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    mountains 結果共22筆

  • Taipei mayor urges citizens to report disaster incidents

    Two buildings collapsed in Hualien after earthquakes shook Taiwan. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an urged reporting incidents via 119 or 1999. Taipei Metro slowed trains to inspect tracks before resuming normal operations. District offices are checking buildings for damage. Citizens advised to avoid mountains and water due to incoming weather front.
    2024/04/23 10:50
  • Sunny weather with brief showers expected in Taiwan

    Taipei weather forecast: Mostly sunny with brief showers, low clouds and fog in Kingmen and Matzu. Weak front brings humidity, sporadic rainfall in Hualien, Taitung, and Greater Taipei. Highs of 30-34°C, up to 36°C in southern mountains. Travelers cautioned due to aftershocks and landslide risk.
    2024/04/15 12:36
  • Unstable weather persists in Taiwan with showers, storms

    Scattered showers and thunderstorms across Taiwan on April 8 due to unstable weather. Temperatures range from 19-23°C. Brief heavy rain and strong winds possible in central and southern mountains. Weather to stabilize from April 10-14 but air quality may worsen in western regions.
    2024/04/08 10:45
  • Hualien quake: Intense search for 6 missing in mountains

    Rescue efforts underway for 6 missing after Hualien earthquake in Taiwan. Operations continue on Shakadang Trail and Zhonghe Mine amid challenging conditions.
    2024/04/08 10:44
  • New Taipei collects 160kg of litter post-Lantern Festival

    Join over a hundred volunteers in New Taipei City as they collaborate to clean up mountains, removing 160 kilograms of litter, including sky lanterns. Demonstrating a commitment to environmental protection, these efforts aim to balance tourism and natural preservation.
    2024/02/26 11:19
  • 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival: tradition meets innovation

    Experience the magic of the 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival, where tradition meets innovation with captivating displays, cultural performances, and a 12-meter dragon lantern. Explore themed zones, enjoy VR/AR experiences, and indulge in a diverse food market until March 3!
    2024/02/17 18:09
  • Hikers rescued by helicopter from Taichung mountains

    Hikers in Taichung’s Wuling Quadruple Mountains rescued by helicopter as one battles hypothermia. Details on the dramatic emergency operation.
    2024/01/24 17:25
  • Taiwan braces for cloudy weather, sporadic rainfall

    WeatherRisk has reported that there will be generally cloudy weather in Taiwan due to the shift of clouds in the south. There may also be sporadic rainfall in the mountains of central and southern Taiwan. The impact of the continental cold air mass moving out to sea along the coast of China has weakened the cold air around Taiwan, causing minimal low temperatures to rise. The Liyu Lake in Hualien and Luye Township in Taitung recorded temperatures of 11 and 12.4 degrees Celsius, respectively. The continued shift of clouds in the south might slightly increase the chance of rainfall in the central and southern regions, as well as affect the eastern areas with sporadic downpours. With no significant weather systems nearby, Taiwan will experience an increase in daytime temperatures under the influence of northeast to east winds. Northern regions will see temperatures of 23-26 degrees Celsius, while the central and southern regions will hover around 24-26 degrees Celsius. On Friday, environmental moisture will gradually decrease under the influence of the northeast monsoon, resulting in mostly cloudy weather with possible sporadic rainfall across Taiwan. Saturday, the start of the New Year holiday, will see a weakening of the northeast monsoon, raising the temperature and bringing mostly cloudy weather, with sporadic rainfall possible only in the eastern parts. However, Sunday will see a stronger northeast monsoon, leading to stable but cloudy weather with sporadic showers in eastern Taiwan. On New Year’s Day next Monday, Taiwan will experience generally sunny to cloudy weather under the influence of the northeast monsoon, with no significant chance of rain. The general public is advised to consider this weather information when planning holiday activities.
    2023/12/27 10:15
  • Taiwanese pangolin’s night visit captures hearts

