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    HIGHLIGHT 結果共68筆

  • Taiwan’s TAIEX falls by 36 points to 17,637.86

    Taiwan stock market opens the week with a slight decline as TAIEX falls by 36.01 points to 17,637.86 on Monday (Dec. 18). Shares of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) drop by NT$6 to NT$579 upon market opening. Traditional industrial stocks, particularly the steel sector, show resilience with Hsin Kuang Steel and Sheng Yu Steel Co., Ltd seeing shares rise over 2% in early trading. China Steel Corporation’s shares climb more than 1.8%, opening at NT$26.95. Analysts highlight the importance of the incoming U.S. November Core Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) Price Index, a key inflation indicator for the Fed, and the impact of recent ETF rebalancing with stock replacements on individual stocks.
    2023/12/18 10:27
  • 影音/前Highlight團員2度來台 機場熱情曝「生日願望」

    2023/12/16 10:09
  • 直擊/龍俊亨來台「機場直接受訪」 親民100分「生日願望曝光」

    2023/12/15 15:41
  • KMT Hou, Jaw blast rivals on urban mismanagement

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and his running mate Jaw Shaw-kong criticize Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te over alleged poor urban administration. They highlight Ko’s lack of progress in the Shezidao area during his tenure as Taipei mayor and criticize Lai for allowing the burial of furnace slag in agricultural land in Tainan. The KMT duo showcases their achievements in transforming the Wugu Garbage Dump Hill into an eco-park, contrasting it with Lai’s term in Tainan. Hou emphasizes his background in public administration and strong execution skills, pledging to bring change to Taiwan and lead the Republic of China (ROC) toward further progress.
    2023/12/02 15:02
  • 龍俊亨烙台語「我愛你」 12月來台慶生「全場好禮+擊掌送幸福」

    韓國創作男神龍俊亨8月才來台灣開唱,不過上次活動誠意滿滿,頗受好評,12月16日即將再來台灣舉辦安可演唱會,他也特地拍攝影片用台語跟粉絲撒嬌,尤其12月19日正好是他生日,龍俊亨也特地喊話:「希望大家都能來和我一起度過愉快的年末! 」
    2023/12/02 13:41
  • PFP Soong blames power struggle for Blue-White split

    James Soong, chairman of the People First Party (PFP), attributed the fallout of the Blue-White alliance to politicking among power-hungry politicians. Soong dismissed criticism directed at Huang Shan-shan, campaign chief of Ko Wen-je’s Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), and questioned whether politicians truly prioritize the people’s issues. Soong criticized major parties in Taiwan, including the Kuomintang (KMT), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), TPP, and his own PFP, for not reflecting on whether they truly listen to the voices and interests of the populace. He expressed skepticism about the presidential nomination processes of other parties, suggesting they prioritize replacing each other rather than the welfare of the people. Soong emphasized that the PFP has always prioritized public affairs and prided itself on not placing party interests above the public’s welfare. These claims by Soong highlight the challenges of uniting against the ruling administration as the opposition parties navigate the upcoming elections.
    2023/11/29 20:25
  • Formosan black bear released to the wild after FNCA’s care

    A Formosan black bear, injured at a coffee plantation in Taiwan, has been released back into the wilderness after four months of intensive care. The bear, named "Da qu-ali" after a Bunun indigenous leader, triggered a trap in July and underwent successful surgery to recover. Weighing 101 kilograms, the bear was deemed fit for reintroduction. Major wildlife conservation organizations participated in the release, which included a divine naming ceremony led by tribe chief Ho Cheng-chung. The Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency used the incident to highlight the importance of wildlife conservation and encouraged local residents to create bear-friendly environments.
    2023/11/14 21:14
  • Taiwan committed to democracy and freedom: President Tsai

    President Tsai Ing-wen emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to protecting freedom, democracy, and regional peace at the 2023 Taipei Security Dialogue. The event focused on key issues including China’s challenge to the global order and democracy, the influence of the Ukrainian-Russian war on global relations, and China’s expanding global influence. Tsai discussed strengthening self-defense capabilities, restoring compulsory military service, increasing the defense budget, and highlighted Taiwan’s first domestically produced submarine prototype. She drew examples from Ukraine’s resistance against Russian invasion and conflicts in the Middle East to highlight the impact of "grey zone" activity on stability in the Indo-Pacific region. Other attendees included high-ranking officials from Taiwan’s government and diplomats and experts from various countries.
    2023/11/08 20:37
  • Taiwan LGBT+ Pride to highlight diversity challenges

    The 21st Taiwan LGBT+ Pride , with the theme "Stand with Diversity," will take place in front of Taipei City Hall on October 28th. DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te will attend, while PFP candidate Ko Wen-je will be absent due to a prior engagement in the south. KMT will send youth group members, and Hou Yu-yih will not attend but expresses support for gender equality. Terry Gou and Lai Pei-hsia will also be absent but maintain their support for gender-friendly policies.
    2023/10/26 15:17
  • MOFA clarifies assistance efforts amid Israel-Hamas war

