ENEX celebrates 30th anniversary, partnership with TVBS News

記者 Dimitri Bruyas 報導

2023/10/15 15:19

LUXEMBOURG (TVBS News) — The European news exchange network (ENEX) marked its 30th anniversary this year, emphasizing the importance of partnerships among global broadcasters, such as Taiwan's TVBS News. 

Speaking at the event in Luxembourg on Thursday (Oct. 12), Dimitri Bruyas, head of the English News Team at TVBS News, said that the collaboration aims to "share Taiwan's story" and offer a unique perspective on Taiwan news to ENEX members.


Adrien Wells, managing director of ENEX, praised TVBS as a "trusted and respected" news organization in Taiwan. Wells highlighted Taiwan's unique geopolitical position and influence in consumer electronics as reasons for global interest. 

"Taiwan is a country that very much punches above its weight," Wells said, adding that ENEX relies on TVBS for comprehensive coverage of Taiwan, from politics to industry.

Wells also noted that ENEX has evolved from a European-centric organization to a global network, with more than 50 companies in over 50 countries. The cooperative agency focuses on exchanging video material, knowledge, and experience among its members. 

"We've tried to grow to much more of a global footprint, expanding into Latin America and the Middle East, and most recently into Asia," Wells said, expressing satisfaction over the partnership with Taiwan.

The 30th anniversary serves as a milestone for ENEX, reflecting its growth and diversification. "It just shows you the extent that our global cooperation on journalism is not just about the European Union or here in Europe. It is much further afield, including Taiwan, which we're so happy about," Wells concluded.



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更新時間:2024/05/16 11:59