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    Instagram story 結果共2筆

  • Taiwanese YouTuber shares English name embarrassment

    Taiwanese internet celebrity Hsiao Wu, known for his popular YouTube channel with over a million followers, recently opened up about his discomfort with his English name "Jimmy" in an Instagram story. During a conversation with his English tutor, Wu shared his embarrassment when asked about his English name, stating that he finds it cool when others are called Jimmy. The influencer revealed that he recently hired an English tutor to improve his language skills and shared a screenshot of their chat, where the tutor asked about his English name. Wu expressed feeling ashamed when he confessed to being called "Jimmy."
    2023/12/07 20:49
  • MLB/遭DFA後首發聲!張育成自曝「最新計畫」:我會更進步

    紅襪為了騰出位置給傷癒歸隊的「故事哥」史托瑞(Trevor Story),被迫於本月9日指定讓渡(DFA)旅美好手張育成。對此,張育成也在沉寂了2天後,終於在個人Instagram發文,除了向球迷們致謝、透露自己已租借球場繼續練習打擊,也向擊敗自己的競爭對手雷耶斯(Pablo Reyes)送上祝福。
    2023/08/11 07:43
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