
Honduras may leave exchange students in Taiwan in limbo

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/03/17 18:22
Last update time:2023/03/17 18:22
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Honduras' ambassador to Taiwan, Harold Burgos, visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on Wednesday (March 15) following his country's president's unexpected announcement of seeking potential ties with China. 

Burgos met with MOFA Vice Minister Alexander Yui at 11 a.m. for a 30-minute talk. 


While no decision has been made yet, the possible severing of 82 years of diplomatic relations with Taiwan has raised concerns for the 104 Honduran students studying in Taiwan. 

To this, the National Taiwan University (NTU) vice president of the Office of International Affairs, Professor Yuan Hsiao-wei, assured the students that they would be taken care of. 

"At present, there are 29 Honduran students studying here on scholarships provided by the MOFA," she said, adding that "if the scholarship is terminated, the NTU is committed to providing the necessary support and assistance to these students."

The students fear the impact on their studies, as past diplomatic relations shifts have affected students in similar situations.

One who wished to remain anonymous expressed their displeasure, pointing out that it should be about "how loyal you can be to someone who has been with you in your toughest."

The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) revealed the yearly total of Taiwan's imports and exports with Honduras during their 82-year alliance. 

MOEA Minister Wang Mei-hua explained, "the annual value of Taiwan's exports to Honduras is approximately US$60 million, while imports from Honduras are valued at around US$120 million."

"The primary imports from Honduras to Taiwan include white shrimp and coffee."

In response to President Xiomara Castro's announcement via Twitter, China reiterated the importance of the "One China Policy" and expressed interest in developing friendly diplomatic relations with like-minded countries. 

Honduras has been an ally of Taiwan since 1941, when the Republic of China was still based in mainland China. If Honduras severs ties with Taiwan, the tiny nation will only have formal relations with 13 countries worldwide.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Honduras#exchange students#China#diplomatic relations


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