McCarthy advocates for continued U.S. arms sales to Taiwan

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2023/04/06 18:25

SIMI VALLEY (TVBS News) —  U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy praised on Wednesday (April 5) the discussion with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, vowing to continue the U.S. support for the country.

Speaking at a press conference, McCarthy also promised to continue arms sales and economic cooperation with Taiwan.


McCarthy added that he believes the bond between Taiwan and the U.S. is stronger than ever and vowed to "honor [their] obligations and reiterate [their] commitment to [the] shared values behind which all Americans are united."

Meanwhile, China has continued to voice its displeasure, claiming that the U.S. is violating the "One China Policy." China has also stated that it will take "resolute measures" to guard their sovereignty.

Despite the warnings, the meeting between the Taiwan leader and the U.S. House Speaker reached a peaceful conclusion. President Tsai will arrive in Taiwan on Friday (April 7).

更新時間:2023/04/06 18:25