
Taiwan must remain steadfast in asserting sovereignty

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/04/04 16:46
Last update time:2023/04/04 16:55
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan received another diplomatic blow after Honduras announced on Sunday, March 26, that it's switching diplomatic ties to China after 82 years. With this latest loss, Taiwan is now down to 13 diplomatic allies. 

Experts speculate that this is a politically-motivated move aimed at demoralizing the country just days before President Tsai Ing-wen's trip to Central and North America. 


Many are now concerned about which country might be the next to cut ties with Taiwan and the consequences if the government has no diplomatic allies.

According to political analysts, Paraguay is likely the next country to cut ties with Taiwan, with its general election slated on April 30. 

Ruling conservative Colorado Party candidate Santiago Pena has been vocal about his support for Taiwan, but his main opposition opponent Efrain Alegre is more inclined toward China.  

He reportedly hopes to open up markets for Paraguay's soybeans and beef. When President Tsai Ing-wen took office in 2016, we had 22 diplomatic allies. 

In just four years, Taiwan lost seven allies. Chinese media reported in 2020 that China intends to diplomatically isolate the island even more if the Democratic Progressive Party wins the presidential election for the second term. 

After Tsai's reelection, China continued to poach Taiwan's diplomatic allies, vowing to leave the nation without official relations with other countries.

Taiwan could face severe consequences if it has no diplomatic (official) relations with other countries. 

China has long exerted diplomatic pressure on Taiwan, stating that countries wishing to establish official ties with China would need to refuse recognition of the island's democracy. 

Former Ambassador to Haiti Hsu Mien-sheng fears our passports may become invalid, even though many countries with no official ties with Taiwan have issued visa-free entries. 

Taiwan may also need to catch up on international matters, which could impact the quality and structure of our government.

However, China may want to avoid following through on its threats. Leaving Taiwan without diplomatic allies could push the island to make unpredictable decisions that could risk China's massive economy. 

Whether we can maintain our current diplomatic relations with our allies remains to be seen, but Taiwan should remain steadfast in asserting its sovereignty and generosity.

The Taiwan Briefing

#Taiwan#China#diplomatic allies#Honduras#Paraguay


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