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    TAO 結果共53筆

  • TAO accuses DPP of spreading ’green terror’

    Discover the latest response from China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, refuting allegations of Xinhua News Agency’s involvement in Taiwanese TV shows as "fake news" and accusing the DPP of "green terror."
  • TAO: Taiwanese artists’ pro-China stance genuine

    Explore the latest on cross-strait relations as China’s TAO praises Taiwanese artists for sharing pro-China posts, amidst criticism of the DPP’s "green terror." Learn more about the cultural and political implications.
    2024/05/29 14:20
  • Taiwan rebuffs China’s travel ban blame, cites openness

    Explore the latest on cross-strait relations as Taiwan responds to China’s claims, emphasizing its openness for exchanges despite the DPP’s policies. Read about the ongoing debate and Taiwan’s readiness for dialogue.
    2024/05/22 17:13
  • China pressures DPP to drop Taiwan independence for talks

    Explore the latest on Taiwan-China relations: China states Taiwanese parties accepting the "One China" principle will face no barriers in dialogue, amid rising tensions and discussions on Taiwan’s political future. This stance highlights the ongoing debate over Taiwan’s independence and the complexities of cross-strait relations.
    2024/05/15 16:13
  • China sanctions Taiwanese commentators over ’false’ claims

    Discover the latest on cross-strait tensions as China’s Taiwan Affairs Office announces sanctions against Taiwanese commentators for spreading false information. Learn more about the implications for Taiwan-China relations.
    2024/05/15 15:45
  • China demands U.S. halt arms to Taiwan amid new bill

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office demands the U.S. to halt military support for Taiwan, citing the issue as China’s internal affair and a violation of the "One China principle." The call comes in response to a U.S. Senate bill providing military aid to Taiwan, among others.
    2024/04/24 16:48
  • TAO urges Taiwan not to politicize post-quake aid offers

    Explore the recent urging by China’s Taiwan Affairs Office towards Taiwan to avoid political manipulation and embrace mutual aid, following a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in Hualien County. Despite China’s prompt offer of assistance, Taiwan declined, highlighting the complex cross-strait relations.
    2024/04/10 16:17
  • China slams Taiwan’s DPP for banning Chinese products

    China’s TAO criticizes Taiwan’s DPP for hindering Chinese products, emphasizing the benefits of Chinese electric vehicles and drones. Amidst these tensions, a significant ancestral worship ceremony in Henan aims to foster a sense of unity and cultural heritage among Taiwanese and Chinese compatriots.
    2024/04/10 14:42
  • Ma’s China visit: Meeting with Xi unconfirmed

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou’s 11-day visit to China sparks speculation of a meeting with Xi Jinping, as TAO announces arrangements but remains non-committal. Zhu Fenglian praises Ma’s adherence to the "One China policy" and his efforts in promoting cross-strait youth exchanges, criticizing Taiwan’s DPP for hindering these interactions.
    2024/04/10 13:21
  • 泰國渡輪「海上起火」遭黑煙吞噬 近百名乘客倉皇跳海

    泰國4日傳出渡輪失火的重大事故,當時這艘正準備前往觀光勝地龜島(Ko Tao)的渡輪行駛到半途,沒想到乘客聽到劈啪聲、接著又聞到煙味,這才發現船隻已在不知何時著火,情急之下甚至有多名乘客選擇跳海逃生,所幸最終渡輪上超過100人皆順利獲救。
    2024/04/05 17:56
  • Ma Ying-jeou advocates for peaceful cross-strait relations

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou stresses the importance of peaceful cross-strait relations during a meeting with Song Tao, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office in China. Ma emphasizes the benefits for both sides and the shared history and culture of the Chinese nation. He highlights the significance of the "1992 Consensus" and opposition to "Taiwan independence" as key elements for cross-strait progress. Ma underscores the mainstream support in Taiwanese society for peaceful relations, as evidenced by recent election results and public opinion polls.
    2024/04/02 10:48
  • Ma meets with China’s TAO Director in historic visit

