
Ko Wen-je prays for Taiwan’s prosperity in Hongludi

Reporter Huang-Chi Ho
Release time:2023/07/20 17:27
Last update time:2023/07/20 19:26
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NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan People's Party (TPP) chairman and presidential candidate Ko Wen-je visited the Hongludi Nanshan Fude Temple on Thursday (July 20), offering heartfelt prayers for the continued prosperity and well-being of Taiwan as he seeks to assume the highest office in the country.

Hongludi, also known as Nanshijiao Mountain, houses the Buddhist Nanshan Fude Temple, the most famous Earth God Temple for wealth wishing in northern Taiwan. Ko and Chiu Chen-yuan, TPP legislator-at-large and contender for the 8th electoral district (Zhonghe) in New Taipei City, visited Nanshan Fude Temple on Thursday morning. 


During the visit, Ko was surrounded by a never-ending stream of temple-goers, and he expressed his wishes for the security and prosperity of the country and its people. In a subsequent press interview, Ko addressed questions about his take on issues regarding gender politics and Cross-Strait relations. 

Regarding the gender composition of the July 16 parade, which was predominantly male, as highlighted by the DPP (Democratic Progressive Party), Ko responded that the DPP often accuses him of misogyny by taking his remarks from over ten years ago out of context.

Ko expressed his concern upon hearing DPP presidential hopeful Lai Ching-te's remarks about White House visits. He emphasized that Taiwan is electing the President of Taiwan, not a governor of an American state or a Chinese province. Therefore, presenting the election as a choice between China and the White House is unnecessary.

Visiting temples is customary among Taiwanese politicians to connect with the people. With Ko's popularity growing, second only to Lai, he aims to reach out to more potential constituents by engaging in more local activities to garner additional support.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Ko Wen-je#TPP#temple#New Taipei


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