecting the pulse of Taiwanese society and its people’s thoughts.
    2023/12/07 20:08
  • Eva Air shares surge as foreign investors buy in

    Foreign investors have purchased a net 8,926 shares of Eva Air, making it the fourth most bought by foreigners in the session. The recovery in travel and business after the pandemic has improved operations in the aviation industry, with staff shortages at airports in northeast Asia finally relaxing. Demand for flights to China, Hong Kong, and Macao is gradually increasing, with booking rates for northeast Asian routes exceeding 90 percent. Eva Air plans to focus on routes in northeast Asia and to China, Hong Kong, and Macao as its operational priority next year, with an expected increase in weekly flights to a total of 538. The airline is also set to take delivery of two Boeing 787-10 aircraft, enhancing its fleet deployment flexibility.
    2023/12/07 18:53
  • Taiwan’s average salary hits 8-year high at NT$694K

    Taiwanese companies have raised fixed monthly salaries in an attempt to address labor shortages, but the annual salary increase rate has declined to 2.5% from last year’s 3.1%. Despite this, the average annual salary in Taiwan reached a new eight-year high at NT$694,000 in 2023. The semiconductor industry remains the highest-paying sector for the eighth consecutive year, surpassing NT$1 million in average salary. Following the semiconductor industry, the computer and consumer electronics manufacturing, electronic components manufacturing, telecommunications and communication services, and software and internet industries are the next highest-paying sectors. In terms of engineering roles, IC design engineers earn the highest yearly earnings, while auditors, computer systems analysts, and network security analysts lead non-engineering jobs. Year-end bonuses in 2023 decreased to an average of 1.08 months’ worth of salary, the lowest in a decade. Financial institutions are expected to provide the highest average year-end bonuses, followed by the semiconductor and construction industries. Looking ahead to 2024, civil servants, educators, and military personnel will receive a 4% pay increase, while private companies anticipate an average increase of 3.2% in salaries, with the accommodation and food services industry having the highest proportion of enterprises raising pay.
    2023/11/29 16:06
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