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou met with Song Tao, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office, in Shenzhen, emphasizing cross-strait relations and the 1992 Consensus. The meeting was followed by a drone show, showcasing ongoing dialogue and cultural exchange between Taiwan and China.
    2024/04/02 10:47
  • Taiwan works to resolve stranded citizen in China

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) is verifying the situation of Taiwanese citizen Hu, stranded in China. The TAO spokesperson stated that appropriate action will be taken once the situation is confirmed. Hu’s family expressed their wish to visit him in China, while Chinese authorities cited discrepancies in his information. Legislator Chen Yu-chen mentioned that Hu has been in touch with his family daily.
    2024/03/27 15:51
  • TAO welcomes Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China

    Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Chen Binhua welcomes former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming visit to mainland China, promising necessary arrangements. The potential for a second "Ma-Xi meeting" remains unconfirmed, as Chen emphasizes the importance of adhering to the "1992 Consensus" and opposing "Taiwan Independence" for peaceful cross-strait relations. Ma’s visit, scheduled for April, follows his historic 2023 trip, marking the first visit by a former Republic of China President since 1949.
    2024/03/27 13:55
  • Cross-strait relations unaffected by celebrity split: TAO

    The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) addresses the Wang Xiaofei and Barbie Hsu divorce, stating that it will not impact cross-strait relations. Chen Pin-hua emphasizes the importance of amicable separations in failed marriages, highlighting the unity and familial ties between both sides of the strait.
    2024/03/27 13:50
  • Taiwan donates precious cultural relics to China

    The "Taiwan Chinese Humanistic Buddhism Association Cultural Relics Donation Ceremony" in Beijing saw Fo Guang Shan donate 30 Song and Ming Dynasty artifacts to China’s National Cultural Heritage Administration. Taiwan Affairs Office Director Song Tao emphasized cross-strait cultural exchanges and joint protection of Chinese civilization’s heritage.
    2024/03/26 16:20
  • 老婆在場!陶喆開唱粉絲竟點〈Melody〉 他1招化解尷尬

    「華語樂壇教父」陶喆日前帶著「Soul Power II」巡演在廈門開唱,老婆Penny這次愛相隨悄悄驚喜到場支持,面對台下歌迷點歌〈Melody〉時,他靈機一動將歌詞改成「Penny Tao」示愛,老婆在觀眾席裡害羞微笑回應,夫妻倆當眾甜蜜放閃,讓現場充滿粉紅泡泡,粉絲則虧他「滿滿的求生欲」。
    2024/03/26 12:18
  • KMT reaffirms cross-strait dialogue commitment amid tensions

    Andrew Hsia, vice chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT) party, emphasizes promoting cross-strait exchanges and dialogue to prevent misunderstandings during a meeting with Song Tao, head of China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO). The discussion at the Fairmont Peace Hotel in Shanghai addresses recent tensions, highlighting the KMT’s stance on the "1992 Consensus" and opposition to "Taiwan Independence." Both parties stress the importance of restraint to maintain peace and mutual trust in cross-strait relations.
    2024/03/01 10:51
  • China demands answers after fatal fishing boat incident

    The Taiwan Affairs Office urges Taiwan to reveal the truth behind a capsized Chinese fishing boat incident, demanding severe punishment for those involved. The boat breached Taiwan’s maritime boundaries, resulting in a pursuit by Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration. Beijing accused Taiwan of using "brutal" force, leading to the deaths of two on board. The TAO called for Taiwan to promptly publish the truth, reprimand personnel, and explain to the victims’ families and citizens on both sides of the Strait. Taiwan’s Ocean Affairs Council Chairman stated there is no intention to conceal any aspect of the incident and emphasized that third-party liability insurance has covered the incident.
    2024/02/22 10:40
  • 此生必看!日本太鼓天團「DRUM TAO」來台 宣布加碼驚喜

