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    singer 結果共48筆

  • EBC addresses ’Tonight Like War’ show’s future amid rumors

    Tonight Like War is a popular entertainment show in Taiwan hosted by actress Karen Hu and singer Daniel Lo. The show, which launched in 2021, has gained a loyal following due to its unique concept that incorporates internet big data and viewer participation through online voting. However, recent rumors of the show’s cessation have caused concern among fans. The Eastern Broadcasting Company (EBC), the show’s broadcaster, responded by stating that they are currently in the planning stages for the show’s future and will provide updates on any new format developments.
    2023/12/11 20:51
  • singer star Vivian Hsu ends 9-year marriage with Li Yun-feng

    Taiwanese singer and actress Vivian Hsu and Singaporean businessman Li Yun-feng have announced the end of their nine-year marriage. Despite their best efforts, the couple was unable to resolve their differences and recently signed a divorce agreement. The strain of the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced them into a long-distance relationship, along with personality differences, contributed to their split. Speculation about their marriage began last September, and Hsu hinted at her unhappiness in a recent social media post.
    2023/12/11 20:36
  • Jessi, Jay Park dispel split rumors, confirm solid ties

    South Korean rap star Jessi and Jay Park address rumors of a fallout, affirming their strong relationship and urging fans not to worry. Speculation arose that Jessi had terminated her contract with Park’s company, MORE VISION, but the artists clarified that there is no discord between them. Jessi, who previously left P Nation in 2022, joined MORE VISION in April 2023. During a performance in Taiwan, she engaged with her Taiwanese fans, showcasing her connection with the audience. Taking to social media, Jessi expressed gratitude for her fans’ support and emphasized that the gossip has not affected her spirit. This public statement demonstrates their commitment to maintaining a professional relationship and clarifying the situation for their supporters.
    2023/12/07 21:01
  • Jeannie Hsieh to headline Kaohsiung’s 2024 New Year’s gala

    Get ready for an exciting New Year’s Eve bash in Kaohsiung! Pop diva Jeannie Hsieh will be the closing act, making a comeback after a three-year hiatus. The event, held at Dream Mall, promises a departure from Hsieh’s traditional holiday repertoire. The celebration will be hosted by comedy duo Plungon and celebrity Chung Hsin-yu, with Thai singer and social media sensation Jeff Satur adding an international flavor to the lineup. Satur, who boasts 3.8 million Instagram followers, will be performing for the first time abroad. The event will also feature popular artists like Nine One One, WeiBird, GBOYSWAG, and more. Don’t miss the spectacular 240-second firework display over Asia New Bay Area, symbolizing the transition to 2024.
    2023/12/07 20:47
  • Bettii pauses studies for music, showcases strong skills

    Discover the story of 18-year-old rookie singer Bettii, who captivated audiences with her heartfelt rendition of "Seven" at a press conference. Inspired by her idol Jungkook from BTS, Bettii aims to evoke the same emotions in her music. After covering Jungkook’s song, she gained recognition from the K-pop star himself. Putting her education in Canada on hold, Bettii’s parents are supportive of her decision to pursue a singing career in Taiwan. The press conference showcased her multi-instrumental talents as she played the acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and piano. While her company doesn’t impose a dating ban, finding time to socialize remains a challenge. Standing at 168 centimeters tall, Bettii hopes to find a taller and conceptually compatible partner. She also admires the members of the K-pop group TOMORROW X TOGETHER (TXT).
    2023/12/07 20:18
  • Internet celebrities apologize, admit to cannabis use

    Prominent YouTuber Joeman, internet celebrity Lyla, and DJ Tang Yu publicly apologized for their involvement in a drug-related scandal. Joeman confessed to consuming and possessing marijuana in Taiwan and abroad throughout 2023, vowing he would never repeat his actions. Lyla, a mother herself, followed suit with an emotionally charged apology, acknowledging her use of marijuana in Taiwan and Thailand. Taiwanese singer Hsieh Ho-hsien, an advocate for marijuana legalization, commented on the matter, suggesting that there’s no need for hysteria. Joeman, Lyla, and Tang Yu were arrested for allegedly using and possessing marijuana, shocking their fans. The New Taipei City Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Corps launched a raid that led to the arrest of ten individuals, including Joeman and Lyla, bringing Taiwan’s drug laws into sharp focus.
    2023/11/08 19:21
  • Jay Chou’s concerts in Shanghai face mass ticket returns

