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    democracy 結果共199筆

  • 發文悼六四事件 馬英九狂批蔡政府自詡人權卻爆性騷案

    「六四事件」34週年,前總統馬英九今(4)日在臉書上發文表示,再次呼籲大陸當局,以近來對世界各地區展現「促進各方和解,走出歷史宿怨」的嶄新格局,勇於面對歷史、承擔責任,真正拉近兩岸人民的心靈距離。馬英九也話鋒一轉批評蔡政府執政之下,出現種種「不自由的民主」(illiberal democracy)的現象,尤其近期綠營自詡人權,爆出現許多嚴重違反兩性平權的性騷擾案例,出現極其重大又難堪的落差。
    2023/06/04 10:03
  • Lai Ching-te emphasizes Taiwan’s democracy and freedom

    Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te met with former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss at the presidential office on Thursday (May 18) to discuss freedom and democracy and Taiwan’s commitment to maintaining peace in the Indo-Pacific region.
    2023/05/18 17:39
  • Ex-UK PM Liz Truss reiterates support for Taiwan

    Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss emphasized her backing for Taiwan on Wednesday (May 17), asserting that the self-governing island stands at the forefront of the global struggle for freedom.
    2023/05/17 17:45
  • Former UK Prime Minister kicks off 5-day trip to Taiwan

    Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss was greeted by Foreign Minister Joseph Wu at the airport as she arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday (May 16) evening for a 5-day trip.
    2023/05/17 13:40
  • Foreign minister calls for global cooperation to prevent war

    Taiwan Foreign Minister Joesph Wu said on Friday that war leads to devastation and urged democracies to unite in preventing potential wars.
    2023/05/03 17:44
  • VP Lai Ching-te faces scrutiny over future policies

    Vice President Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party’s 2024 Presidential Election hopeful, presented his policy platform to supporters during a Presbyterian Church event on Tuesday (April 18).
    2023/04/19 17:29
  • Ruling DPP nominates Chairman Lai as presidential hopeful

    The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) announced Wednesday (April 13) that Vice President and party chairman Lai Ching-te will be their candidate for the 2024 presidential election.
    2023/04/13 17:59
  • McCarthy: U.S.-Taiwan bond stronger now than ever

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen warned on Wednesday that democracy is facing challenges.
    2023/04/06 17:55
  • U.S. Congressmen reiterate support, peace for Taiwan

    U.S. House Speaker and several congressional members took to the stage on Wednesday (April 5) to reiterate the United States support for Taiwan while urging for peace across the Taiwan Strait.
    2023/04/06 17:50
  • President Tsai wins Hudson’s Global Leadership Award

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen was awarded the Hudson Institutes’ Global Leadership Award for defending democracy on March 30 (Thursday) in New York. 
    2023/04/01 09:02
  • Tsai Ing-wen stresses Taiwan’s importance before 10-day trip

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen gave an impassioned speech about the importance of freedom and democracy at Taoyuan International Airport on Wednesday (March 29), before boarding her flight to the U.S. en route to Latin America.
    2023/03/30 13:54
  • Andrew Yang: Hopefully reason and peace will prevail

    Andrew Yang, co-chair of the Forward Party in the U.S., gave a speech on "What went wrong with Democracy in American" in Taipei on Dec. 29.
    2022/12/30 20:30
  • Hong Kong activist Nathan Law joins 2022 Oslo Freedom Forum

    The 2022 Oslo Freedom Forum unfolded in Taipei on Thursday (Nov. 3), the first in-person conference in 3 years since the beginning of the pandemic.
    2022/11/05 09:16
  • Thai activist explains why democracy must be defended

    Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, a Thai pro-democracy activist, spoke at the Oslo Freedom Forum in Taipei about fighting against the Thai government on Thursday. Juangroongruangkit advocates for freedom and democracy as an opposition leader in Thailand.
    2022/11/04 14:55
  • Human rights activists join Oslo Freedom Forum in Taipei

    Activists from around the world spoke at the Oslo Freedom Forum in Taipei on Thursday (Nov. 3). This is Taiwan’s third time hosting the event. This year’s theme "Champion of Change," is to celebrate human rights activists and their causes.
    2022/11/03 21:13
  • 登哥本哈根民主峰會 蔡英文:民主不完美但成人民認同一部分

