Cost of living in Taiwan leaves young adults with no savings

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2023/04/11 16:42

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As a young adult in Taipei City, monitoring daily expenses is necessary to stay within budget. 

Chang Chia-yi, an office worker renting an apartment, has worked for six years but saving money has become challenging due to the increasing cost of living. 


"I am left with only half of my salary after paying the rent," she said, adding that "the remaining money goes towards meals, daily necessities, and social outings with friends, leaving me very little to save."

"In fact, I can only save around NT$2,000 to NT$3,000 a month at most, which is quite challenging."

A local job bank reveals that 22.1% of working adults under 39 have no savings, while 38.1% are in debt at the end of each month. 

The average savings per account for young adults is only NT$124,000, the lowest in 5 years. 

"The pandemic may be a reason why many businesses haven't given raises to their employees, and for those working out of town, landlords may increase rent due to rising interest rates," a spokesperson for a local job bank, Yang Tsung-pin, said.

Yang added, "due to inflation, the costs of eating out have also increased."

Professor Hsin Ping-lung of the National Taiwan University Graduate Institute of National Development believes this trend could lead to a loss of hope and negatively impact Taiwan's economy. 

Experts also recommend that businesses increase employee pay and that the government provide incentives to encourage saving habits ahead of retirement.



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更新時間:2023/04/12 16:05