  • 歷史搜尋:
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  • Tourist hotel revenues rise in Taiwan despite lower rates

    Discover how Taiwan’s tourist hotels are seeing revenue growth despite a slight drop in average nightly rates, with details on occupancy, revenue sources, and new discount schemes.
    2024/06/26 13:41
  • TAO accuses DPP of spreading ’green terror’

    Discover the latest response from China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, refuting allegations of Xinhua News Agency’s involvement in Taiwanese TV shows as "fake news" and accusing the DPP of "green terror."
    2024/06/26 13:27
  • LINE Fact Checker introduces voice message verification

    Discover how LINE Fact Checker’s new Speech to Text feature is combating misinformation in Taiwan, making it easier to verify voice messages. Learn about its impact and the popular false information topics it addresses.
    2024/06/26 12:37
  • NBA/大學隊成真!維拉諾瓦4人組集結 尼克取得鐵人前鋒

    NBA紐約尼克2023-24賽季在缺兵少將下,一路殺到東區半決賽,陣中「維拉諾瓦大學(Villanova)三人組」哈特(Josh Hart)、布朗森(Jalen Brunson)、迪文森佐(Donte DiVincenzo)功不可沒。今(26)日,尼克送出7張選秀籤與資深鋒線波丹諾維奇(Bojan Bogdanovic),引進又一名維拉諾瓦校友、籃網3D前鋒布里吉斯(Mikal Bridges),四名大學時期一同奪冠的球員如今在紐約再次集結。
    2024/06/26 12:36
  • Cross-strait trade focus of Taiwan Chamber’s Beijing visit

    Explore the latest developments in cross-strait relations as Taiwanese and Chinese business leaders aim to deepen economic ties and investment. This visit marks a step toward enhancing trade and cultural exchanges.
    2024/06/26 12:26
  • 不滿對方線上遊戲「當壞人」 亞裔男飛越千里謀殺網友

    美國紐約州拿騷縣警局(Nassau County)通報一起離奇命案,警長比爾(Bill Leeper)表示,當地一名年僅20歲的亞裔青年愛德華(Edward Kang),因為在線上遊戲中與網友發生衝突,竟購買鐵鎚並從紐澤西搭機飛越1000公里,前往佛州企圖謀殺對方,所幸該網友父親即時發現阻止,才讓男子撿回一條命。
    2024/06/26 11:49
  • 《誰是被害者2》登頂第一!劉俊謙隔4年同台「正牌女友」蔡思韵

    2024/06/26 11:45
  • 台灣16所大學非黃仁勳最愛?輝達主力「這國」最多 打趴史丹佛

    2024/06/26 11:17
  • Tainan leads with new student safety measures outdoors

    Discover how Tainan is leading the way in outdoor education safety and curriculum development, making it the first among Taiwan’s six municipalities to implement new regulations.
    2024/06/26 11:01
  • AI to cut 29.2% of jobs in the next decade, survey finds

    Discover how AI is set to transform the job market, with a survey revealing a 29.2% reduction in job opportunities over the next decade. Learn which jobs are at risk and the rising demand for AI skills.
    2024/06/26 10:51
  • Taiwan battles triple virus outbreak, including COVID surge

    Discover how Tainan is leading the way in outdoor education safety and curriculum development, making it the first among Taiwan’s six municipalities to implement new regulations.
    2024/06/26 10:49
  • 歐巴馬「同父異母姐姐」現身肯亞示威 遭煙霧彈襲擊狂咳不止

    肯亞25日因為政府加稅而爆發激烈的抗議,大量民眾聚集在首都奈洛比(Nairobi)的國會大樓外抗議,警方為驅散民眾竟投擲催淚瓦斯、甚至射出實彈,造成5死31傷的慘劇,《CNN》在當地報導時意外遇到美國前總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)同父異母的姐姐,訪問途中更遭遇催淚瓦斯襲擊,畫面曝光引起熱議。
    2024/06/26 10:45
  • Kyoto mayor seeks higher public transport fares for tourists

    Discover how Kyoto’s Mayor Kōji Matsui proposes higher public transport fares for tourists to ease congestion and improve residents’ quality of life, amid Japan’s tourism boom.
    2024/06/26 10:24
  • 肯亞民眾反加稅示威遭警開槍 釀至少5死31傷

    2024/06/26 10:16
  • Taiwan education ministry to offset higher power rates

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Education plans to support universities and colleges with electricity costs amid Taipower’s cancellation of price concessions. Learn about sustainable campus initiatives.
    2024/06/26 10:15
  • 全球AI浪潮 木魚再度敲響國際   佛教 意識與AI峰會圓滿落幕

    由聯合國NGO木魚基金會暨台灣國際木魚計劃協會創辦人依法法師主辦第五屆"佛學 科學與未來"議程,疫情後於台灣隆重登場,此次探討的主題為”佛教 意識與AI論談峰會。
    2024/06/26 09:47
  • NBA/勇士王朝再臨?喬治有望聯手柯瑞 美媒爆「積極爭取中」

    2024/06/26 09:38
  • Gecko in soy sauce dish causes uproar in Taiwan

    Discover how geckos can pose a health risk due to Salmonella, as Taiwan’s CDC warns following an incident at a sushi restaurant. Learn about the global impact and safety precautions.
    2024/06/26 09:34
  • Taiwan weather: clear skies, thunderstorms ahead

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: The Central Weather Administration reports a strengthening Pacific high-pressure system, leading to mostly clear skies and potential afternoon thunderstorms in the northern Tainan and mountain areas. Experts predict the hottest days of the week ahead, with temperatures soaring to 36-38 degrees Celsius. Stay informed on unusual weather patterns and heavy rainfall forecasts.
    2024/06/26 09:21
  • Taipei envoy denies misuse of public funds

    Discover the truth behind allegations of public funds misuse by Alexander Tah-ray Yui, as he defends himself and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarifies purchases.
    2024/06/26 08:58
  • AI晶片龍頭輝達「強彈逾6%」!道瓊大跌299點

    2024/06/26 07:20
  • 虎牙甜心「上車1舉動太NG」男友秒變臉!陳伊尷尬:他不想跟我約會

    陳伊是中職樂天桃猿啦啦隊「RAKUTEN GIRLS」的人氣成員,後來更因參加《全明星運動會》第4季,知名度更上層樓。陳伊展露笑容時經常露出可愛虎牙,被粉絲封為「虎牙甜心」。日前,她受邀登上綜藝談話節目,分享了一段和男友的有趣插曲。某次,男友開車接她下班,兩人約好去約會,但因為她太累了,在車上做了個「NG舉動」,結果男友立刻改變主意,提議回家。
    2024/06/25 21:58
  • 敗訴後再槓基市府! NET律師:全NET出資

    2024/06/25 20:16
  • 起薪28K要「日文N1」! 工作內容曝光 網:不如去超商

    2024/06/25 19:01
  • Taiwan sees rise in COVID-19 cases, seniors hit hardest

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s COVID-19 surge: cases rise to 817, with seniors above 65 making up 90% of deaths. The CDC highlights the dominance of the JN.1 strain and urges vaccination with the XBB vaccine to combat the trend. Read more on the current situation and health advice.
    2024/06/25 17:30
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