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  • 統神鞠躬再道歉 激動喊「燒檢察官啊燒我幹嘛」:我只是一般人

    2024/04/15 10:47
  • 《周處》變謎片除三嗨!邪教「屠殺成亂交」 老司機讚:效率真好

    犯罪劇情國片《周處除三害》推出以來就好評如潮,不只入圍金馬獎多項大獎,在中國也創造了超過5 億人民幣(約新台幣25 億)的票房,連男主角阮經天在電影中吃的便當,也在網路上掀起了熱烈的討論,因此AV片商就看準商機,將劇中大屠殺的橋段,改編成「大亂交」。
    2024/04/14 12:47
  • 星巴克x迪士尼第2彈!18款周邊一覽 加碼連3天買1送1

    星巴克與Disney迪士尼再次合作啦!繼去年推出的復古懷舊系列「Relive the Magic Together」,此次迎接初夏推出第2波「A SIP OF JOY」商品系列,以繽紛的多巴胺色系為設計主軸,共有11款可愛的迪士尼咖啡隨行杯+6款質感生活用品,4/16起全門市及線上門市正式限量開賣!
    2024/04/13 11:50
  • 黃金價格每盎司2,377美元 再創歷史新高

    2024/04/12 18:04
  • Taiwan’s rising rents: pandemic, war, and interest rates

    the year-over-year (YoY) rate in the rent index has been around 2% for the past two years, a relatively high level. The YoY growth rate in March was 2.24%, the highest increase in the past year. Over the past decade, the average annual increase in the rent index was 1.1%. However, since July 2022, the growth has exceeded 2% and has remained at this level. DGBAS officials pointed out three main factors that contributed to the rise in rent. First, the cost of maintaining houses has increased. In recent years, the increase in residential maintenance costs has been significant, with a sharp rise of 5.8% in 2022 and increases of over 3% in 2023 and 2024. 
    2024/04/12 18:00
  • Taipei Dome to host first professional basketball games

    Discover the historic basketball event as the New Taipei CTBC DEA and Taipei Taishin Mars gear up to play at the Taipei Dome, marking a first for professional teams in the T1 League on April 13 and 14. With over 16,000 tickets sold and expectations to break attendance records, the anticipation builds for a monumental showdown.
    2024/04/12 17:58
  • Hualien earthquake: Uranus Building demolition continues

    Following a devastating earthquake in Hualien, the ongoing demolition of the Uranus Building draws attention as efforts are made to protect trapped animals, with the demolition expected to conclude within two weeks.
    2024/04/12 16:50
  • Premier-designate Cho reveals new Taiwan cabinet members

    Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai announced a new wave of cabinet appointments in Taiwan, featuring notable figures and a planned transition on May 20. This move marks a significant reshuffle in key government positions.
    2024/04/12 16:45
  • Taiwan thanks allies for support in Taiwan Strait stability

    Taipei’s Presidential Office spokesperson Olivia Lin thanks U.S., Japanese, and Philippine leaders for supporting peace in the Taiwan Strait and recognizing Taiwan’s contributions to Indo-Pacific stability. The U.S.-Japan and U.S.-Japan-Philippines summits highlight the global consensus on the importance of peace in the region amidst rising authoritarianism. Lin commits Taiwan to strengthening self-defense and international cooperation for a free and open Indo-Pacific.
    2024/04/12 15:29
  • Taipei City Hall cafeteria fined due to food safety breaches

    A staff cafeteria in the basement of Taipei City Hall, named Fu-Yan, was fined over NT$2 million for food safety violations, including the use of expired ingredients. The contract was terminated, and the premises must be returned. Surprise inspections led to increased scrutiny, with plans for daily checks and expanded inspection areas. Temporary food options will be provided through food trucks, and assistance will be offered to affected employees. The public is urged to report any health issues after dining at the cafeteria.
    2024/04/12 15:23
  • Taiwan announces 665 job openings in state-owned enterprises

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs announces recruitment for 665 positions across Taiwan Power Company, CPC Corporation, Taiwan Sugar Corporation, and Taiwan Water Corporation, with starting salaries of NT$41,000 to NT$42,000. Examination details for roles in 23 categories, including electrical engineering and business management, to be released online, offering a path to salary growth for top performers.
    2024/04/12 11:02
  • Taipei mayor takes action on suspected daycare child abuse

