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    Marine Corps 結果共7筆

  • New marine recruits embark on rigorous journey in Pingtung

    Taiwan’s Marine Corps welcomes new recruits at Pingtung’s Longchuan Camp, marking the start of an extensive yearlong task force under the revamped conscription system. The overhaul introduces extended training and enhanced support and aims to better integrate recruits transitioning from civilian life.
    2024/03/05 17:48
  • Taiwan’s Navy showcases might with Lunar New Year drills

    The Ministry of National Defense conducted drills at Zuoying Base in Kaohsiung, showcasing various military hardware such as the Ta Chiang Warship, Kuang Hua VI-class missile boat, M109 Assault Boat, and Hsiung Feng II and Hsiung Feng III mobile launcher vehicles. Lt. Col. Chen Quen-yuan of the Marine Corps’ Amphibious Reconnaissance Group Commander demonstrated the long-distance surveillance capabilities of their drones and highlighted the navy’s commitment to protecting maritime borders. The drills focused on preemptive threat detection and securing territorial waters. The M109 Assault Boat acted as a vanguard, providing critical information for subsequent operations. Commander Chun-Yin Chu of the 2nd Hai Feng Group, Navy, discussed the evolution of shore-based missile units and emphasized the navy’s ability to establish a common combat image and issue unified commands for an organized attack.
    2024/01/31 16:41
  • 美軍陸戰隊兩棲戰鬥車訓練時翻覆 釀1死14人受傷

    美軍位在加州的彭德爾頓海軍陸戰隊基地(Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton),傳出訓練死亡事故,《洛杉磯時報》報導,當時陸戰隊官兵正在營區進行演練,搭配一輛兩棲戰鬥車(Amphibious Combat Vehicle),沒想到行進中車輛卻發生翻覆滾動,造成1名官兵死亡,另外還有14人受傷緊急送醫,但軍方並未公佈死者更多資訊或軍階級別。
    2023/12/14 09:31
  • Officers to be held accountable for leaked equipment: MND

    Taiwan’s Minister of Defense, Chiu Kuo-cheng, has taken action in response to reports of leaked military equipment from Taiwan’s Marine Corps. He held high-ranking military officers accountable and emphasized that lower-ranking personnel should not bear the brunt of the fallout. Chiu was summoned to report to the Legislative Yuan’s Foreign and National Defense Committee, where he admitted problems within troop management but also pointed out that blame should not solely rest on lower-ranking officers. The Ministry of National Defense has traced the problems to the brigade and command levels, indicating a weakness in senior management. Chiu stressed that senior officials should accept responsibility for training and not pass off their problems to subordinates. Commanding officers are also being held accountable in these cases.
    2023/10/30 16:27
  • Chang Ching exercise displays Taiwanese military strength

    The "Chang Ching" live-fire exercise in Yunlin, Taiwan, highlights the nation’s military capabilities. Running for seven days and six nights, the drill features simulated opponents and aims to test the command efficiency of both the Army’s 269th Mechanized Infantry Brigade and the ROC Marine Corps’ 99th Brigade. The exercise also stands out for its smooth execution and the deployment of UAVs for enemy reconnaissance.
    2023/10/25 16:07
  • 議員不爽擋新司令任命 美陸戰隊百年首現「群龍無首」

    美軍六大軍種之一的陸戰隊(United States Marine Corps),出現一個極為尷尬的處境,原任司令大衛伯格上將(David Berger)10日退休,但預定接替的副手、史密斯上將(Gen. Eric Smith)遲遲無法取得批准,讓他只能以代理司令行事,但依法不能決定大方向與政策;這也是陸戰隊繼1910年之後,首次出現代理司令的。國防部將矛頭指向共和黨參議員特本維爾(Tommy Tuberville),只因為五角大廈對墮胎立場與其不同,進而大力阻擋諸多將官任 命審查,才會導致此次尷尬處境發生。
    2023/07/11 14:24
  • Experts aim to make defense knowledge more accessible

    A retired naval officer has established national defense education parks in Taiwan, hiring retired non-commissioned officers from the U.S. Marine Corps to instruct classes so that the public can have a correct understanding of national defense issues.
    2023/01/17 19:25
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