
Taiwan education ministry to offset higher power rates

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/26 10:15
Last update time:2024/06/26 10:39
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Education ministry to cover power cost gap for schools (Shutterstock) Taiwan education ministry to offset higher power rates
Education ministry to cover power cost gap for schools (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Amid the summer's peak electricity demands, Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) has ended its price concessions, prompting concerns about increased costs for higher education. Minister of Education Cheng Ying-yao (鄭英耀) on Wednesday (June 26) announced plans to include the cost differential between Taipower’s charges and educational electricity rates in the 2025 budget to ease the financial strain on universities and colleges.

During a media briefing, Cheng explained that although Taipower must offer public school rates below the national average, these cannot fall beneath the cost of electricity itself due to legal constraints. Following a directive from the Executive Yuan, a coordination meeting was held to ensure that the upcoming budget reflects this subsidy. The Ministry of Education (MOE) has been in talks with the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics to formalize these adjustments.


Highlighting a commitment to sustainable practices, Cheng emphasized the need for educational institutions to enhance energy efficiency. He drew on his tenure as president of Sun Yat-sen University to illustrate successful energy management, noting that current utility consumption at the university is lower than it was eight years ago when he first assumed his presidency.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan Power Company# electricity price# Minister of Education# 2025 budget# public schools# sustainable campus# energy efficiency# electricity price concessions cancellation# university electricity cost support# sustainable campus initiatives


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