
Taiwan doubles culture investment to boost Hualien visits

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/27 13:17
Last update time:2024/08/27 13:33
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Taiwan’s MOC doubles investment in Hualien Culture Points (Courtesy of MOC) Taiwan doubles culture investment to boost Hualien visits
Taiwan’s MOC doubles investment in Hualien Culture Points (Courtesy of MOC)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Culture (文化部, MOC) on Tuesday (Aug. 27) announced an additional NT$20 million investment to promote the Culture Points policy in Hualien (花蓮振興文化幣). The initiative encourages young people to support the local arts and culture industry.

The MOC revealed that nearly 100% of the initial NT$20 million in Hualien-exclusive Culture Points, available since June 8, has been claimed. This funding allows 16,000 young people to benefit.


Data shows that the primary recipients are university students aged 19 to 22, accounting for over 70% of the participants, with more than 70% coming from outside Hualien.

The new NT$20 million investment brings the total funding to NT$40 million. The MOC estimates this will attract 32,000 people to Hualien for cultural experiences and spending by the end of the year.

Moreover, if the uptake remains high by the end of the year, the MOC will continue to increase the funding, hoping to restore Hualien's arts and culture industry to its pre-earthquake scale.

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#Culture Points# Hualien# Ministry of Culture# arts and culture# young people# university students# cultural experiences# promote local arts Hualien# Hualien cultural investment# restore Hualien arts industry


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