    A young Taiwanese pangolin pays a surprise visit to a residence in Chiayi County, capturing hearts with adorable photos. The villa owner, Hsu Ming-wei, temporarily keeps the pangolin for its safety before releasing it in the nearby mountains. Estimated to weigh around 2.1 kilograms, the pangolin falls short of its adult weight of approximately 20 kilograms. Hsu believes that a group of pangolins likely resides near his property. While capturing pangolins is prohibited due to their protected status, Hsu will not face penalties for his well-intentioned actions. Shui Hui-ling, the head of animal science and conservation at the Chiayi County Agriculture Department, advises notifying authorities and providing video evidence when releasing such animals.
    2023/12/26 14:15
  • Taipei braces for cold wave, snow in high mountains forecast

    A meteorologist predicts a cold front will bring lower temperatures and possible snowfall in high mountain areas of Taiwan. Temperatures in Taipei could drop to 9.5 degrees Celsius, meeting the standard for a cold wave. Areas north of Miaoli County and the Huadong Valley may see temperatures below 8 degrees Celsius. The weather in areas north of Hsinchu and in Yilan will be damp and cold throughout the day. Snowfall is expected in Taipingshan, Lala Mountain, and Shei-Pa National Park, with Yangmingshan possibly experiencing sleet or rain mixed with snow. Mountains over 3,000 meters above sea level in areas north of Taoyuan and at the border of Yilan and Hualien counties may also see snowfall.
    2023/12/20 17:29
  • MOTC hosts cultural event at Toronto Eaton Center

    The Tourist Administration of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) organized a two-day event at the Toronto Eaton Centre in Canada, showcasing Taiwan’s attractions. The event featured various activities, including VR experiences, calligraphy bookmark crafting, pinball games, indigenous beadwork, and oil-paper umbrella painting workshops. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Toronto reported a significant increase in Canadian visitors to Taiwan, with a 1366.17 percent rise compared to the previous year. However, the number of visitors has not yet returned to pre-COVID-19 levels. In an effort to boost tourism, Taiwan has waived visa requirements for Canadians, positioning itself as an ideal winter getaway. Taiwan’s picturesque mountains, coastlines, and diverse urban and small-town landscapes make it a perfect destination for leisurely exploration.
    2023/12/11 20:32
  • Austrian woman rescued from Taiwan mountains

    The New Taipei City Fire Department successfully rescued a young Australian woman who was lost in the mountains of Wulai District. The woman, identified as Marion, was studying in South Korea and visiting Taiwan. She had ventured alone to climb Badaoer Mountain but became disoriented during her descent. With her cellphone battery at 5% and unsure of how to report an emergency in Taiwan, she reached out to a friend in Germany who informed the hotel staff in Wulai to report her missing. A 25-person rescue team commenced the search and rescue mission, working through the night until they found Marion in the early hours of Monday. She was unharmed and escorted back to her hotel. The captain of the 4th Emergency and Rescue Corps emphasized the importance of traveling in groups and being prepared with food, cold weather gear, and lighting equipment.
    2023/12/05 19:26
  • Taiwan records lowest temperature after Lidong at 18.3°C

    Taiwan experienced its lowest temperature of the winter season with a high of 18.3 degrees Celsius reported at Hualien Liyu Lake, according to the Central Weather Administration (CWA). The island-wide temperature ranged between 22 to 24 degrees Celsius. Despite the weakening of the northeast monsoon, it was forecasted to be cloudy to clear over Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu regions. Isolated showers were expected in the southeast and the Hengchun Peninsula, with a chance of showers in other mountainous areas during the afternoon. Afternoon temperatures were predicted to warm up to 30 degrees Celsius nationwide. A stalled front from Zhejiang, China, and extending west to Sichuan, China, is approaching Taiwan, potentially bringing cooler weather to the northern and northeastern regions. Local sporadic showers are expected in Kinmen Matsu regions, with the possibility of local heavy rain estimated for the Keelung North Coast and northeastern mountain regions. Along with Penghu, central and southern regions of Taiwan are expected to continue to experience mostly cloudy to clear weather, with the possibility of afternoon showers in the mountains.
    2023/11/09 09:48
  • Northeast monsoon brings rainfall to Taiwan’s north, east

