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    ���������A 結果共8,957筆

  • Taiwan’s legislature votes to halt electricity price hike

    Discover how Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan voted to halt a planned electricity price hike, a decision driven by public concern over rising living costs and the complexities of energy policy.
    2024/04/30 15:49
  • MOFA: CPTPP a gateway to boost supply chain resilience

    Taiwan is actively pursuing membership in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) to enhance supply chain resilience and global economic security, with efforts including hosting seminars in Canada and gaining support from Canadian officials amidst potential opposition from Beijing.
    2024/04/30 15:42
  • Taiwan braces for downpour and temperature drop this week

    Discover how a frontal system triggers widespread heavy rain across Taiwan, with the Central Weather Administration’s Liu Yu-chi warning of significant downpours in Yilan, Hualien, and more. Learn about the sudden weather changes, including a sharp temperature drop in northern Taiwan.
    2024/04/30 15:28
  • Taiwan eyes stronger ties with rising India

    Chen Mu-min, the Deputy Representative to India, highlights the strengthening of Taiwan-India relations through increased cooperation in trade, investment, education, and technology. He emphasizes India’s growing political influence as beneficial for Taiwan’s international engagement and notes the expansion of Taiwan Education Centers in India, alongside a rise in Indian students and researchers visiting Taiwan. The reorganization of the global supply chain is seen as a driving force behind Taiwanese manufacturers moving to India, promising a boost in trade volume between the two nations.
    2024/04/30 13:54
  • Taiwan-India labor MOU: a step forward in collaboration

    Explore the upcoming second consultation meeting for the MOU on labor cooperation between Taiwan and India, as announced by Minister Hsu Ming-chun, focusing on open industries and the introduction of personnel, with input from a diverse group of stakeholders.
    2024/04/30 13:41
  • Tsai meets with English education pioneer Doris Brougham

    President Tsai Ing-wen meets with Studio Classroom founder Doris Brougham to discuss their love for pets and English education in Taiwan, highlighting Brougham’s 70-year contribution and welcoming her as a true Taiwanese citizen.
    2024/04/30 13:38
  • MOFA thanks Czech Republic for Taiwan quake relief donations

    Discover the story of solidarity and international cooperation as Taiwan’s MOFA thanks the Czech Republic for a generous donation to aid Hualien’s earthquake reconstruction, highlighting the deep-rooted partnership and shared values between the two nations.
    2024/04/30 13:36
  • New Taipei City unveils Cat Public Office in Houtong

    The New Taipei City Government inaugurates the Houtong Cat Public Office in an effort to promote animal protection and increase adoption rates. The office, situated in a renovated old dormitory near the Houtong railway station, aims to enhance the adoption environment and highlight the cat village with its first director, an orange tabby named Dorayaki. Offering sterilization, medical, and adoption services, the initiative seeks to raise awareness and encourage the public to adopt cats responsibly, fostering an animal-friendly reputation for New Taipei City.
    2024/04/30 13:27
  • 82% of Taiwan employees worked unpaid overtime, survey finds

    Discover the alarming trend in Taiwan’s workforce where 70% of employees are virtually on call 24/7, with a significant portion working unpaid overtime, as revealed by a Yes123 survey. This situation has led to an indirect salary reduction of 11.6% for many, exacerbated by the constant connectivity enabled by smartphones.
    2024/04/30 13:17
  • Taiwan’s weather swings: From heatwave to plum rains

    Taiwan faces a scorching day with temperatures up to 36°C, particularly in its southern and southeastern areas, as forecasted by the Central Weather Administration. Foehn winds are anticipated in Taitung County, prompting a heat advisory with a yellow warning for Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung counties. A weather shift is expected to bring brief showers or thunderstorms, especially in the central and northern regions, with heavier rainfall predicted for the northeastern and Greater Taipei’s mountainous areas. Meteorologist Lin Te-en highlights an expected above-average rainfall for May, aligning with the plum rain season, potentially easing Taiwan’s water scarcity concerns yet raising flooding risks.
    2024/04/30 11:54
  • 姜麗文香港補辦婚禮!大秀甜蜜結婚照 秦沛喜迎女婿 

    姜麗文與老公柏豪原定20年結婚,但婚禮因為疫情延後,至22年在美國洛杉磯簡約行禮,不過家人當時只能透過影片參與婚禮。而最近姜麗文與老公就在香港補辦婚禮,只邀家人出席。她今午(29日)在社交平台分享喜悅,寫下:「A beautiful tea ceremony with our family. What a wonderful way to celebrate our love」又向老公告白:「Hello, best friend. I love you.」
    2024/04/30 09:56
  • 米其林餐廳也不合格! 議員揭「食安地雷」:君品頤宮、天香樓都入列