    Taiwan pop icon Jay Chou is facing a wave of ticket returns from scalpers for his Shanghai performances due to a newly implemented real-name system. Previously, scalpers had been profiting by reselling tickets for exorbitant prices, but the introduction of the real-name system has curbed their activities.
    2023/10/12 12:50
  • Lai Pei-hsia vows to stick by Terry Gou to ’change Taiwan’

    Business tycoon Terry Gou announced his independent presidential candidacy with singer-actress Lai Pei-hsia as his running mate. Despite their political inexperience, they aim to boost Taiwan’s economy. Get the latest updates on this unconventional political alliance.
    2023/09/14 15:20
  • Hong Kong-born American singer Coco Lee remembered in Taiwan

    CoCo Lee, whose decades-long career included dozens of successful albums, movies, and television shows, died Wednesday. She was 48.
    2023/07/06 17:39
  • 圖輯/外媒大幅報導李玟死訊 《BBC》:迪士尼巨星殞落

    藝人李玟(Coco)5日傳出輕生離世,震驚兩岸三地民眾,國外媒體也都大篇幅報導,包括《CNN》、《太陽報》都有相關新聞,《BBC》則以「迪士尼巨星和流行歌手48歲殞落」(Disney star and pop singer dies at 48)為題報導,還特別點出李玟擁有「招牌燦爛笑容。」
    2023/07/06 10:29
  • 逾6成民眾反對「重機上國道」 達人狠批:台灣故步自封

    2023/04/13 22:50
  • 幫富二代「買」進名校 美大學招生醜聞主腦牢飯吃定了

    美國在2019年爆出「大學招生醜聞」,不少富豪家長為了讓子女進入名校,竟花大錢行賄,以竄改入學考試答案卷、協助子女作弊或是讓他們以體育特長生的身分被錄取進長春藤名校。這起案件的幕後策畫者「瑞克」‧辛格(William "Rick" Singer),也在美國時間4日正式被法院判處3年6個月有期徒刑,成為這場教育界史上最大醜聞中,面臨最高刑期的涉案人。
    2023/01/05 17:43
  • 狂賀!打破多項紀錄 BTS柾國入圍《滾石雜誌》百大歌手

    美國權威音樂雜誌《滾石雜誌》(Rolling Stone Magazine),近日評選出史上最偉大的200位歌手(Greatest Singer of All Time)名單;韓國夯團防彈少年團(BTS) 柾國再創紀錄,獲得了第191名的殊榮,再度證明柾國在國際音樂界的威信,也引起歌迷一陣熱議。
    2023/01/05 13:58
  • Taiwan & Hollywood celebrities attend Asia Summit

    “Hi TVBS, this is JJ Lin. Really good to be here,” said singer and entrepreneur JJ Lin.
    2022/10/04 08:00
  • 皇家年輕投手宰制全場!道奇中止12連勝、無緣破隊史紀錄

    近期勢不可擋的美國職棒(MLB)西岸強權洛杉磯道奇隊,今(15)日繼續作客堪薩斯皇家隊主場,進行雙方三連戰的最後一場比賽;以為手到擒來的的道奇,卻在此役踢到一塊大鐵板;皇家年輕投手辛格(Brady Singer),先發6局僅被敲出一支安打,徹底壓制道奇打者,他的好表現也讓道奇「近46年最長的12連勝宣告終結」,無緣挑戰隊史最長的連勝紀錄。
    2022/08/15 15:34
  • 搶先間諜照/Singer 911 DLS 售價上看5000萬!全球僅75輛

    日前Singer 911 DLS在紐伯林北賽道的測試畫面被捕捉到,當然,像這種以賽道為家的911車款在這個地方出沒可說是再合理不過,但是由Singer巧手打造後卻也更加引人關注。從目前所公布的資訊來看Singer 911 DLS,這款車的動力是源自1990年代的911車上搭載之3.6升水平對臥引擎,Singer工程團隊以此為基礎進行強化改良,並且用上更多輕量化材質,包含鈦合金連桿、碳纖維進氣管路等設計。
    2021/09/23 13:10
  • Gunther Werks打造993 Speedster 超限量身份全球僅25輛