    總統蔡英文今(10日)應「民主聯盟基金會」(Alliance of Democracies, AoD)邀請,於「哥本哈根民主高峰會」(Copenhagen Democracy Summit)以「台灣:全球民主聯盟不可或缺的夥伴」為題發表視訊演說。蔡英文表示,台灣非常樂意分享對抗威權勢力的經驗,共同捍衛民主世界的秩序及維持區域和平安全。儘管威脅與日俱增,台灣和烏克蘭一樣,不會屈服於壓力,「擁抱民主是我們的核心價值,民主或許不完美,但已成為台灣人民認同中不容妥協的一部分。」
    2022/06/10 20:54
  • 觀點/美國通過烏克蘭租借法案 對台海兩岸的啟示

    美國參議院本月6日全票通過「2022年烏克蘭民主防衛租借法案」(Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022),這對陷入苦戰的烏克蘭無疑打了一劑強心針,反之卻可能成為俄羅斯的夢魘。法案還須經眾議院審議通過,才能交由拜登總統簽署生效。不過按目前美國朝野氣氛,通過是沒有問題的。
    2022/04/20 12:29
  • 接見美國國家民主基金會長威爾森 蔡英文:盼交流全民動員防衛

    美國「國家民主基金會」(National Endowment for Democracy, NED)會長威爾森(Damon Wilson)於3月27日至3月30日率團訪問台灣,總統蔡英文今(29日)在總統府接見威爾森會長及訪團。蔡英文表示,歡迎威爾森首度來台訪問,國家民主基金會和台灣有長久深遠關係,也一直堅定支持台灣民主發展。威爾森去年7月上任就致力強化與公民社會合作關係,這次也將台灣作為上任後出訪亞洲的首站,顯示出對台灣民主的重視與肯定,自己要表達誠摯感謝。
    2022/03/29 11:49
  • 美「國家民主基金會」會長亞洲行首站訪台 蔡英文明親自接見

    美國「國家民主基金會」(National Endowment for Democracy, NED)會長威爾森(Damon Wilson)率團於27日至30日訪問台灣,總統府發言人張惇涵今(28)日表示,總統蔡英文預計將在29日上午於總統府接見威爾森會長及訪團。
    2022/03/28 11:19
  • 全球民主指數台灣排名第8 高居亞洲之冠

    經濟學人資訊社(EIU)今天公布2021民主指數(Democracy Index 2021)報告,台灣在167國家地區中排名第8,是亞洲唯一擠進前10的「全面民主」(Full democracy)政體。
    2022/02/10 22:46
  • 唐鳳民主峰會畫面爆「被消失」 外交部揭內幕:技術性問題

    我國行政院政務委員唐鳳與駐美代表蕭美琴10日獲邀出席美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)主持的「民主峰會」(Summit for Democracy)視訊會議,但卻傳出在唐鳳演說時引用的一張簡報圖片因將台灣與中國標為「不同顏色」,讓美方緊急切斷視訊畫面。對此,我國外交部發言人歐江安今(13)日表示,美方已第一時間向我方說明是「技術性問題」,雙方互信堅實、關係穩固友好。
    2021/12/13 16:37
  • 蕭美琴視訊參加民主峰會 同框百位領袖未放國旗

    美國召開為期兩天的「民主峰會」(Summit for Democracy),總統拜登(Joe Biden)號召全球多位民主國家領袖共同參與,台灣也在受邀之列,今(10日)由駐美代表蕭美琴以及政務委員唐鳳代表出席,不過從視訊會議畫面可見,多數國家領導人背後皆有放置國旗,台灣則僅以峰會的標誌作為背景。
    2021/12/10 10:28
  • 台灣獲邀白宮民主峰會 政委唐鳳、駐美代表蕭美琴出席

    關於媒體詢問,美國國務院公布台灣將參加由美國總統拜登主持的「民主峰會」(Summit for Democracy)視訊會議相關議題。總統府發言人張惇涵今(24日)表示,總統府感謝美國總統拜登及美國政府邀請台灣參加「民主峰會」,行政院唐鳳政委及駐美代表蕭美琴將代表我國政府與會。
    2021/11/24 14:45
  • 多名香港民主抗爭者已抵美 人權組織協助庇護

    美國組織香港民主委員會(Hong Kong Democracy Council, HKDC)透露,香港一群民主抗爭者本週抵達美國,尋求庇護。港媒稱,這次抵美的抗爭者共5人。
    2021/01/16 16:02
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