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    dialogue 結果共93筆

  • Ma Ying-jeou urges global support for cross-strait dialogue

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou spoke at New York University, urging the US and the global community to encourage cross-strait dialogue instead of making Taiwan "the next Ukraine." He disagreed with the suggestion of arming Taiwanese citizens with AK-47s and emphasized the need for the new president to oppose Taiwan’s independence and accept the 1992 Consensus for cross-strait peace.
    2023/10/17 16:16
  • TPP emphasizes role of data science before alliance talks

    The Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) held their first staff meeting to discuss a possible election alliance. Key figures at the meeting included representatives from both parties. The TPP expressed their willingness to engage in dialogue and emphasized their faith in data science. The objective of the meeting was to negotiate an outcome acceptable to Taiwanese and supporters of both parties.
    2023/10/14 16:33
  • TAO blasts DPP’s hypocrisy on cross-strait relations

    The Taiwan Affairs Office spokesperson criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for its hypocrisy in advocating for peace and dialogue while calling for Taiwan’s independence. The DPP’s refusal to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus is seen as damaging to cross-strait relations. The spokesperson states that dialogue is only possible if the DPP changes its pro-independence stance; otherwise, negotiations would be futile.
    2023/10/11 16:03
  • 侯友宜提「3D戰略」變變變 許智傑:天馬行空、只想騙民眾

    國民黨總統參選人侯友宜今年4月時,曾提出台灣3D生存原則,強調Democracy(民主)、Defense(國防)、Defrost(降低敵意);不過近來侯在訪美期間,對兩岸議題提出「3D」戰略卻調整為Deterrence(嚇阻)、Dialogue(對話)、De-escalating(降低緊張),引發討論。民進黨立委許智傑今(19)日對此表示,侯友宜過往就曾朝令夕改,其實侯的立場應該是另一個3D,Dependence(依賴)、Difference (不同)、Deception(欺騙),沒有核心主軸、天馬行空,誇大成份高,想用騙的方式不願提出務實政策。
    2023/09/19 11:57
  • Cross-strait dialogue vital, says Taipei mayor at forum

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an highlights cross-strait dialogue’s significance at the Taipei-Shanghai Twin City Forum. Learn about the event’s vital role and shared values amid volatile relations.
    2023/08/30 16:26
  • Mayor Chiang leads delegation to Taipei-Shanghai Forum

    Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an headed to Shanghai on Tuesday morning (Aug. 29) for the Taipei-Shanghai Twin City Forum and highlighted the importance of maintaining dialogue across the Taiwan Strait.
    2023/08/29 13:04
  • Ko Wen-je calls for open dialogue among party leaders

    The Taiwan People’s Party presidential contender Ko Wen-je has made a public call for leaders of all political parties to engage in open dialogues regarding significant national matters on Thursday (Aug. 24).
    2023/08/24 19:14
  • Ko Wen-je’s pledge for open dialogue blasted by DPP

    Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Spokesperson Chang Chih-hao blasted Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s new pledge to establish a new consensus through dialogues with party leaders with an open-minded approach and his hopes for disregarding outdated frameworks on Wednesday (Aug. 23).
    2023/08/24 13:49
  • Ex-PM Aso urges peace in Asia-Pacific at security forum

    Former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso emphasizes peace, deterrence, and cooperation at Ketagalan Forum’s 2023 Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue. Insights on Taiwan Strait stability.
    2023/08/08 20:45
  • Tsai urges rules-based order for more regional prosperity

    President Tsai Ing-wen underscores the importance of rules-based order for regional stability in Ketagalan Forum’s 2023 Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue. Emphasis on democracy, security, and economic growth.
    2023/08/08 20:33
  • 香格里拉對話/德防長當面嗆陸防長 加碼宣布部署2軍艦到印太

    新加坡「香格里拉對話」(Shangri-La Dialogue)進入尾聲,德國國防部長皮斯托利斯(Boris Pistorius)繼昨(3)天當面向中國防長李尚福嗆聲,要中國停止挖角德國飛官到中國後,今(4)日在演說中宣布,德國將在2024年部署2艘軍艦到印太地區。雖然皮斯托利斯強調「不針對任何特定國家」,但是有鑑於台海及南海持續緊張,此舉也被視為劍指中國。
    2023/06/04 17:31
  • 談台灣問題!李尚福會晤星國防長 重申「3個絕不」立場

    中國國防部長李尚福6月1日在新加坡出席香格里拉對話會(Shangari-La Dialogue,SLD,簡稱:香會,又名亞洲安全峰會Asia Security Summit),期間與新加坡國防部長黃永宏會面,李尚福重申中方在台灣問題上的堅定立場,提出三個「絕不」。
    2023/06/02 11:15
  • 對外稱產品有人類認知能力 谷歌開除違反保密協定工程師

    好萊塢科幻電影總會描述,當人工智慧(AI)發展至一定程度,人類必然將面臨它們擁有認知能力的挑戰。《衛報》(The Guardian)報導,科技大廠谷歌(Google)23日宣布,正式開除先前對外宣稱、旗下人工智慧機器人LaMDA(Language Model for Dialogue Applications)具有自我認知意識的工程師布雷克(Blake Lemoine),因為他違反了公司資料保密條款。
    2022/07/24 10:04
  • 谷歌工程師稱AI聊天機器「有靈魂」、情緒 遭公司停職

    人工智慧一向是科幻電影的熱門題材,但如今真的在現實世界上演?谷歌(Google)近日對其軟體工程師祭出停職處分,因為他相信谷歌開發的人工智慧聊天機器人(Language Model for Dialogue Applications,LaMDA)已經有感知能力,他也分享了與機器人的對話,不過谷歌駁斥他的說法,並通知他因違反公司保密協議而勒令休假。
    2022/06/13 13:28
  • 日本防相表態硬起來 憂中俄合作「擬增國防軍預算」

    日本防衛大臣岸信夫6月11日在香格里拉對話(Shangri-La Dialogue,SLD)發表演講,措辭是不尋常的強硬,他稱日本正站在面對一堆試圖顛覆國際規範的鄰國的前線。
    2022/06/12 15:18
  • 警告美日 陸防長:誰敢煽動分裂台灣「解放軍不惜一戰」

    受全球新冠疫情影響,新加坡睽違兩年再次主辦香格里拉對話(Shangri-La Dialogue summit)高峰會,中、美等多國部長與智庫也受邀參與,共同商討國際和區域層級的國防安全事務。 代表中國大陸出席的現任國防部長魏鳳和,又一次在演說中向美、日等國提出警告,強調誰敢煽動造成台灣分裂,不要小看解放軍不惜一戰的決心。
    2022/06/12 10:45
  • 澤倫斯基建議台灣:透過外交解決手段防範台海衝突

    烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyy)於昨(11)日下午在新加坡舉行的「香格里拉對話」(Shangri-La Dialogue)亞洲安全會議上,以視訊發表演講。當記者問起他給台灣的建議時,他指出烏克蘭成為全球的借鏡,一但爆發衝突將付出驚人代價,因此必須先行尋求外交途徑解決。
    2022/06/12 09:59
  • 美國移民政策影響 中美洲僑匯顯著成長

    根據「美洲國家對話組織」(Inter-American Dialogue)年度研究報告,由於美國移民政策搖擺不定,去年截至年底,宏都拉斯來自美國的海外僑匯有高度的成長。
    2018/01/30 12:08
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