    被譽為「若錯過DRUM TAO的表演將終身遺憾」的日本太鼓天團「DRUM TAO」華麗回歸,睽違9年帶來30週年紀念公演「THE TAO夢幻響 2024台北站」,於6月8日、9日在信義劇場 Legacy Max登場,門票於2月28日KKTIX開賣,他們將重現30年前作品,透過回顧和重製來慶祝歷史傑作,更預告將會以突破想像與新方向詮釋,DRUM TAO表示:「希望觀眾觀看表演時能夠開懷大笑並感受到熱情!也希望在觀看我們的表演時感到全身起雞皮疙瘩!」
    2024/02/21 18:07
  • Hou Yu-ih calls for peace after fatal speedboat chase

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih calls for appropriate resolution of issues between Taiwan and China following a tragic incident where a Chinese speedboat capsized, resulting in two fatalities. Hou acknowledges the efforts of the Coast Guard Administration (CGA) and expresses regret over the incident. The Chinese speedboat trespassed into Kinmen waters and evaded the CGA before capsizing, leading to condemnation from China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO). Hou emphasizes the need to address minor incidents to prevent larger disputes and conflicts. He suggests treating each other equitably and proactively confronting potential catalysts for confrontation, seeking appropriate solutions to avoid future disputes.
    2024/02/16 14:31
  • Taiwan vows swift probe in Chinese fishing boat incident

    A recent fishing boat incident involving a Chinese fishing boat illegally crossing boundaries and subsequently capsizing due to the Taiwanese coast guard’s expulsion efforts has caused tension between Taiwan and China. Two individuals tragically drowned in the incident. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council has assured prompt communication of investigation results with Chinese authorities, aiming to maintain solid cross-strait ties. China has accused Taiwan of precipitating such events, blaming aggressive boat seizures and assertive treatment of mainland fishermen. The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) has strongly condemned the incident, laying blame on the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration. Former Global Times Editor-in-Chief Hu Xijin has criticized Taiwan’s law enforcement, suggesting it may constitute involuntary manslaughter. In 2023 alone, there were 1,191 registered cases of Chinese fishing boats crossing the maritime boundary, consistently surpassing a thousand annually. Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration, in accordance with the "Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area," retains the right to expel, detain, hold in custody, fine, confiscate fishing equipment, and seize hauls and boats.
    2024/02/15 17:17
  • China blames Taiwan for fishermen deaths from boat crash

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) strongly condemns Taiwan for its treatment of Chinese fishermen after a speedboat capsized in Kinmen waters, resulting in two deaths. The mainland speedboat had breached the Kinmen maritime boundary and was pursued by Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration. After refusing inspection, the boat capsized and two crew members died. The TAO expresses condolences to the victims’ families and demands Taiwan to investigate the incident and assist the families. They also warn Taiwan to respect the historical fishing operations in the Taiwan Strait and ensure the safety of mainland fishermen.
    2024/02/15 10:51
  • DPP urges Beijing to reassess cross-strait relations

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) China Affairs Department has called on Beijing to realistically confront cross-strait relations. This plea comes in response to a recent statement by China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO), which claimed that the Taiwan election results do not represent the majority’s views and reiterated that "Taiwan is China’s Taiwan." Following Taiwan’s elections, Nauru, a Pacific island nation, severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan. The DPP criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for exploiting Nauru’s financial difficulties and coaxing the country into establishing diplomatic relations with China. The DPP’s China Affairs Department reaffirmed that its chairman, Lai Ching-te, has consistently stated his commitment to maintaining the status quo under the constitutional system of the Republic of China (R.O.C.). Lai advocated for dialogue and cooperation with China based on parity and dignity. The DPP’s China Affairs Department condemned the CCP’s suppressive measures against Taiwan and urged Chinese President Xi Jinping to publicly pledge not to unilaterally alter the status quo across the Taiwan Strait using military force. Despite Lai Ching-te’s stance on dialogue and cooperation, Beijing has continued to disregard Taiwan.
    2024/01/18 10:39
  • China stands firm on ‘unification’ after Taiwan elections

    In a recent TAO briefing, spokesperson Chen Binhua addressed foreign media queries on Taiwan’s unification with China and the impact of the island’s local elections on cross-strait relations. The session reiterated China’s steadfast stance on unification as a core interest, despite changing political dynamics in Taiwan.
    2024/01/17 16:42
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