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    狄鶯孫鵬颱風 陽明交大張瑜芹裸露下體地震阿西呼麻泰國
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    Dubai 結果共15筆

  • 有片/杜拜單日灌進2年份雨量 全球第二忙機場癱瘓、飛機水上滑行

    2024/04/17 09:49
  • 17-year-old Taiwanese sensation wins Dubai endurance race

    Taiwanese high school student Jimmy Chou clinches victory at the Gulf Radical Cup in Dubai with precision driving skills and a passion for racing nurtured since childhood. With nearly seven years of experience, Chou aims to compete in higher-class European circuit races and dreams of becoming a professional driver, embodying the promising talent of Taiwan’s youth on the international stage.
    2024/02/22 17:50
  • MOFA expresses regret over Wu’s UNFCCC comments, cites risks

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) expressed "confusion and regret" five times in a statement regarding comments made by Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice presidential candidate Cynthia Wu. The MOFA highlighted that Wu’s proactive analysis and attendance at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conferences could jeopardize Taiwan’s interests. Following her participation in the 28th United Nations Climate Change conference (COP28) in Dubai, Wu criticized the event’s low standards, stating it was a disservice to taxpayers. MOFA responded to Wu’s criticism, indicating that her conspicuous announcement to attend COP28 provided China with an opportunity to repress Taiwan’s participation, hindering the entire delegation and damaging Taiwan’s future international engagement, as well as the nation’s dignity. Wu’s office released a statement asserting that MOFA had not informed her of the risks of Chinese suppression. When asked about MOFA’s response, Wu declined to comment further. The MOFA expressed regret over the limitations imposed on Wu’s candidacy due to Chinese pressure, directly countering her doubts. MOFA emphasized that condemnation should be directed at China for obstructing Taiwan’s participation. The MOFA expressed bewilderment and regret that Wu criticized domestic institutions but failed to condemn China, the true suppressor of Taiwan’s international voice.
    2023/12/18 19:45
  • Dubai gets a taste of Taiwan with authentic douhua

    Experience the authentic taste of Taiwanese douhua (tofu pudding) at a douhua shop in Dubai, reminiscent of Taipei’s Yongkang Street. Imported ingredients and decor from Taiwan ensure an authentic experience. The shop, founded by Taiwanese national Dennis Chang, aims to showcase Taiwan’s culture and cuisine while providing a taste of home for Taiwanese residents in Dubai. The shop’s ambiance, adorned with Taiwanese elements, adds to the authenticity. Patrons, especially from the Chinese community, appreciate the desserts and find comfort in this unique Taiwanese dessert establishment in Dubai.
    2023/12/09 14:57
  • Taiwan issues "Songshan Declaration" at COP28

    A civilian group from Taiwan, the Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition (TWYCC), unveiled the "Songshan Declaration" at a side event related to the upcoming 28th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai. The declaration calls for fair transition strategies to combat climate change. TWYCC representative Gina Lee highlighted the controversial solar energy development in Tainan’s Qigu area, discussing its negative impact on local aquaculture fishers. The group also explored examples of just transition, such as solar development in Cigu and the electrification of scooters, expressing concern about the government’s lack of dialogue with youth. The "Songshan Declaration" was jointly initiated by stakeholders from Taiwan’s industries, government, academia, and civil society, pledging to enforce the Climate Change Response Act and engage in the global stocktake. Chen Hui-ping, Chairperson of the Taiwan Green Energy for Charity Association, shared experiences of enabling social change through the "Green Well (GW) 100+" initiative, which has installed solar power systems for underprivileged communities and conducted energy audits and equipment replacements in social welfare institutions. The association emphasized that their model of green charity fosters wider stakeholder participation and contributes positively to the energy transition.
    2023/12/07 17:02
  • 美日同意核能升3倍 柯文哲酸綠營「慈禧太后、義和團」快懺悔

