Live Band好嗨!萬金溫泉祭開跑
秋高氣爽出遊好時節,除了賞楓也是開始泡溫泉的季節,台灣知名溫泉,南有關仔嶺,東北有礁溪,還有北部的金山萬里溫泉更是不能錯過,萬金遊溫泉祭開跑,今年不同以往,夜晚找來Live Band、歌手在金山老街開唱,搭配在地小吃、調香手作,以及各種深度導覽,讓金山的夜晚,熱鬧又活絡。
2024/11/13 17:41
林志穎50歲了!不科學顏值曝光 鬆吐「2招」回春祕訣
「不老男神」林志穎推出生日單曲〈奔向有你的地方〉, 同時慶祝50歲的到來,出道32年,走過人生的高山低谷,林志穎這位跨時代的超級偶像,透露自己人生下半場的目標,「小孩能夠勇敢的長大,找到自己未來的興趣,也希望能夠多跟家人去旅遊;現在自己狀況也越來越好,現在已經帶Band唱音樂節,希望有一天能夠以自己的個人演唱會為主,當然與華納音樂的合作還有好多首歌要發行,敬請大家期待」,至於為何永保青春,他分享養身秘訣有二:「一是多喝水,二是保持健康快樂的心情。」
2024/10/15 12:37
Veterans to join chorus for Taiwan’s National Day
Taiwan’s Double Ten National Day will feature a collaborative national anthem performance by veterans and students. Highlights include military flybys, precision drills, and a dynamic show. Fireworks are set for Oct. 10 in Yunlin County.
2024/10/04 14:23
丁噹辣翻香港!唱一半「洗腦天后」驚喜現身 師弟團也衝上台
「全民情歌天后」丁噹日前在香港麥花臣場館舉辦「當我們再一起」演唱會,除了full band配置外,精心準備豐富歌單以及大驚喜,除特別獻唱陳奕迅的〈富士山下〉送給香港歌迷,更邀來「洗腦天后」吳若希合體首唱粵語作品〈談戀愛〉,隔天在同場地演出的師弟鼓鼓呂思緯、蕭秉治組成的限定團GX,也「提前」現身合唱,祭出眾多驚喜來寵愛香港歌迷。
2024/09/24 12:56
MAMAMOO輝人太寵粉!高雄演出內容大改編 開場險些變謝幕
韓國實力女團MAMAMOO成員輝人今(24)、明(25)一連兩天在高雄流行音樂中心舉辦安可演唱會「2024 Whee In 1ST WORLD TOUR : WHEE IN THE MOOD [BEYOND] ENCORE IN KAOHSIUNG」,高雄場不僅是安可場唯一海外場次,還將新增的LIVE BAND帶到台灣原汁原味呈現,足以見識到輝人對於台灣MOO MOO(粉絲名)的重視。
2024/08/24 20:30
4小時不間斷!CNBLUE、FTISLAND領軍 FNC家族演唱會1月開唱
韓國經紀公司FNC旗下有CNBLUE、FTISLAND、N.Flying,以及才剛出道的陽光男孩團體Hi-Fi Un!corn等多組藝人,家族演唱會「FNC BAND KINGDOM」則首度移師台灣舉辦,2025年1月4日、5日連兩天嗨翻桃園巨蛋(桃園市立綜合體育館),歌迷們除了能享受超過4小時的精采演出,美男齊聚一堂的活動更是在視覺上的「完美滋補」!
