Nurses’ union demands change in shift ratio calculations
Discover the latest on Taiwan’s nursing crisis: Nurses protest against unfair shift ratios, demanding changes to workload and staffing policies. The Taiwan Nurses Union highlights discrepancies in reported ratios versus reality, urging for ward-specific standards.
2024/09/13 16:51
Taiwan clarifies nurse bonuses not part of wages
Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor clarified that bonuses for night shifts and retention given to nurses will not count as wages, impacting labor insurance and pension contributions.
2024/08/21 13:33
NBA/兼顧當下未來?曝76人爭冠潛力 喬治自豪「先發5人超強」
被譽為頂級搖擺人之一的明星前鋒喬治(Paul George),休賽季離開承諾留守的洛杉磯,以四年2.12億美元(約69.4億新台幣)的頂薪合約前進費城,76人也在後續的補強中、躍升成為爭冠級球隊;談到球隊的潛力和天賦,喬治也在節目中分析表示,除了擁有實力堅強的先發五人之外,球隊的陣容深度,教練納斯(Nick Nurse)的執教能力都是關鍵之一。
2024/07/18 16:20
Taiwan boosts nurse numbers with more exams
Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Examination’s initiative to hold three annual nursing exams has boosted the number of qualified nurses, with a pass rate of 89.90%. Learn about future plans and the impact of COVID-19 on the nursing workforce.
2024/07/11 17:34
NBA/散步被機車撞!76人「帥哥前鋒」受傷送醫 將缺席一段時間
76人本季雖少了哈登(James Harden)這名前MVP球星,但在新主帥納斯(Nick Nurse)的執教下,他們仍舊打出一波7勝1負的漂亮開局。然而,季前用底薪價碼簽下的「帥哥前鋒」烏布雷(Kelly Oubre Jr.),卻驚傳在住家附近散步時被機車撞傷,恐因此缺席很長一段時間。
2023/11/12 14:29
Taiwan nurses struggle with low pay, high stress
Taiwan’s nurses face a critical manpower shortage worsened by low salaries and challenging work conditions. With a high turnover rate and inadequate compensation, the call for fair wages and improved conditions is a pressing issue for Taiwan’s healthcare system.
2023/11/10 17:48
Shin Kong Hospital raises salaries to address nurse shortage
Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital in Taipei will raise salaries for nursing staff starting in November. Salaries for nurses on the three-shift rotation will increase by NT$1,680, and the monthly salary for new nurses will be raised to NT$43,680. The salary increase is in response to concerns over nurse departures and a shortage of staff, which has led to a reduction in the number of beds in many hospitals. The Taiwan Union of Nurses Association (TUNA) reported a drop in the number of nurses in the country from 187,519 to 185,901 from January through May. As a result, larger hospitals have been forced to close an average of 8% to 10% of beds. Shin Kong Hospital has hired 74 nurses but lost 125 as of September, leading to a decrease in the number of available beds. In addition to the salary increase, the hospital is implementing other incentives such as retention bonuses, team performance bonuses, special allowances, signing bonuses for new hires, and up to four years of free accommodation. The hospital also plans to increase all staff salaries next year in line with a government wage adjustment policy to attract and retain talent.
2023/10/28 14:42
NBA/76人不期待大鬍子開季歸隊 哈登球衣遭降價出清
NBA費城76人球星哈登(James Harden)今夏高喊賣我,但交易案至今依舊沒有進展,哈登近期已連續多日缺席球隊訓練,今日的熱身賽也不見蹤影,總教練納斯(Nick Nurse)透露已做好開季沒有哈登的準備,顯示哈登與球隊已經全面撕破臉。
2023/10/21 19:01
Taiwan nurses union calls for more financial support
Amidst a worsening nursing shortage exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan’s Union of Nurses Association (TUNA) calls on the government for increased financial support and staffing solutions. They propose allowing male nurses to fulfill their military conscription in hospitals and recommend a monthly subsidy for all nursing staff.
2023/10/19 16:55
NBA/重返火箭機率低!傳哈登「無意再降薪」 看好76人新帥願景
身披76人球衣的哈登(James Harden)本季再度證明自己除了是個出色的傳球手之外,當球隊需要自己MVP等級的得分能力時,同樣能切換自如;而儘管此前一度有傳言指稱,哈登高機率「鳳還巢」與休士頓簽下大約養老,但如今卻有消息指出,除了哈登本人對76人新帥納斯(Nick Nurse)的賽季願景有高度興趣之外,火箭也將首要目標鎖定在范佛列特(Fred VanVleet)身上。
2023/06/29 14:44
儘管坐擁全聯盟最好的得分手,被視為奪冠熱門的「宇宙太陽」卻在季後賽抱憾止步次輪,教頭威廉斯(Monty Williams)也因此正式下課;太陽亦明確表達將圍繞杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)及布克(Devin Booker)打造衝冠陣容,至於潛在的新帥人選,也陸續開始有風聲傳出,其中除了現今聯盟聲量較高的幾位冠軍教頭之外,活塞名宿湯瑪斯(Isiah Thomas)的名字也出現在討論中。
2023/05/16 15:59
史上首位女教練?暴龍教頭海選 前WNBA球星有望接任
美國職籃(NBA)多倫多暴龍在本季無緣季後賽後,宣布開除執教球隊5年的冠軍總教練諾斯(Nick Nurse),美媒今(28)日報導,暴龍正積極尋覓新任教頭,人選之一是籃球名人堂成員、目前執教美國女子職籃(WNBA)拉斯維加斯王牌隊的哈蒙(Becky Hammon),若最後真的雀屏中選,將成為「NBA史上第一位女教練。」
2023/04/28 11:16
暴龍炒掉冠軍主帥!納斯背3罪下台 前綠軍「偷吃教頭」或接任
NBA季後賽正在火熱進行中,但對於未能闖進季後賽的14支隊伍來說,卻也得要開始針對未來布局,像是在附加賽遭公牛「下犯上」逆襲的暴龍,就在台灣時間昨(21)日深夜突然宣布炒掉總教練納斯(Nick Nurse),與這位曾幫助暴龍奪得隊史首冠的主帥分道揚鑣。
2023/04/22 10:31
執教首年就奪冠!暴龍「護士」恐出走 自曝:會好好思考
暴龍在2018年夏天透過交易得到明星小前鋒倫納德(Kawhi Leonard)後,成功2018-19賽季奪得隊史首冠,然而接下來隨著奪冠班底紛紛離隊,球隊表現也陷入「換血期」的掙扎中,除了幾名主力戰將捲入交易傳聞外,就連總教練納斯(Nick Nurse)也多次傳出烏紗帽不保。對此,納斯昨(1)日的一番話,更是耐人尋味。
2023/04/02 15:25
Taiwan low birth rate sparks national crisis
As the nurse wraps up a newborn baby at a local hospital in Taiwan, his cries are the only ones that fill the room.
2022/11/15 17:23
暴龍冠軍教頭納斯 可望掌加拿大國家隊兵符
剛率多倫多暴龍奪得美國職籃NBA總冠軍的納斯(Nick Nurse),今天幾乎可以確定要執教加拿大國家隊,出征即將到來的籃球世界盃。
2019/06/17 13:35
影/比基尼妹徒手餵鯊魚 遭狠咬拖入海險成大餐
驚險一瞬間!一名女子日前在澳洲度假時,徒手將魚餌近距離餵食一條鏽鬚鮫(Tawny Nurse shark,又名褐色護士鯊),不料遭鯊魚咬住手指拖入海中,所幸身旁的男子反應快速,及時將她拉上來,才沒讓更嚴重的悲劇發生。
2018/07/02 11:13