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    Taiwan travel 結果共145筆

  • Ex-President Ma heads to Shanghai to visit Yangshan Port

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou arrived in Shanghai on Wednesday (April 5) as he heads to the Yangshan Port, one of the last travel destinations on his 12-day-long China journey.
    2023/04/05 18:38
  • Taiwan’s tourism industry struggling to meet labor needs

    An increasing number of tourists are expected to travel to Taiwan in 2023, even though the country’s hotel industry is still seeking solutions to fill these gaps in staffing.  
    2023/01/19 12:31
  • Taiwan’s travelers head earlier to airports fearing crowds

    The lines are now shorter at the departing gates at Taoyuan International Airport in Taiwan. 
    2023/01/16 22:42
  • Taiwan travel lovers hire surrogates to skip cues

    Citizens looking to renew their passports, and save time can purchase a unique application service online.
    2023/01/10 19:56
  • Water sports businessman creates food delivery water bicycle

    A water sports businessman in Xiaoliuqiu created a food delivery water bicycle.
    2023/01/04 11:54
  • Taiwan foreigners to self-pay COVID treatment costs in 2023

    Foreigners in Taiwan will have to cover the costs of their COVID treatment on their own starting in 2023.
    2023/01/01 07:59
  • Taiwan aims to boost tourism revenue as travel resumes

    Taiwan’s export industry’s performance this year has yet to see high numbers. However, the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) estimates that the growth in private consumption will exceed 5%, taking the lead in the country’s economic performance.
    2022/12/26 10:43
  • Thousands of Taiwan citizens apply to renew passports

    Many in Taiwan have plans to go abroad during the Chinese New Year, and the number of citizens reissuing their expired passports has skyrocketed. On weekdays, more than 2,000 numbers were issued for the waiting list. 
    2022/12/16 12:11
  • Queensland welcomes Taiwanese with sustainable holiday

    With the Chinese New Year holiday approaching, many are looking forward to traveling abroad after more than two years of living with the pandemic. 
    2022/12/12 17:04
  • Taitung County Gov’t boosts tourist arrivals, revenue

    After more than 2 years of living with the pandemic, Taitung County Government is coming back stronger than ever by providing incentives to boost local tourism.
    2022/12/05 22:12
  • Xiaoliuqiu residents pick up waste along the coast

    Gathered on the coast of Xiaoliuqiu, these are not tourists. Rather, they are volunteers, reaching into the deep crevices between rocks, picking up garbage. These coastal cleanup volunteers are local inhabitants. Bed and breakfast owners, watersport coaches, and restaurant employees, all joined together here, to help clean up around the coast. 
    2022/10/27 17:49
  • 3-day festival held in Huashan 1914 Creative Park in Taipei

    The long-awaited “Touch The Japan Festival” has returned to Taiwan as our borders finally reopened.
    2022/10/21 18:31
  • Travelers at Taoyuan Airport cheer as Taiwan reopens borders

    Tourists from Thailand excitedly left their hotels on Thursday to begin their trip in Taiwan, as the country’s borders officially reopened.
    2022/10/13 18:00
  • Airfares to Japan drop ahead of Taiwan’s border reopening

    Some travelers headed to Taoyuan International Airport on Wednesday (Oct. 12), one day before Taiwan reopens its borders. Many at the airport were going directly into Japan due to its recent opening and cheaper ticket prices that make it an ideal destination for this time of year.
    2022/10/13 09:50
  • Taiwanese people hesitant to travel abroad as airfares soar

    As the Taiwanese government prepares to change quarantine regulations to "0+7" for arriving passengers, many are setting their sights for a vacation abroad.
    2022/09/26 20:00
  • Taiwan orders 16 Boeing planes for NT$139.8 billion

    Although international travel is still not back to normal, China Airlines called for a meeting with its Board of Directors. They passed a decision to purchase 16 Boeing 787-9 passenger planes, with an estimated price tag of NT$139.8 billion. The move has raised much speculation about whether it has to do with the recent U.S. delegations’ visits to Taiwan.
    2022/09/23 14:22
  • 小改T-Roc跟進導入矩陣式LED頭燈 輕油電與線傳排檔再等等

    隨著Tiguan與Tiguan Allspace等休旅車款陸續發表小改更新,扮演Volkswagen品牌首款個性化跑旅車款的T-Roc也迎接第一次的中期改款更新,包含標準版的T-Roc、敞篷版T-Roc Cabriolet以及高性能版T-Roc R都同步推出改款更新。除了外觀設計細節調整之外,Volkswagen為小改款T-Roc植入Martix LED矩陣式LED頭燈,賦予更出色的夜間照明效果,並把全邏輯數位儀錶板列為全車系標配,搭配Travel Assist智慧車陣穿梭系統導入,預計2022年第一季開始在歐洲市場銷售,臺灣則是有望於2022年下半年導入。
    2021/11/22 23:57
  • 行情破壞者Octavia超好賣 中秋連假就狂吸近500張單

    稍微把時間往前推一下,Škoda Taiwan於9月14日正式發表新世代Octavia家族,首波引進3種動力,共5款車型選擇,開出99.9萬起全面標配Matrix LED矩陣式LED頭燈、HUD抬頭顯示器、全數位儀錶板、Level 2半自動駕駛,還有整合自然語音聲控、無線Apple CarPlay與Android Auto、10吋觸控螢幕的新世代多媒體資訊整合系統,幾乎是「破壞行情」的產品力。而且,上市後首個週末就是疫情趨緩後第一個連假,光是中秋連假4天就狂掃近500張訂單,今年度預估車源已經宣告售罄。經銷端透露,現在訂車,最快大約得等到明年第二季才能交車。而且,Škoda Taiwan宣導99.9萬元起上市優惠會提供至12月31日止,可以預期還將持續為買氣加溫。
    2021/09/24 18:28
  • 99.9萬起大改Octavia正式上市 百萬內唯一全標配矩陣頭燈與半自動駕駛

    9月上旬於金門舉行媒體試駕活動之後,Škoda Taiwan於今日 (9/14) 正式發表新世代Octavia家族,共引進1.0 TSI e-TEC、1.5 TSI e-TEC與2.0 TSI 4x4等3種動力選擇,提供1.0 TSI e-TEC五門斜背、1.0 TSI e-TEC旅行車、1.5 TSI e-TEC五門斜背、1.5 TSI e-TEC旅行車以及2.0 TSI 4x4旅行車等5種車型,分別開出99.9萬元、109.9萬元、111.9萬元、121.9萬元以及132.9萬元建議售價。而且,全車系皆標配Martix LED矩陣式LED頭燈、HUD抬頭顯示器、10.25全數位儀錶板、10吋中控台觸控螢幕、自然語音聲控系統、繁體中文衛星導航、線傳變速箱,還有Level 2半自動駕駛輔助系統。
    2021/09/14 18:29
  • 台灣旅行法 美參院一致同意通過

    美國聯邦參議院今天通過台灣旅行法(Taiwan Travel Act),現在僅需交由總統川普簽署便可成為法律。
    2018/03/01 10:22
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