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    restaurant 結果共55筆

  • Wu Feng celebrates 17 Years in Taiwan with a touching tale

    Turkish comedian and long-time Taiwan resident, Ugur Rifat Karlova, also known as Wu Feng, expressed gratitude and warmth for his adopted home in a heartfelt Facebook post. Wu celebrated 17 years of his life in Taiwan, referring to it as his family’s home and a place deserving of cherishing. He shared a moving incident that occurred on New Year’s Eve in a teppanyaki restaurant, where a Taiwanese couple surprised him by settling his bill. Wu expressed his gratitude to the generous man and hoped to reciprocate the favor next time, thanking him for a touching New Year memory for his family.
    2024/01/02 11:31
  • Q Burger announces up to 23.4% salary hike in 2024

    Q Burger, a restaurant chain in Taipei, is making waves with its generous end-of-year bonus of up to 27.8 months for staff. In addition, the company plans to increase salaries by 23.4% in 2024, aiming to break away from the low-paying norms of the industry. Newly hired employees can expect a high basic salary of up to NT$35,000, while reserve executives start at NT$37,000. To address regional differences in living costs, Q Burger is also offering a substantial regional subsidy, with store employees in Taipei receiving an extra NT$4,000 per month. In a unique move to motivate employees, the company has introduced the "Dream Reward Plan," which grants 20% of net profits to store chiefs. Q Burger’s success is evident, with its expansion to 340 stores across Taiwan and over one million app members in 2023.
    2023/12/27 14:50
  • Thai restaurant found with excessive pesticide in peppers

    Pesticide residue 60 times over the standard limit was found in green peppers at Nara Thai Cuisine in Taichung, according to the city’s Office of Food and Drug Safety. The investigation targeted popular dining businesses and specialty restaurants recommended by the media and online personalities, including those recommended by Michelin Guides and food shows. The office tested 48 food product samples and detected 0.6 ppm of pesticide (Profenofos) in the green peppers, which is 60 times the permissible limit of below 0.01 ppm. Authorities have demanded the restaurant to cease using the batch of green peppers and will transfer the case for further investigation. The restaurant could face fines ranging from NT$60,000 to NT$200 million under the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation, while farmers inappropriately using pesticides can be fined from NT$15,000 to NT$150,000.
    2023/12/26 19:57
  • Renowned Taiwanese eatery faces eviction due to rent arrears

    A renowned Taiwanese traditional restaurant in Taipei’s Songshan district has been ordered by the Taipei District Court to vacate its premises due to rent arrears of five and a half months. The establishment, favored by non-partisans in its early years, temporarily closed after the founder’s death in February 2022 but reopened on Renai Road in May of the same year. However, due to structural irregularities in the kitchen, the restaurant relocated to Bade Road in 2021. The landlord claimed that the eatery had been persistently defaulting on rent, accumulating a debt of NT$760,000. After receiving no response to a notice of lease termination, the landlord filed a lawsuit demanding the return of the premises, compensation for the owed rent, and a monthly rental payment of NT$140,000 until the property is surrendered. The court ruled in favor of the landlord, terminating the lease agreement and ordering the restaurant to vacate the premises and continue paying rent until it does so.
    2023/12/21 21:02
  • Malaysian singer stabbed to death by obsessed fan

    Malaysian singer Hsu Chia-ling, 26, was tragically killed on December 18, in an incident involving an obsessed fan. The fan, a 44-year-old man who had been pursuing Hsu for two years, had arranged a lunch date with her at a restaurant. After the meal, an altercation occurred in the alley behind the restaurant, resulting in Hsu being fatally wounded with eight knife stabs, including one that pierced her heart. Hsu, who had agreed to marry her boyfriend Liu Yu-yang, had confirmed the lunch meeting with the fan. Despite her aversion to the meeting, she intended to keep it brief before a scheduled eyebrow grooming appointment. Following the attack, the assailant carried Hsu’s body to his car and drove home. The police found Hsu’s lifeless body in the front passenger seat of the suspect’s car and arrested him at his residence. Hsu’s family, devastated by the loss, is seeking full legal prosecution of the murderer. Liu, heartbroken by the incident, has been mourning deeply since learning of Hsu’s death.
    2023/12/20 17:22
  • Jhujian leads with bonuses amid massive growth in catering