    食安問題再浮檯面,國民黨台北市議員柳采葳今(29)日揭露,包括君品頤宮、天香樓、米香、A Cut等米其林餐廳在內,近四年來多次衛生稽查不合格;素食店家食安也亮紅燈,摩斯漢堡的衛生稽查不合格率在近四年內平均高達36%。她質疑,「連米其林餐廳衛生都堪憂,民眾還有什麼東西可以吃得安心?」
    2024/04/29 17:59
  • KYMCO, Arun Plus launch joint venture to electrify Thailand

    Discover how KYMCO’s new joint venture with Arun Plus, Aionex, is set to transform the electric motorcycle market in Southeast Asia, aiming to establish a sustainable transportation model across the region.
    2024/04/29 17:57
  • Eased trade, travel restrictions to bolster ties: China

    China has announced the lifting of its ban on several agricultural and fishery products from Taiwan, signaling a potential thaw in cross-strait relations and fostering hopes for increased economic and cultural exchanges.
    2024/04/29 17:57
  • China reveals technological leaps in upcoming lunar mission

    Discover how China’s Chang’e 6 mission aims to surpass its previous lunar sample collection, deepening our understanding of the moon with advanced technology and strategic launches. Learn about China’s future space exploration plans, including astronaut missions by 2030 and the establishment of a lunar research station.
    2024/04/29 17:14
  • Zero lost luggage: Kansai Airport’s 30-year perfect record

    Discover how Kansai Airport in Japan has achieved the title of best airport for baggage handling in the 2024 Skytrax survey, maintaining a perfect record of zero lost luggage since 1994. Learn about its efficient baggage handling process and see how it compares to other top-ranking airports worldwide.
    2024/04/29 16:44
  • 52 diners fall ill after eating at Kaohsiung buffet

    A food poisoning outbreak at Hi-Lai Harbour restaurant in Kaohsiung has led to 50 people seeking medical attention for symptoms like diarrhea and abdominal pain, following dining experiences on April 26 and 27. The Kaohsiung City Department of Health is investigating, conducting microbial tests, and has mandated an improvement plan for the restaurant.
    2024/04/29 15:46
  • Japanese group conducts drone survey near Senkaku Islands

    Explore the latest on East Asia’s territorial disputes: A Japanese group led by ex-Defense Minister Tomomi Inada conducted a drone inspection near the Senkaku Islands, amid tensions with China.
    2024/04/29 15:32
  • Japan sees shift to domestic travel amid economic changes

    Discover how Japan’s travel trends are shifting towards domestic exploration amid economic challenges, with a significant drop in outbound travel and a rise in local tourism. Learn about the impact on airlines and the tourism sector.
    2024/04/29 15:06
  • Hsiao Bi-khim shares heartfelt return to alma mater

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim returns to National Tainan Girls’ Senior High School for an alumni association election and a special entrance ceremony, reflecting on her academic journey and connection to the school she once could not attend.
    2024/04/29 14:35
  • Fatal food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam claims fourth victim

    Deputy Minister of Health Wang Pi-Sheng confirms a 40-year-old woman’s death due to food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam, marking the fourth fatality linked to the tea house in Taipei’s Xinyi A13 branch. The outbreak has resulted in 35 cases, with two patients still hospitalized.
    2024/04/29 14:29
  • Huawei overcomes U.S. restrictions with new smartphone chip

    Discover how Huawei’s new Pura 70 series, featuring the advanced Kirin 9010 processor, marks a significant technological leap and defies U.S. restrictions, selling out quickly after launch.
    2024/04/29 14:10
  • SUPER EIGHT帶2團師弟耍壞! 19人跨團組「KAMIGATA BOYZ」

    日本STARTO娛樂(原傑尼斯事務所)雖然歷經約1年多風波與打擊,不過公司迅速站穩腳步,除了日前宣布5月中「Aぇ! group」(音近「欸欸group」)確定出道,現在更有跨團新企畫,由SUPER EIGHT(原關8)領軍WEST.(原Johnny’s WEST)、浪花男子(なにわ男子),打造全新風格的「KAMIGATA BOYZ」。
    2024/04/29 12:21
  • China to lift ban on Taiwan’s agricultural, fishery products

    Discover how China’s recent decision to lift its ban on Taiwanese agricultural and fishery products marks a significant step towards improving cross-strait relations. Read about the scientific assessments behind the move and its potential impact on trade.
    2024/04/29 11:58
  • Taiwan sweats under severe heatwave, CWA issues warnings

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather: a heatwave with temperatures soaring up to 34°C, high-temperature warnings in four counties, and the potential for foehn winds in Taitung. Amidst the heat, expect scattered showers and brief thunderstorms across various regions. However, a shift is on the horizon for Labor Day, with a passing front bringing unstable weather, possible heavy rainfall, and a cool down in northern Taiwan. Stay updated on these changing conditions.
    2024/04/29 11:16
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