
Japanese politician watching Taiwan’s 2024 election closely

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/06/06 17:42
Last update time:2023/06/06 17:42
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A Japanese politician said Tuesday (June 6) that she will be watching Taiwan's 2024 presidential election closely as Japan prioritizes the preservation of democracy. 

Taiwan People's Party Chairman Ko Wen-je met with Renho Saito, a member of the House of Councilors of Japan of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, on his third day of the trip to Japan and discussed matters regarding the cooperation between Taiwan and Japan. 


"Taiwan and Japan's cooperation is important for peace in East Asia," Ko said.  Ko told reporters that he and Renho discussed former Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui's insights on the topic. 

And Renho said that with the upcoming elections in Taiwan and the U.S., China might "increase pressure on Japan." And Japan, prioritizing the preservation of democracy, "will closely monitor the upcoming election in Taiwan."

Renho said she believes Ko Wen-je will demonstrate excellent leadership qualities.

And she expressed her envy of Taiwan's political scene with three parties, the Kuomintang, the Democratic Progressive Party, and the Taiwan People's Party, to choose from.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Japan#Renho Saito#Ko Wen-je#Taiwan People’s Party


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