    The Jhujian Catering Group in Taiwan sets a new standard by offering year-end bonuses totaling NT$85 million, marking a significant upturn in the nation’s catering industry. With individual bonuses potentially reaching up to three months’ salary, Jhujian leads the way in employee rewards amid industry-wide growth.
    2023/11/30 15:02
  • Diners dash as rat disrupts meal at hotpot restaurant

    Chien Tu Banqiao Shuangshi Branch temporarily closes for comprehensive cleaning and disinfection following a rat scare that rattled diners. Hygiene concerns emerge after the incident at this popular hotpot restaurant in Taiwan.
    2023/11/26 18:04
  • Bitcoin miners indicted for stealing power worth NT$77M

    A Bitcoin mining operations group in Taichung, Taiwan will be indicted on charges of aggravated theft for stealing 1.7 million kilowatt-hours of electricity from Taipower, costing the state-owned enterprise nearly NT$77 million. The group, led by a man surnamed Huang, was discovered through five rounds of investigation by the Criminal Investigation Bureau’s crime prevention division. The division seized stolen electricity equipment, Bitcoin mining machines, and illicit gains totaling over NT$80 million. The Taichung District Prosecutors Office identified the site manager, financier, and individuals responsible for setting up the mining operation. Two miners, Cheng and Su, chose sites where the wiring was on the verge of melting due to constant high-speed operation at high temperatures, endangering nearby establishments such as a hotpot restaurant and an after-school program. The prosecutors noted the malicious attitude displayed by the two miners and have requested a heavy sentence.
    2023/11/16 18:25
  • Four popular restaurants closing down with Eslite Xinyi

    Don’t miss your last chance to visit the iconic Spice Market and Eslite Xinyi bookstore in Taipei. These beloved landmarks are set to close on Christmas Eve, along with three other popular restaurants, as the Uni-President Group plans to transform the space into a department store. Redeem your vouchers at other Regent Taipei restaurants before it’s too late.
    2023/11/05 14:57
  • Policeman saves stranded family with patrol car jump-start

    A policeman and a restaurant owner in Taichung come to the rescue of a family whose car wouldn’t start near a mountainous area in Taichung.
    2023/08/28 16:28
  • Food poisoning: 7 people tested positive for Salmonella

    A food poisoning outbreak tied to a Vietnamese-French baguette market vendor at Zhongshan Market has affected 489 individuals. Salmonella contamination has been identified in seven cases. Taiwan’s FDA responds with an "International Cuisine Restaurant Inspection Project" to enhance vigilance. Learn about symptoms, risks, and prevention measures.
    2023/08/09 18:17
  • Restaurant workers, ground crew eligible for subsidy program

    The Ministry of Labor (MOL) announced plans on Friday (June 23) to allocate NT$1 billion to an unemployment subsidy program aimed at alleviating labor shortages in Taiwan. The program now extends its benefits to include the hotel industry, restaurant workers, and ground crew, who will be eligible for a subsidy ranging from NT$6,000 to NT$10,000 per month for one year.
    2023/06/26 19:46
  • Frog dish takes center stage at popular Taiwanese eatery

    In a culinary twist that has captured the attention of food enthusiasts, a restaurant in Yunlin County has unveiled a remarkable ramen dish adorned with an entire frog, left "uncut and unpeeled." This creative creation was inspired by a renowned restaurant in Taipei that recently caused a stir on social media with its giant isopod ramen.
    2023/06/19 15:50
  • Kaohsiung restaurant unveils exquisite durian-infused ramen

    Taiwan’s culinary landscape is embracing the flourishing trend of "creative ramen" as a new contender emerges: "durian." Following the previous successes of gargantuan marine isopods and frogs, this innovative dish has garnered considerable attention in the country.
    2023/06/15 18:03
  • Experts raise concerns about residue toxins in giant isopods

    A restaurant in Taipei City recently gained significant attention for its delectable ramen infused with gargantuan marine isopods. 
    2023/05/25 16:38
  • Popularity of plant-based meat on the rise in Taiwan

    From hamburger patties and chicken nuggets to meatballs, this vegetarian restaurant in Taiwan has seen its popularity grow as more and more people turn to healthier food choices that are also environmentally-friendly.
    2023/01/30 19:00
  • Industries in Taiwan have taken a hit due to the pandemic