2024/08/14 14:32
超特別!吃詹記麻辣鍋還能看表演 滅火器楊大正、巴奈現場開唱
音樂廠牌子皿結合麻辣鍋,首次舉辦「子皿 In Utero Present Vol.1: 鍋 Band Show」,9月4日將在台北西門町的「詹記麻辣火鍋西門大世界」開演,演出卡司相當豐富,有滅火器主唱楊大正、巴奈、大象體操、來吧!焙焙!、緩緩 Huan Huan、Mong Tong、張仁與、昭霖,讓觀眾一邊欣賞精彩演出,一邊享用美味火鍋。
2024/08/10 10:42
神秘女聲不藏了!童雲晞8月露面首開唱 超強大學生當同門
福茂唱片暑期特別企劃《@All》,集結旗下陳佩賢、童雲晞、陳宇祥以及康庭瑋4位新生代實力派歌手,一齊帶來4場不同以往的full band演出,8月份每週三晚上邀請粉絲一同享受音樂。
2024/07/31 17:46
3大人氣樂團接棒開唱!女星唱一半突消失舞台 原因曝光
3大金曲樂團宇宙人、Tizzy Bac與麋先生音樂風靡各大城市,3組樂團上週一連3日在東方之珠香港麥花臣場館舉辦「Beginning LIVE」香港演唱會,率領3千歌迷一起「Band!Band!Band!」嗨爆3天3夜!有緣的是同門好朋友告五人正好也在香港宣傳演唱會,將於12月21日在亞洲國際博覽館舉辦的「第一次新世界巡迴演唱會【宇宙的有趣】」最終場,4組樂團各個是空中飛人,經常到處飛到不同城市演出,竟破天荒在港齊聚,13人大陣仗享受維多利亞港高空景色、大啖在地美食。
2024/07/29 17:28
才開完演唱會!人氣女星噴淚宣布「離開台灣」 真實原因曝光
Bettii杯緹推出創作專輯《Bettii 杯緹》,昨(20)日舉辦首場個人演唱會「18 01」,她為演唱會首度以Full Band形式登場,除演唱專輯〈匿光〉、〈遲早〉、〈Shyyyyyy:)〉等新歌,更翻唱許多影響她創作的歌曲,甚至首次在樂迷面前展現小提琴演奏的才藝,令全場驚艷不已。隨著演唱會告一段落,杯緹分享之後將回到加拿大繼續完成學業,但也將持續推出新歌。
2024/07/21 16:23
Taiwan warns against Chinese social media apps for security
Discover why Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council warns against using Chinese social media apps like Xiaohongshu and Douyin, citing risks to personal and national security. Learn about the controversy surrounding Taiwanese band Mayday and the political maneuvers by China to influence Taiwan through social media and events.
2024/07/08 10:43
宇宙人、Tizzy Bac、麋先生3金曲樂團 下月襲港!狂嗨三天三夜
3大「金曲樂團」宇宙人、Tizzy Bac與麋先生MIXER近年人氣高居不下,專輯與各場演唱會討論熱度不斷,3組樂團破天荒在東方之珠-香港麥花臣場館「團團團轉」,舉辦「Beginning LIVE」香港演唱會,「Band!Band!Band!」7月25日由2023金曲獎最佳樂團:宇宙人以20週年「α:回到未來」系列巡迴打頭陣,26日Tizzy Bac接力,帶來「從地心竄出」巡迴最終場,27日則由再度入圍金曲獎最佳樂團的麋先生壓軸收尾,以新專輯「都是浪漫害的」巡迴,首度強勢登陸香港,演唱會門票預計於6月12日開賣。
2024/06/08 14:59
Sorry Youth backs Bluebird Movement, plans new album release
Discover how Taiwanese band Sorry Youth is making waves with their involvement in the Bluebird Movement and the upcoming release of their album "Noise Apartment." Learn about their unique sound, international tours, and the Vice President’s nod to their music.
2024/05/30 18:34
Lai Ching-te comments on Taiwanese artists pressure in China
Explore how Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te addresses the pressure on Taiwanese artists in China to make political statements, amid CCP influence and cross-strait relations.
2024/05/27 10:50
Energy announces first concerts at Taipei, Kaohsiung arenas
Discover the iconic boy band Energy’s electrifying comeback with their first-ever concerts in Taipei and Kaohsiung, inspired by a Mayday concert. Tickets go on sale June 2.
2024/05/24 13:51
Mayday concert ends with virtual encore amid storm
Discover how Taiwanese band Mayday and their fans braved a storm during a concert in Taipei, turning an unexpected weather challenge into a memorable virtual encore.
2024/05/01 14:24
恭喜!林宥嘉出道17年獲頒「傑出校友獎」 真實心聲曝光
林宥嘉發行新專輯《王 Love, Lord》,出道邁入第17年的他,收到一個好消息,獲得母校高雄鳳山高中頒發「傑出校友獎」,與當時一起玩音樂的學長一同接受殊榮,特別邀請到人生第一個組的樂團夥伴,一起演出新專輯主打歌〈誰不想〉成為限定Live Band版本,林宥嘉表示:「很榮幸可以獲得這個獎項,沒想到過了20年後可以再和當時的團員們一起演出,很特別也很感動。」
2024/03/31 13:42
Accusefive concert draws 40K fans, boosts Yilan tourism
Experience the electrifying concert that made history in Yilan as Accusefive’s ’Around the New World’ tour drew over 40,000 fans, boosting local tourism and setting records. Witness the spectacle of 8,000 fireworks and the band’s unforgettable performances, including their chart-topping hits.
