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    Ultimate 結果共12筆

  • KMT targets five Taipei seats as 2024 elections loom

    The Kuomintang’s (KMT) legislative head of the Taipei City branch, Huang Lu Chin-ju, confidently stated that the KMT is poised to win five out of the eight constituencies in the upcoming legislative elections in Taipei City. Huang believes that the KMT’s strong standing in the elections could boost support for KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih. Huang also discussed the competitive race in the Shilin-Beitou constituency, highlighting the close contest between KMT candidate Chang Szu-kang and Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Rosalia Wu. Huang noted that the inclusion of Taipei City Councillor Hou Han-ting in the race could create a two-strong and one-weak scenario. Huang also mentioned the situation in the Datong-Shilin district, where KMT candidate Yu Shu-hui has made a remarkable comeback in polling. While Huang expressed confidence in securing five seats, the ultimate goal is to win all eight seats in Taipei City.
    2023/12/11 20:52
  • Asian Baseball Championship tickets sell out in seconds

    Priority tickets for the highly anticipated Chinese Taipei vs. Japan and Chinese Taipei vs. Philippines matches at the Asian Baseball Championship sold out within a minute of going on sale. CTBC Bank cardholders enjoyed an exclusive priority purchasing period, limited to 3,000 tickets per match. The rapid sellout, known as a "flash sale," sets the stage for an electrifying atmosphere at Taipei Dome. Ticket prices were raised for games featuring the Chinese Taipei team, highlighting the fervor surrounding their participation. Additional tickets were released for Chinese Taipei’s quarterfinal matches, but fans continued to rush to secure their spot in the stadium. The Chinese Taipei Baseball Association (CTBA) disclosed ticket prices, with infield seats priced at NT$1,000 and outfield seats at NT$800 for Chinese Taipei’s games. For matches not involving the home team, only infield seats are offered at NT$600. The grand finale on Dec. 10 is expected to have an expanded crowd of 22,000 spectators at Farglory Dome Co., creating the ultimate showdown on the diamond.
    2023/12/07 11:09
  • Former President Ma backs public polling for KMT-TPP ticket

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s support for nationwide polling in the selection of a joint party candidate for the upcoming presidential election has been clarified by Ma Ying-jeou Foundation spokesperson Xiao Xucen. This method, which was used in the KMT primary elections in 2019, was also used to nominate candidates for the presidency. Xiao emphasized that Ma’s stance remains unwavering and there is no truth to allegations that he has changed his attitude towards the polling of the prospective KMT-TPP ticket. Ma believes that public polling is the ultimate method to select a strong candidate who can compete against the ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s nominee, Lai Ching-te. Xiao further commented that public polling is a powerful tactic to unite non-ruling parties and challenge the "corrupted" DPP. He expressed optimism that public polling will continue to be embraced by KMT-TPP supporters, as well as moderate and young voters.
    2023/11/13 18:16
  • Volvo XC60傳追加入門款! 售價200萬有找

    近期在海外市場相繼發表EX90、EX30等新世代純電車型的Volvo,在台灣市場則是透過推出配備甚至是價格不段調整的新年式新車來維持產品競爭力;在Volvo總代理國際富豪推出了7月份購車優惠方案中,赫然見到品牌銷售主力XC60車系新增了全新的B4菁英版,牌價222萬元但目前有199萬的上市優惠價!200萬有找的XC60勢必會壓縮到體型小一號的XC40銷售空間,對此國際富豪也針對跨界休旅的車系變成進行調整,24年式的頂規車型將由199萬的Ultimate B4取代舊年式要價205萬的Ultimate B5 AWD。
    2023/07/10 15:44
  • 入手門檻變高!ROG Phone 7效能升級 風扇還增喇叭