    Taiwan(TVBS News) - Kaka is a restaurant manager who took over a hot pot restaurant around the time when the COVID-19 pandemic hit.
    2022/10/28 16:57
  • Xiaoliuqiu residents pick up waste along the coast

    Gathered on the coast of Xiaoliuqiu, these are not tourists. Rather, they are volunteers, reaching into the deep crevices between rocks, picking up garbage. These coastal cleanup volunteers are local inhabitants. Bed and breakfast owners, watersport coaches, and restaurant employees, all joined together here, to help clean up around the coast. 
    2022/10/27 17:49
  • Taiwan feels pressure of rising prices amid stagnant wages

    This restaurant in Taipei City boasting generous food portions is a favorite among office workers. 
    2022/10/27 17:44
  • 台灣肯德基、必勝客易主? 彭博社曝怡和餐飲擬出售港台業務

    《彭博社》20日引述消息人士說法稱,總部位在新加坡的怡和控股(Jardine Matheson Holdings)正在考慮出售由其全資持有的怡和餐飲集團(Jardine Restaurant Group)。目前該集團持有台灣、港澳和越南的肯德基和必勝客的特許經營權,除此之外也在緬甸經營必勝客。
    2022/01/21 13:29
  • 千萬別錯過!6款耶誕新年趴踢必學威士忌調酒

    年底新年趴踢多,朋友聚在一起總是想小酌,要是喝膩了純飲威士忌的口感,不如就來學學調酒炫幾招吧!我們特別請來「333 restaurant & bar」的帥哥調酒師Jeff(潘建村)手把手教你6款只要3分鐘就能完成的調酒,只要準備簡單材料,在家當個hold住全場的bartender不是夢!
    2018/12/23 22:38
  • 江振誠星國餐廳劃句點 粉絲難忘八角哲學

    台灣名廚江振誠在新加坡的餐廳Restaurant ANDRE今晚劃下句點,除讓老饕感到不捨外,連日來不乏有粉絲在餐廳外駐足拍照,對他創造的八角哲學美食文化表達祝福。
    2018/02/15 10:13
  • 江振誠新加坡餐廳將歇業 回台傳承經驗

    台灣名廚江振誠昨天在他開設於新加坡的餐廳Restaurant ANDRE官網發文指出,將結束新加坡餐廳營業並歸還米其林二星,同時他也將回台傳承經驗與知識給新世代。
    2017/10/11 10:27
  • 台灣之光!「阿基師觀海茶樓」獲世界奢華餐廳獎

    「2017世界奢華餐廳獎」(World Luxury Restaurant Awards)7月22日於越南河內萬豪酒店舉行頒獎典禮,全世界81個國家頂級餐廳參賽,共有123間餐廳得獎,福容大飯店淡水漁人碼頭阿基師觀海茶樓囊括中國菜以及奢華餐廳兩個獎項,是台灣唯一獲獎的餐廳,透過福容飯店的得獎,全世界看到了台灣的美食與美景。而2017年世界奢華餐廳年度獎項由世界上第一家全玻璃海底水下餐廳,位於馬爾地夫的Ithaa獲得,其他得獎名單還包括德國DÉLiCE La Brasserie餐廳、荷蘭的Bridges、摩洛哥的La Grande Table Francaise、大阪Hajime、東京的Japanese Restaurant Unkai、墨西哥的米其林餐廳Passion,還有百年歷史的法國古老咖啡廳Café de la Paix…等;福容大飯店淡水漁人碼頭阿基師觀海茶樓這次獲獎,堪稱台灣之光!
    2017/07/25 09:34
  • 肉食主義看過來!35oz肋眼牛排大口吃好滿足

    號稱台北最高「吃到飽」餐廳的松山意舍酒店17樓的「Que Restaurant」,從原先的自助餐,更換為全新有著單點與套餐兩種選擇的晚餐消費形式。加上原木燒烤元素,所有晚餐單點新菜全面升級,更推出單人及多人分享套餐,其中最具亮點的是35oz的美國BRANDT自然帶骨肋眼牛排,其他還有份量十足的美國紐約客牛排、戰斧豬排和菲力與法式羊排等,讓你大口吃肉好滿足。
    2017/04/17 17:19
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