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan responds to allegations by a stranded Taiwanese traveler in Israel, expressing regret and countering the claims. The traveler accused the Ministry of providing insufficient assistance during violent clashes in Palestine. The Ministry clarifies that the traveler received no aid from his airline and sought help from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel Aviv, but found their advice unsympathetic. The Ministry expresses regret and disappointment towards the unverified statements, emphasizing their attempts to assist the traveler and the necessity of online booking for confidential information. They also highlight their commitment to helping travelers return home amidst the conflict and express regret over baseless allegations impacting their personnel’s morale.
    2023/10/11 11:11
  • Rising ridership, but falling profits for Taiwan’s MRTs

    Taiwan’s MRT systems are facing financial challenges despite increasing ridership. Keelung City Councilor Cheng Wen-ting discusses the importance of comprehensive assessment before investment. Experts highlight the difficulties of public transportation turning a profit.
    2023/09/21 17:29
  • 再一組二代團來台!TEEN TOP睽違4年開唱 10月攜新專秀實力

    繼HIGHLIGHT(原BEAST)、INFINITE都相繼以完整體來台舉辦活動,同為二代男團的TEEN TOP不僅7月帶來出道13週年的新專輯《TEEN TOP [4SHO]》,相隔4年將再度來台舉辦演唱會,時間就選在10月底!
    2023/09/13 14:07
  • 單飛更紅!Highlight梁耀燮、《PEAK TIME》M.O.N.T相約9月撲台

    今(2023)年神級實力派韓團Highlight來台舉辦粉絲見面會,話題選秀節目《PEAK TIME》更找來3組人氣團體聯合舉辦演唱會,不過現在歌迷有福了,除了Highlight主唱梁耀燮9月底將單飛來台開唱,靠人氣選秀節目《PEAK TIME》翻身的兩人男團M.O.N.T同樣也要來台舉辦單獨的粉絲演唱會!
    2023/08/21 18:41
  • EVA Air union demands fair wages as company profits soar

    EVA Air union members stage a rainy protest over withheld bonuses despite the company’s record profits. Entry-level employees highlight disparities with other airlines’ pay raises. Learn more about the demand for fair wages.
    2023/08/16 17:55
  • 龍俊亨台灣開唱宣布喜訊「跟粉絲交往」 趕工歌曲只為唱給台妹聽

    韓國歌手龍俊亨5日晚間在Zepp New Taipei開唱,這也是他經歷風波、退團後,睽違5年再度來台。先前雖然已經辦過首爾場次,但龍俊亨為了報答台灣歌迷,特別加了不少與粉絲互動的環節,甚至從演唱會升級為粉絲見面會,讓現場1100名歌迷超感動,只是居然在現場居然答應跟粉絲「交往」!
    2023/08/05 19:55
  • HIGHLIGHT梁耀燮中秋前夕開唱! 來台不甩成員「要獨享美食」

    2023/08/01 18:55
  • 又一男團老么結婚!HIGHLIGHT孫東雲9月結婚 親筆信曝女友身分

    2023/06/28 11:12
  • 龍俊亨斷開不雅片群組爭議! 8月睽違5年來台「首度單獨開唱」

    韓國實力派音樂製作人「龍PD」的龍俊亨2019年衰捲鄭俊英、勝利的「老司機群組」風波,也因此退出所屬團體Highlight,不過沉寂多年後,龍俊亨2022年10月宣布成立新公司BLACK MADE娛樂,更發行睽違4年的音樂作品,現在更有好消息,龍俊亨8月即將來台舉辦個人第一場粉絲演唱會,讓許多粉絲們期待不已。
    2023/06/13 14:11
  • 本屆經典賽首人!大聯盟罕見登「張育成剪輯」:他是國防部長

    2023/03/14 09:33
  • 高爾宣是伯樂!男星YT創千萬點擊率 揭初戀「靠寫歌追到學姐」

    2023/02/23 17:15
  • 睽違近5年!韓團HIGHLIGHT登台辦運動會 激烈競爭畫面曝

    2023/02/04 22:45
  • HIGHLIGHT來台辦運動會!梁耀燮台上尷尬穿內衣 尹斗俊贏靠作弊

    2023/02/04 20:48
  • HIGHLIGHT寶島開唱「迷妹進貢道地土產」 成員曬照炫耀謝台粉

    2023/02/03 18:32
  • 盤點上半年撲台韓星!BLACKPINK要來了

    2023/01/06 18:09
  • HIGHLIGHT宣布辦運動會! 送全場福利、帶粉絲甩肥肉

    2022/12/27 13:32
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