    2023/12/05 12:09
  • 遭爆稱無需淘汰化石燃料 COP28主席駁:一向尊重科學

    聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第28次締約方會議(COP28)正在阿拉伯聯合大公國城市杜拜(Dubai)舉行,主席賈比爾(Sultan Al Jaber)卻被外媒披露,曾稱沒有科學證據表明逐步淘汰化石燃料將能實現全球氣候目標;對此,他怒批媒體斷章取義,試圖破壞主席工作,強調「科學一直是我職業的核心,我所做的一切都尊重科學。」
    2023/12/05 11:13
  • Cynthia Wu heads to COP 28, rebuffs media skepticism

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu clarifies that her upcoming trip abroad to participate in the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28) was planned since October, refuting claims that it was an attempt to avoid controversy surrounding her nationality. Wu, who is the convener for the health and environmental committee, emphasizes that the conference is part of her pre-determined schedule and highlights her dedication to sustainability. She hopes to represent Taiwan and foster international collaboration during COP 28.
    2023/12/04 21:09
  • 有片/飛機有熊!撞破獸欄「貨艙亂竄」 航班延誤1小時

    杜拜國際機場(Dubai International Airport)驚現巨獸出沒!一頭黑熊衝破獸欄後在客機的貨艙內亂竄,導致所有乘客下機避難,班機也延誤起飛1小時;所幸這隻熊被麻醉槍制伏,整起騷動並未造成人員受傷,而工作人員徒手「安撫黑熊」的影片也在網路上瘋傳。
    2023/08/08 10:33
  • 全球最貴車牌誕生?Telegram創辦人4.5億買這兩字

    沙漠中的富豪城市杜拜(Dubai),近日舉行一場車牌拍賣會,公開標售一組結合字母與數字的二字車牌「P7」,根據《海灣時報》(Khaleej Times)報導,經過多輪爭搶加價後,這組車牌最終以1497萬5356美元(約新台幣4億5652萬元)天價售出,正式打破阿布達比(Abu Dhabi)在2008年車牌售價世界紀錄,得標者是擁有法國與阿聯雙重國籍、Telegram共同創辦人杜洛夫(Pavel Durov)。
    2023/04/11 13:56
  • 驚!杜拜35層高大樓「燒成一條線」 濃煙烈焰狂竄

    阿拉伯聯合大公國人口最多的城市杜拜(Dubai),擁有許多高聳天際的建築,每年都吸引許多建築迷慕名前往;然而,全球最高的哈里發塔(Burj Khalifa)附近,今(7)日凌晨卻有一棟35層樓的高樓發生大火,從網路上流傳的影片可看到有多個樓層一度陷入火海,畫面怵目驚心。
    2022/11/07 14:27
  • 杜拜砸千億蓋「月球渡假村」 完美還原隕石坑洞超逼真

    2022/09/28 17:47
  • 喬帥遭澳洲驅逐今飛抵杜拜 粉絲脫口罩開心與球王自拍

    2022澳洲網球公開賽在17日開打,球王約克維奇(Novak Djokovic)在前一天被二度取消簽證,法院宣判約克維奇敗訴,無法挑戰個人澳網的四連霸,而被驅逐出境的球王在週一默默抵達杜拜,他預計之後還將參加2月舉辦的杜拜網球錦標賽(Dubai Tennis Championships)。
    2022/01/17 10:56
  • 中東最大轉運港傳貨櫃爆炸 官員稱「普通意外」無人傷亡

    杜拜新聞局(Dubai Media Office,DMO)表示,當地時間週三(7)晚間在杜拜傑貝阿里港(Jebel Ali Port)發生貨輪爆炸,目前爆炸所引發的猛烈火勢已獲得控制,所幸並未造成任何傷亡。 
    2021/07/08 12:52
  • 台灣人愛杜拜!飯店業者來台搶客

    造訪杜拜不用花大錢,杜拜凡賽斯酒店(Palazzo Versace Dubai)去年開幕,業者今天來台爭取客源,主打親民價格,到杜拜旅行不再遙不可及。
    2017/03/14 17:35
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