
McCarthy meeting offers opportunities, challenges: Expert

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/04/04 18:22
Last update time:2023/04/04 18:23
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HOUSTON, Texas (TVBS News) — U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced a meeting with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen that will take place on Wednesday (April 5) at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

In an interview with TVBS commentator Dennis Weng, he shared his observations and anticipations of the meeting, stressing that Tsai's meeting with McCarthy can offer opportunities and challenges.


"It could potentially strengthen the already robust ties between U.S. and Taiwan,” Weng said, "but also potentially make the situation worse between Taiwan and China."

Weng added that China sees Tsai's visit as "a direct challenge to the so-called one-China policy." And the U.S. needs to "keep the communication line open while helping Taiwan."

"There will be some consequences that Taiwan needs to be prepared for," Weng warned. 

Regarding the discussion topics, Weng expects Tsai and McCarthy to focus on national security issues and bilateral trade.

"If successful, then those are the things that will affect the future U.S.-Taiwan policy or U.S.-Taiwan relations," explained Weng.

The Taiwan Briefing

#Kevin McCarthy#Tsai Ing-wen#United States#Taiwan#China


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