    ROG玩家共和國昨(13)日舉行ROG Phone 7新機盛典線上新品發表會,ROG Phone 7/ ROG Phone 7 Ultimate亮相,ROG Phone 7建議售價3萬3990元,ROG Phone 7 Ultimate3萬9990元,不過不像去年有提供ROG Phone 6有提供售價2萬9990元的12GB/256GB版本,等於入手門檻相對提高。ROG Phone 7今(14)日中午12點開放專賣店預購網站、ASUS Store及各大電商平台預購,ROG Phone 7 Ultimate則預計5月2日中午12點開放鐵粉預購。
    2023/04/14 11:14
  • 首搭聯發科天璣9000+!華碩發表新機 加碼蝙蝠俠板

    除了一般旗艦機以外,電競手機瞄準重度手機遊戲玩家,首重效能以及散熱,華碩7月才發表ROG Phone 6,今(19)日又再發表ROG Phone 6D系列,不過是首度搭載聯發科晶片,其中 ROG Phone 6D Ultimate 還設計「進風口」可以把手機配件動力風扇的風直接引進讓手機核心降溫。
    2022/09/19 15:46
  • 400萬買下終極路虎 Range Rover Sport SVR終極版

    不久之前Land Rover才推出Range Rover Sport SVR SV Bespoke特仕版本,由集團旗下Special Vehicle Operations特製車部門打造客製化限定車以及車輛裝飾。不過可別以為這就是Range Rover Sport SVR的最終型態,因為現在登場的,才是真正足以掛上終極之名的車系頂尖之作:Range Rover Sport SVR Ultimate Edition。
    2021/08/25 14:53
  • McLaren 720S直接變身Senna GTR! 陸改裝品牌推出外觀套件

    擁有一輛McLaren 720S的感覺很美好,假如能夠買下一輛該品牌Ultimate Series頂級限量車款Senna,甚至是賽道限定極限車型Senna GTR,肯定只會更加過癮。不過兩者之間有著明顯價差,應該很少有人因為買了720S結果預算不夠買Senna而後悔。無論如何,中國大陸改裝品牌Darwinpro推出了解決方案,可以將720S改造成Senna或賽道限定車型Senna GTR的模樣。
    2021/06/09 10:50
  • 全球限量125部! Tiffany色Brabus Ultimate現身台中

    Brabus自2008年創立Supercar部門以來,推出過不少極具代表性的性能車款。而由Brabus操刀升級的Smart Fortwo Cabrio更以別緻的內外觀設計,在車壇創造話題。全新Brabus Ultimate以Smart 453敞篷版本為基礎,進行大規模的提升。包括安置專屬寬體套件、側裙、後保桿,並搭配18吋鍛造鋁圈,帶來更具張力的視覺感受。此外,特殊的三出排氣尾飾管也創造高度辨識效果。
    2020/12/26 09:16
  • 2021年度代表色出爐 5款「極致灰美包」迎新超百搭

    近日,色彩權威Pantone公佈2021年代表色,分別是明亮的以「Illuminating 亮麗黃」和穩重的「Ultimate Gray 極致灰」,希望能透過這兩個截然不同的顏色,為即將到來的2021年帶來新的氣象!所以~接下來的包包清單,不如就從「極致灰」開始挑吧!
    2020/12/20 18:25
  • 全球最速量產車寶座易主! SSC Tuatara時速竟高達532km/h

    2007年時SSC Ultimate Aero以412.22km/h的速度成為世上最快量產車,而13年過去,全球最速量產車頭銜已經易主多次,目前官方紀錄的保持著是由Koenigsegg Agera RS所寫下的447.19km/h。而Bugatti Super Sport 300+雖然也曾寫下490.48km/h的成績,但由於並未符合金氏世界紀錄測試規範,因此沒有拿下最速量產車頭銜。
    2020/10/20 09:18
  • 惹錯人!男子搶劫反被打成「豬頭滿臉血」 女:只K兩拳

    賊星該敗!巴西一名UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship,終極格鬥冠軍賽)的選手,上週在路上遇到搶匪襲擊,想要奪走她的手機,可惜這笨賊真的惹錯人了!這名搶匪還沒出手就被女子打至鼻青臉腫、滿臉都血!事後UFC主席達那(Dana White)還將這搶匪的傷容PO到IG上,並虧說:「他x的爛主意」。
    2019/01/08 22:28
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