
Hou Yu-ih gains traction in race with 19.9% approval rating

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/07/27 15:53
Last update time:2023/07/27 15:53
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Hou Yu-ih gains traction in race with 19.9% approval rating (TVBS News) Hou Yu-ih gains traction in race with 19.9% approval rating
Hou Yu-ih gains traction in race with 19.9% approval rating (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The 2024 presidential election in Taiwan is heating up as new polls indicate a tight race among the candidates. According to a recent survey conducted by Formosa Website, the Kuomintang (KMT) candidate, Hou Yu-ih, has seen a slight rise in support, reaching 19.9%.

Former legislator Kuo Jeng-liang commented on the KMT's electoral base, estimating it to be around 25% to 30%. He emphasized that if Hou Yu-ih wishes to surpass People First Party candidate Ko Wen-je and convince Hon Hai founder Terry Gou to withdraw, he only has approximately one crucial month remaining to achieve this goal.


Meanwhile, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate, Lai Ching-te, leads the pack with a support rate of 35.1%, putting him ahead of Ko Wen-je, who stands at 24%, and Hou Yu-ih, at 19.9%, according to the latest polling data. 

Ko Wen-je, however, has experienced a dip in popularity, losing 4.6% in support following the "716 Grand March." Meanwhile, Hou Yu-ih managed a slight recovery, gaining 2.8%.

Kuo Jeng-liang emphasized the crucial role of internal consolidation within the KMT. The fluctuating fortunes of Hou Yu-ih and Ko Wen-je will largely depend on the KMT's ability to unite, including reconciliation with former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu and rallying support from county and city mayors. 

Analyzing Terry Gou's stance, Kuo Jeng-liang pointed out that Gou's camp has not given up due to Hou Yu-ih's lackluster performance. Terry Gou is still observing the changes in Hou's support rates within the next one to two months before making a final decision.

Moreover, Kuo Jeng-liang highlighted that Hou Yu-ih is under time pressure. The recent typhoon impact has reduced campaign events, leaving him limited time to plan his essential weekly activities carefully. The clock is ticking for the candidates as they race toward the presidential election.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Hou Yu-ih#Lai Ching-te#Formosa#Ko Wen-je#Presidential Election


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