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  • 12歲美少女「被性侵勒斃」!出門找男友 遭移民盯上淪浮屍

    美國近期一起「浮屍命案」引起社會高度關注,12歲少女南嘉蕾(Jocelyn Nungaray)半夜偷溜出門後,於隔日清晨被發現陳屍在溪流中,生前疑似有遭性侵、勒斃的跡象,警方介入調查後,將兩名委內瑞拉男性移民逮捕歸案、指控其犯下謀殺罪。
    2024/06/22 08:50
  • 毛蟹返鄉 碧潭堰看熱鬧 水漾學堂教你看門道

    2024/06/21 21:00
  • 藝術片之王險遭換角 氣象署短片《降溫告急》狂NG

    2024/06/21 19:21
  • 夏日臉上大爆油!專家揭「4大NG行為」別做 用對洗面乳很關鍵

    2024/06/21 18:13
  • Gender norms shift in Taiwan, affecting family planning

    Explore how feminism and inflation are reshaping gender norms in Taiwan and Japan, leading to more dual-income families and changing lifestyle choices.
    2024/06/21 17:54
  • Excessive plasticizers found in gloves, recall issued

    Discover the risks of household rubber and plastic gloves as Taiwan’s Consumer Protection Committee finds excessive plasticizers in some products, leading to recalls and health warnings. Learn about the actions taken to address these concerns.
    2024/06/21 16:50
  • Taiwan’s Legislature upholds decision on reform bill

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s parliamentary reform bill: A vote in the Legislative Yuan fails, with 62 against and 51 in favor, despite efforts for reconsideration. Full details on the vote and reactions inside.
    2024/06/21 16:44
  • Taiwan’s opposition calls on DPP to uphold democratic reform

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s political scene: KMT Chairman Eric Chu urges the DPP to embrace democratic reform and heed public sentiment after review of legislative reform bills face rejection. Learn more about the ongoing debate and calls for change.
    2024/06/21 16:25
  • Taiwan’s Executive Yuan backs new pedestrian safety plan

    Discover how Taiwan’s Executive Yuan is enhancing pedestrian safety through a comprehensive plan involving the MOTC and MOI, targeting 799 intersections and 200 schools for improvements by year-end.
    2024/06/21 15:39
  • 大谷專屬釘鞋「Ohtani 1」亮相! 白底金屬LOGO超吸睛

    美國職棒(MLB)日籍球星大谷翔平先前與運動品牌New Balance簽下代言合約,外界也對他專屬的產品相當關注,近日這雙名為「Ohtani 1」、以白色為底帶著金屬LOGO的釘鞋終於亮相,且將於美國時間7月15日上市。
    2024/06/21 15:05
  • NewJeans完整體回歸!惠仁逾2個月回歸 赴日行程滿成這樣

    韓國女團NewJeans團員惠仁,日前因為骨裂導致行程暫停,如今經紀公司宣布她逐漸休養完畢,全團正式飛往日本展開一系列活動,更在21日發表全新單曲,此外New Jeans最近也擠進韓國最新統計的「最受歡迎歌手」榜單。
    2024/06/21 14:52
  • Mingdao University to close amid declining birth rate

    Discover the story of Taiwan’s Mingdao University closing in 2024 after 23 years, due to financial struggles and a declining birth rate. Details on its final grand graduation ceremony and events.
    2024/06/21 14:40
  • Panadol prices to rise by up to 10% in Taiwan from July

    Discover how the price of Panadol in Taiwan is set to rise by 8% to 10% in July due to increased electricity costs, as stated by Shen Tsai-ying of the Taiwan General Medical Practitioners Association. Learn about the impact of COVID-19 on demand and alternatives to consider.
    2024/06/21 14:27
  • 巴黎奧運/楊勇緯比完賽最想吃鹽酥雞 盼一睹「蠻牛」風采

    台灣「柔道男神」楊勇緯上屆東京奧運拿下銀牌後,一舉成為家喻戶曉的大明星,人氣超旺。今年巴黎奧運即將登場,楊勇緯再度肩負台灣人奪牌的期待,他坦言,上個月在阿布達比世錦賽奪銀,創下個人最佳成績,大大提升了他的信心。加上近期蒙古教練為他增添了不同的訓練元素,讓他對於今年巴黎奧運仍充滿期待。他也坦言,希望能在法網場地見證「紅土之王」納達爾(Rafael Nadal)的奧運最後一舞,還說比完賽想去奧運中繼站「吃一輪」,最想吃鹽酥雞。
    2024/06/21 13:54
  • TVBS interview with Nvidia CEO sparks global discussion

    Discover insights from Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang’s interview on TVBS Insight People, where he predicts humanoid robots will dominate the future, sparking a discussion and a response from Tesla’s Elon Musk. Learn about the challenges and breakthroughs expected in robot technology.
    2024/06/21 13:53
  • 金曲前夕!許富凱喜奪FMA年度大躍進 歌王、歌后出爐了

    第35屆金曲獎頒獎典禮倒數登場,在此之前。新加坡音樂評論網站「Freshmusic音樂誌」主辦以及馬來西亞「TAMA台灣東協造音行動」(簡稱TAMA)協辦的第17屆Freshmusic Awards(簡稱FMA),昨(20)日公布得獎名單,台語歌王許富凱獲頒「年度大躍進」獎項,替他在金曲前夕助長氣勢。
    2024/06/21 13:23
  • TVBS leads in digital transformation with NVIDIA collab

    Discover how TVBS is leading the digital transformation in media with exclusive coverage of NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s keynote at COMPUTEX 2024, focusing on AI’s future impact.
    2024/06/21 13:13
  • 第一名不是BTS!8組熱度超高韓男團 「他們」成立9年長紅

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近三個月「韓國男團」話題的網路聲量表現,帶您了解最受熱議的韓國男團TOP8。
    2024/06/21 11:57
  • Ministry addresses fears of foreign dentist influx in Taiwan

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s rural dental improvement plan, including the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s clarification on budget allocation for both local and foreign-educated dentists.
    2024/06/21 11:16
  • Taipei sees large turnout for, against legislative changes

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s legislative reform debate as the Legislative Yuan prepares for a crucial vote. Civic groups and political movements rally in Taipei, highlighting the nation’s divide on democracy and reform.
    2024/06/21 10:54
  • NBA/雷霆公牛交易 新星吉迪、「禿曼巴」卡魯索互換東家

    美國職籃(NBA)休賽季的話題除了即將到來的選秀會,無非是各隊之間的交易,而上季奪下西區龍頭、止步季後賽第2輪的奧克拉荷馬雷霆(Oklahoma City Thunder)打響第一槍,用陣中年輕後衛吉迪(Josh Giddey)向芝加哥公牛隊(Chicago Bulls)換回防守能力優異、有「禿曼巴」之稱的卡魯索(Alex Caruso)。
    2024/06/21 10:40
  • Taiwan seeks UK support for CPTPP membership bid

    Discover how Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Lin Chia-lung advocates for UK support in Taiwan’s CPTPP application and the growing Taiwan-UK relations, including trade and technology collaborations.
    2024/06/21 10:23
  • 美攔截飛彈「優先供給烏克蘭」!他國暫緩出貨 台訂單不受影響

    2024/06/21 09:15
  • 輝達股價跌逾3.5%!微軟重登「市值龍頭」 蘋果也跟著跌

    2024/06/21 08:56
  • 專訪/張孝全狂喊「3字」蘇慧倫秒變臉!許瑋甯聽定情曲害羞了

    2024/06/21 07:00
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