    Taiwan continues to experience conditions from the northeast monsoon, resulting in sporadic rainfall in windward areas across the north and east. Southern regions have scattered showers, while higher chances of rain are expected in the afternoons and areas close to the mountains. Central Taiwan is mostly cloudy, with patchy rainfall in the mountainous regions in the afternoon. Areas north of Taoyuan, Yilan, and Hualien remain slightly chilly with maximum temperatures ranging from 23-25 degrees Celsius, while other regions could witness temperatures between 27-30 degrees.
    2023/10/29 09:57
  • 有片/秘魯夜間巴士翻覆跌落山溝 釀24人死亡

    一輛行駛於安地斯山脈(Andes mountains)的城際夜間巴士,綜合外媒報導,18日傳出在路途中跌落200公尺深的山溝,造成車上乘客至少24人死亡,外加多人受到輕重傷。《英國廣播公司》(BBC)報導,事故發生地的市長向電台表示,巴士墜落的地區,正好是被土石流破壞的道路區段,事隔一個月都還沒有進行修復,他懷疑這是導致巴士出事故的原因之一。
    2023/09/19 10:27
  • 百年來最強!摩洛哥6.8強震逾2千死 民眾深夜驚慌奔逃

    北非國家摩洛哥在當地時間8日晚間11時11分左右(台灣時間9日06時11分)發生芮氏規模6.8強震,震央位於靠近高阿特拉斯山脈(High Atlas Mountains)的村莊伊吉爾(Ighil),地震深度僅18.5公里,導致大量建築倒塌,目前已導致超過2千人死亡;美國地質調查局 (USGS) 指,這是摩洛哥120年來的最強地震。
    2023/09/09 11:05
  • Dutch national rescued after stranded in Taiwan mountains

    A Dutch national stranded on a mountain in southern Taiwan was rescued on Sunday night (Jan. 15). 
    2023/01/17 19:04
  • A winter spectacle:Crystal Palace in Taiwan mountains

    Last weekend, the cold weather froze the water on a mountainside in central Taiwan, creating a winter spectacle called the "Crystal Palace."
    2022/12/28 11:28
  • ‘Frozen’ wonderland unveiled in Taiwan’s high mountains

    The temperature in the high mountains in Taiwan has dipped under 0 degrees Celcius. Many tourists then visit the mountains to get a glimpse of the spectacular winter view. 
    2022/12/23 22:20
  • 慘死照瘋傳!2女遭割喉斬首棄屍荒野 聖戰士:我很後悔

    北歐2年輕女子去年相約到摩洛哥阿特拉斯山脈(Atlas Mountains)登山時慘遭殺害,1人遭斬首、1人被割喉,震驚社會,而其中1名兇嫌5月30日向法院坦承犯案並表示,「我斬了其中1人的頭,我很後悔」。
    2019/06/01 14:46
  • 爬山遭發瘋浣熊狂咬 愛犬護主直接咬死

    美國賓夕法尼亞州(Pennsylvania)一名60歲男子,日前到波科諾山(Poconos Mountains)爬山時,突然遭到一隻發狂的浣熊攻擊,結果他的狗護主心切,衝出來對抗浣熊,還直接咬死浣熊,相當英勇!
    2019/02/09 21:35
  • 閨密約摩洛哥登山卻遇害 遭割喉、斬首慘死野外

    兩名北歐女遊客相約至摩洛哥登山,原先計畫將在當地進行一個月的旅程,不過17日卻傳出在阿特拉斯山脈(Atlas Mountains)發現兩人的屍體,其中一名被斬首,另一名則是慘遭割喉,由於當地相當依賴旅遊業,因此當局得消息後也立即加強安全措施,目前已逮捕到一名涉案男子,也正在追查其他可疑人士。
    2018/12/20 13:32
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