
Ko Wen-je criticizes DPP’s online campaign tactics

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/01/03 18:03
Last update time:2024/01/03 18:03
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Ko Wen-je criticizes DPP’s online campaign tactics (TVBS News) Ko Wen-je criticizes DPP’s online campaign tactics
Ko Wen-je criticizes DPP’s online campaign tactics (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan People's Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je expressed his criticism on Wednesday, January 3, regarding the Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) cyber response to their campaign video.

Ko remarked, "Your cyber warriors are not taking this seriously. Can you be a little more professional? The counterfeit should at least look like one." He emphasized his focus on the video's view count, which reached 50,000 with 20,000 likes.


The DPP had released a video the previous day, featuring President Tsai Ing-wen symbolically passing the baton to Lai Ching-te and his running mate Hsiao Bi-Khim.

Ko, in the midst of his campaign tour in Taoyuan, admitted he had not watched the video but had taken note of the view and like counts mentioned earlier. He urged the DPP's online campaign team to enhance their professionalism.

In the video, Tsai Ing-wen stressed the significance of selecting a running mate. Ko concurred but raised questions about whether Lai's selection as a running mate was his decision, casting doubt on the selection process.

The video depicted one blue car and one white car in Tsai's rearview mirror while she drove, interpreted by some as a hint of deviation from the DPP's established path. The Kuomintang's representative color is blue, while the Taiwan People's Party's (TPP) is white.

In response, Ko underscored that the determination of the correct direction remains unresolved.

National Elections

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate# cyber warriors# campaign video# counterfeit# views# likes# online campaign team# Democratic Progressive Party’s cyber warriors# DPP’s campaign video# President Tsai Ing-wen


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