    In Taipei, a child under one year old underwent successful emergency surgery for a subdural hematoma, sparking concerns of potential child abuse. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an has mobilized the Department of Health and police to investigate, with the daycare center temporarily suspended. The case’s complexities, including the timing of the injuries and responsibilities of the parents or nanny, are under scrutiny as authorities aim for a swift resolution and the child’s recovery.
    2024/04/12 10:59
  • Warm weekend ahead for Taiwan with sunny skies and showers

    Explore Taiwan’s weather forecast with Daniel Wu, a meteorologist and adjunct associate professor at National Central University. Expect a warm weekend with scattered showers, sunny spells, and potential fog across various regions. Wu advises on precautions against sunburn and heatstroke as temperatures might soar to 36 degrees Celsius. Anticipate a frontal system bringing brief showers and atmospheric instability in the coming days, yet with continued warm conditions.
    2024/04/12 10:03
  • 檢方認黃子佼「一時失慮」緩起訴!立委轟:連買7片失慮7次?

    2024/04/12 08:00
  • Chiang unveils 4-point plan to tackle foodborne illnesses

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces four measures to address recent suspected food poisoning cases at popular restaurants, including establishing a dedicated team, increasing inspection efficiency, purchasing additional equipment, and launching a special inspection project for food monitoring.
    2024/04/11 18:09
  • US, Japan establish joint command, deepen military ties

    Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and U.S. President Joe Biden reaffirmed the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, pledged to uphold international order, and signed approximately 70 cooperation agreements spanning defense, space, economic security, AI, nuclear fusion energy, and disaster relief during a bilateral summit at the White House.
    2024/04/11 17:52
  • Wu Kang-jen vies for 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards

    Wu K’ang-jen, recent Golden Horse Best Actor winner, nominated for Best Supporting Actor at 42nd Hong Kong Film Awards for role in "Fei Wo Yüeh Yüeh". "A-pang A-ti" competes for Best Asian Chinese Film against "Chu Ma She Ko Ko", "Chia Wo Ssu Ti Shih T’i", "Man Chiang Hung" and "Pu Shou Tu Hsi".
    2024/04/11 17:28
  • US congress marks 45th anniversary of Taiwan Relations Act

    A bipartisan group of Members of the U.S. Congress introduced a resolution reaffirming the U.S. commitment to Taiwan on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA). The resolution covers the House’s commitment to the TRA, calls on the Secretary of State to actively assist Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, and recognizes the significant contributions of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) in advancing U.S.-Taiwan interests.
    2024/04/11 14:56
  • Taiwan temperatures soar as northeast monsoon weakens

    Temperatures rise across Taiwan as northeast monsoon weakens, with highs of 31°C in the north and 34°C in the south. Brief showers expected in the east and southeast, while other regions remain mostly sunny. Unstable weather and thunderstorms possible as a front approaches on Saturday.
    2024/04/11 14:26
  • Alishan Forest Railway to reopen July after 15-year closure

    Here is a meta description for the story about the Alishan Forest Railway restoration: Alishan Forest Railway, a NT$2.3 billion 15-year project, to fully reopen July 1, 2024, connecting Chiayi as an international tourist destination, after repairs from typhoon damage in 2009 and 2015.
    2024/04/11 14:17
  • Taiwan raises NT$580M for Hualien quake relief in 8 days

    Here is a meta description for the given story: The Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Hualien disaster relief project has raised nearly NT$580 million to aid reconstruction efforts following the powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of Hualien on April 3, causing severe damage.
    2024/04/11 12:08
  • Kaohsiung offers subsidy for old building reconstruction

    Kaohsiung City offers subsidies up to NT$ 115,000 for reconstruction of old and dangerous buildings in 2024, addressing safety concerns following a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. Over half of the city’s residential units are more than 30 years old. Applications are open until December 2.
    2024/04/11 12:05
  • Ma Ying-jeou concludes 11-day China visit

    Here is a meta description for the story: Former President Ma Ying-jeou returns to Taiwan after 11-day mainland China visit, including "Ma-Xi Second Meeting" with Chinese President Xi Jinping and meetings with other top Chinese leaders, sparking cross-strait discussions on identity and nationalism.
    2024/04/11 12:02
  • 專訪/成A-Lin愛徒!琟娜獲賜名藏深意 迷上DIY甜喊:還在熱戀期

    2024/04/11 08:15
  • 吳子嘉爆衛福部買BNT疫苗A錢 東洋林全:上海復星有低消

    2024/04/10 18:28
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