    如果你喜歡氣冷911,又希望自己的愛車可符合現代性能車的標準,那麼你可能有幾個選擇,包含可以透過老字號的Ruf將愛車重新打造,或者可以選擇目前最當紅的Singer Vehicle Design,徹底翻新整台車並且創造出更強悍的性能表現。
    2021/08/17 11:58
  • 要價上看6000萬的911是什麼來頭 Singer DLS出廠前就已經賣光

    以推動經典保時捷911修復與設計在高端車壇引起炫風的Singer,以現代工藝向經典氣冷Porsche 911致敬,並賦予展新生命。這家公司從Type 964世代911開始(那是相對不受歡迎的一代911),將一輛過去市場價格約2~10萬美元的老車,華麗轉身成為一輛風格強烈、且讓顧客甘心樂願噴大錢購入的重改經典911。
    2021/08/13 15:59
  • 992 Targa 4S讓黑人心癢癢 演藝界蛙王之王其實是他們倆

    P. League+職業籃球聯盟執行長黑人陳建州出了名愛車,最近Porcshe將最全新992 Targa 4S出借給黑人試駕,這讓他直呼「我快忍不住了!」。Porsche經典的911系列不只是讓黑人受不了,演藝圈裡更是有不少藝人包括吳宗憲、胡瓜、何潤東、春風、章子怡等都曾駕駛911,但其中亞洲天王周杰倫的993 RWB跟余文樂會噴火的Singer改裝911可以說是演藝圈蛙王之王。
    2021/04/11 20:01
  • 最美保時捷911正式登臺 永三取得Singer代理權

    以透過實現客戶高度訂製需求、為氣冷911帶來新生、完美再現經典時光,進而致敬經典車款Porsche 911而聞名,2009年於加州成立的Singer已經成為老車新生的代名詞。為替臺灣買家帶來更獨特品牌體驗,永三汽車與Singer攜手合作,正式代理Singer進入臺灣市場,為頂級玩家帶來最美氣冷保時捷。
    2021/02/27 00:00
  • 余文樂最愛改裝廠 Singer翻新經典911

    以翻新氣冷Porsche 911聞名,傳聞連港星余文樂也是粉絲的美國改裝廠Singer Vehicle Design,這次又帶來全新作品Anglet Commission。在外觀方面Anglet Commission全車採用紫色塗裝,在行李箱蓋中央一樣有裸露的加油孔。車身四周也可見到鍍鉻飾條以及黃銅廠徽點綴,輪圈亦採用復古的五幅式造型輪圈,主要都是細節上的著墨。如果不仔細看的話,你可能會以為這只是一輛重新烤漆的氣冷911,Singer就是這樣保持著老911的原汁原味。
    2020/06/01 14:12
  • 砸3700萬送女兒進耶魯 豪父遭起底是「A級通緝犯」

    美國大學招生舞弊案引起各界關注,其中浮上檯面的兩個華人家庭,據稱分別付了650萬元(約新台幣1.95億元)和120萬元(約新台幣3700萬元),給新港灘大學入學顧問辛格(William Singer)。現在知情人士再爆料,其中支付120萬元的家庭,被定調為「耶魯申請人1號」的華人學生郭雪莉(Sherry Guo,音譯)的父親郭虎林,竟然是中國公安部A級通緝犯。
    2019/05/11 10:40
  • 休傑克曼告別「金鋼狼」 親筆信曝光粉絲哭翻

    好萊塢男星休傑克曼Hugh Jackman,最廣為人知的角色,莫過於X戰警系列電影的「金鋼狼」,經歷了17年,強悍的形象深植人心,而他也於去年宣布演完《金鋼狼3》後就辭去該角色,讓全球影迷相當不捨!而執導《X戰警》系列電影的導演布萊恩辛格Bryan Singer,日前也分享出休傑克曼寫給他的親筆告別信和禮物,粉絲直呼「感覺真的要跟金鋼狼說掰掰了,很難過」。
    2016/10/05 15:11
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