2024/03/18 13:50
Mayday rumored to rock Beijing with 10-day concert series
Mayday fans are abuzz as rumors swirl about a possible Beijing concert tour in May. The Taiwanese rock band’s label, B’in Music, advises fans to await official announcements for accurate information. Mayday’s upcoming 25th-anniversary concert in Taiwan at the Kaohsiung National Stadium on March 23 is also highly anticipated.
2024/03/14 17:21
K-pop star Karina apologizes amid dating news uproar
South Korean girl band aespa’s leader, Karina, faces backlash over her public apology for dating actor Lee Jae-wook. Fans’ reactions vary from support to protests, with some calling for Karina to end the relationship to protect her career. Despite the controversy, many fans continue to stand by Karina.
2024/03/06 15:00
三星MWC秀腕戴彎曲手機Cling Band 耳機裝螢幕秒看電量
技界盛事、世界行動通訊大會(MWC)26至29日在西班牙巴塞隆納(Barcelona)登場,南韓科技大廠三星(Samsung)除展示可更簡單量測身體健康數據的智慧戒指Galaxy Ring,也秀出一款名為Cling Band的概念手機,最大亮點在可彎曲設計,能輕鬆配戴在手腕上,揭露未來手機型態新趨勢。
2024/02/28 10:58
天團成員退團!萌生念頭「放棄演藝圈」 露面曝低潮:不缺我一個
男星柯大堡和「MP魔幻力量」前成員嘎嘎(潘俊佳)今(27)日出席公視台語台《菜鳥仔band band band》播出記者會,嘎嘎看到舞台上一排成員,直呼不禁讓他想起「團體」一起奮鬥的感覺。柯大堡表示,他和嘎嘎都是南投埔里人,兩人因玩樂團相識,時間超過20年,趁這次節目機會,邀請嘎嘎擔任MV導演,笑虧:「嘎嘎是我認識的朋友裡,少數有經過有偶像訓練的。」暗指嘎嘎昔日的天團身分。
2024/02/27 17:30
Fire EX. announces first northern Taiwan concert in 8 years
Fire EX. announces "One Life, One Shot" concert at Taipei Music Center on June 15, marking their first major northern Taiwan performance in eight years. The band, known for their punk music, gained fame with their hit "Island’s Sunrise" during the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Join them for a unique musical experience showcasing life as "a film shot in one take." Don’t miss their upcoming North American tour and participation in South by Southwest festival.
2024/02/27 13:44
Taiwanese rock icon returns to North America after 9 years
Don’t miss Taiwanese band Wubai and China Blue on their 2024 North American "Rock Star" tour, featuring hits like "Wanderer’s Love Song" and "Last Dance." Catch them in Las Vegas, Toronto, and Connecticut this April and May. Experience the magic of Wubai’s iconic performances that have captivated fans for over three decades.
2024/02/26 14:19
Taiwan’s top 10 concerts of 2023 revealed by big data
In 2023, Taiwan’s concert scene witnessed a multitude of chart-topping performances, captivating fans with spectacles from renowned artists. The KeyPo big-data engine used by DailyView analyzed online discussions to rank the top 10 concerts of the year. At number 10, rock band Power Station, featuring guests JJ Lin and Accusefive, received positive reviews for their world tour concert "Because of Love." Accusefive, the ninth most discussed band, also garnered favorable reviews for their world tour concerts in Taiwan. Veteran singer Rainie Yang, ranked eighth, touched the hearts of concertgoers at the Taipei Arena. Hebe Tien, in seventh place, returned to the Taipei Arena after three years, inviting guest artists Waa Wei, Deserts Chang, and actor Greg Hsu. Hong Kong superstar Eason Chan, placed at number six, conveyed deep philosophical messages in his concert "Fear and Dreams." Korean soloist Taeyeon, at number five, held a solo concert at the Taipei Arena, performing 24 songs consecutively. Taiwanese star A-Mei, in fourth place, performed in Kaohsiung for 10 consecutive days, earning applause from dedicated fans. British band Coldplay secured third place for their eco-friendly concert in Kaohsiung. Taiwanese band Mayday celebrated their 25th anniversary with surprises and engagement with fans, landing them in second place. However, the top concert of 2023 in Taiwan belonged to K-pop girl group BLACKPINK, whose "Born Pink" tour tickets sold out instantly in Kaohsiung, attracting nearly 90,000 fans. The analysis collected data from various digital platforms from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, including Facebook, YouTube, news media, discussion boards, and blogs.
2024/01/07 11:06