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    Asia-Pacific 結果共39筆

  • Ex-PM Aso urges peace in Asia-Pacific at security forum

    Former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso emphasizes peace, deterrence, and cooperation at Ketagalan Forum’s 2023 Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue. Insights on Taiwan Strait stability.
    2023/08/08 20:45
  • 《健康2.0》榮獲APB+ Awards IP力受國際肯定

    TVBS積極投入數位媒體轉型,並連年榮獲數位獎項肯定。來自新加坡的Asia-Pacific Broadcasting+,從1983年起為廣播以及多媒體產業發聲,並提供讀者最具可信力的資訊。今年首度舉辦2023 「Asia-Pacific Broadcasting+ Awards」,《健康2.0》IP數位轉型的卓越表現,在「市場獨特性」、「創新性」以及「影響性」三項評選指標,獲得評審高度青睞,一舉拿下Excellence Award for Digital Transformation。TVBS數位事業部總監王元利,以及《健康2.0》總編輯盛竹玲,也於8日前往新加坡出席頒獎典禮,這項殊榮除代表TVBS數位媒體轉型成效受國際讚許,TVBS同時也是本屆數位轉型範疇中唯一獲獎台灣媒體。
    2023/06/11 21:59
  • TVBS general manager receives Asia Pacific Enterprise Award

    Sheena Liu, TVBS General Manager was presented with the Master Entrepreneur Award at the Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards (APEA).
    2022/11/28 17:12
  • TSMC founder Morris Chang returns from APEC Summit

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) founder Morris Chang shared on Monday (Nov. 21) some highlights of his recent attendance in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.
    2022/11/21 18:33
  • TSMC founder Morris Chang in Bangkok for 2-day APEC Summit

    TSMC founder Morris Chang arrived in Bangkok, Thailand, on Thursday (Nov. 17) to attend this year’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.
    2022/11/18 20:59
  • TVBS總經理劉文硯掌舵媒體數位轉型 獲亞太傑出企業「卓越企業領袖獎」

    亞太地區最具企業經營影響力指標的「亞太傑出企業獎」(Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards, APEA),17日舉辦第16屆台灣區頒獎典禮,經過評審縝密嚴格的審查,選出該年度亞太地區具有卓越企業貢獻、不凡管理領導能力的企業領導者。TVBS聯利媒體總經理劉文硯受評審青睞肯定,獲頒「卓越企業領袖獎」(Master Entrepreneur Award)大獎。這項殊榮除了是對劉文硯帶領TVBS投身數位媒體轉型的成績肯定,同時更是本屆台灣區得獎者中唯一一位媒體產業企業領導者。
    2022/11/17 23:34
  • U.S. military upgrades defense systems in Asia-Pacific

    Cross strait tensions have been on the rise in recent years. Now, with North Korea firing off missiles near Japan, the U.S. is stepping up to upgrade the defense in Asia-Pacific areas. 
    2022/11/10 18:16
  • HTC executive anticipates lighter, thinner VR headsets

    The global chip shortage affects everything from cars to consumer electronics as manufacturers vie for a slice of the silicon pie. Speaking at the annual convention of the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA) on Oct. 19, the HTC President for the Asia Pacific, Charles Huang, told TVBS that every company is impacted.
    2022/10/24 18:33
  • TSMC founder Morris Chang to represent Taiwan at APEC

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen named Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company founder Morris Chang as Taiwan’s representative to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit on Thursday (Oct. 20).
    2022/10/21 18:17
  • Cleverly says U.K.’s tilt toward Indo-Pacific here to stay

    The U.K. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly spoke about the direction of the U.K.-China relations moving forward at the Asia summit held in Singapore.
    2022/10/04 08:17
  • Jonathan Kaplan says peace will not be ubiquitous, cost-free

    U.S. Ambassador to Singapore Jonathan Kaplan wondered on Thursday whether many have forgotten what it took to get to a stable world, despite improvements in “human collective knowledge” and “resources to develop.”
    2022/09/30 00:50
  • 台灣保時捷舉辦電競比賽 相約Grand Turismo Sport遊戲中戰輸贏!

    賽車運動向來是Porsche相當重視的部分,台灣保時捷現在看準電競潮流,希望將品牌對於賽車的熱誠延伸到虛擬世界。因此打算在2021年底,台灣保時捷將與日本保時捷、保時捷亞太、韓國保時捷共同舉辦Porsche Gran Turismo Cup Asia Pacific賽事,這也將是Porsche在台灣首度舉辦的虛擬線上賽車活動。
    2021/08/25 18:05
  • 許瑋甯、吳慷仁搶下好彩頭 金鐘前夕奪帝后 

    昨晚第12屆APN(Asia-Pacific Producer Network)頒發亞洲電影人獎「台灣之星」,由吳慷仁與許瑋甯分別拿下年度優秀男女演員獎,兩人盛裝出席,許瑋甯身穿白色露肩亮片短洋裝上台領獎,感動表示謝謝亞洲製片人的肯定。而吳慷仁則身穿深藍色格子西裝,帥氣領取最佳男演員獎,粉絲也興奮表示:「希望他們倆能夠勇奪這次金鐘!」
    2017/08/29 11:22
  • 填寫個資「星巴克喝到飽」 通通是假的

    別被騙了!網路上近幾日瘋傳一個網頁,一個由「Planet49 Asia Pacific」網站所舉辦的「線上幸運抽獎比賽」,點進網頁上面顯示只要簡單填寫問題,就有機會抽中免費星巴克喝到飽的大獎,不過星巴克已經在網站上貼出聲明,表示並未舉辦填個資送禮券等活動,呼籲消費者別上當。
    2016/01/17 18:50
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