
Military wants to include service in Taiwan men’s curriculum

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/01/13 18:44
Last update time:2023/01/13 18:44
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan announced the reinstatement of a one-year military service for male conscripts in December 2022. Now, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) is pushing forward for another change in the university system.

The MND pointed out that after 4 years in university, male conscripts would need to spend another year in service, meaning that would likely enter society, or the workforce, later than their peers.


To overcome this challenge, the MND proposed that universities condense 4-years' worth of courses into 3, to make the last year free for future conscripts to undergo mandatory military service.

In attempting to shorten university years, the MND failed to acknowledge subsequent problems that could arise, military instructors and university faculty pointed out.

Lee Kung-chin, the Vice President of Shih Hsin University remarked that students already have trouble finishing their 128 credits in 4 years' time, not to mention 3. On the same note, a university military instructor Wu Kuo-hua added that no contigency plans have been put forth if the students were to fail their courses and need more time to finish their school work.

In the past, the MND allowed those serving 4-month's mandatory service to finish their training during their winter and summer breaks.

With the new proposal, experts remarked that the MND is likely attempting to attract more voluntary conscripts through appealing packages and different channels.

However, this may not be the best way to go.

In particular, the seeking of talents poses a big issue due to certain ingrained concepts in Taiwan's society which places higher education above everything else.

Wu pointed out the nation had always placed "intellectual training" above all else, including military arts. "Our disregard for the military has put down the value of our military," he said.

"Any other occupation, if everyone looks down on it, who will want to do it?" he questioned.

From low wage packages and unsatisfactory employment conditions to society's views toward soldiers, Taiwan might need to improve on more aspects than curriculum in order to boost its defensive force.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#MND#University courses#military service#society


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