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  • 陸星材出道12年終於單獨見粉絲! 管不動小狗「竟靠隊友出聲喝斥」

    陸星材所屬的BTOB的自2012年出道以來,以〈Missing You〉、〈Beautiful Pain〉、〈Only one for me〉等夯曲深獲Kpop樂迷們的喜愛。除了團體活動外,他也以演員身份活躍於戲劇界,參與了《孤單又燦爛的神—鬼怪》、《雙甲路邊攤》、《金湯匙》等熱門劇集,展現了他的演技深度,他也將獻出出道以來的個人見面會初體驗!
    2024/05/07 13:24
  • 隱形牙套到口腔護理 Zenyum綻雅推One for all微笑服務! 牙齒乾淨、整齊二選一?哪個才是楊謹華心中的理想型

    2024/05/03 13:01
  • 築地市場變身中!9千億日圓造「東京玄關」

    2024/05/02 19:58
  • 朴敏英5月來台見「一個男孩」! 直播劇透6月有活動:想去見大家

    2024/05/02 19:28
  • 玖壹壹春風停紅燈遇「大學生激動出聲」!本尊解讀唇語:我心領了

    2024/04/27 16:55
  • 愛情與夢想的交織 《成為你的夜晚》溫暖上線!

    匯聚了眾多知名明星演員,以偶像樂隊為背景的韓劇《成為你的夜晚》將於5月6日播出。演員陣容包括主演鄭仁仙和李濬榮,並邀請了實力派演員張東周,以及人氣偶像NU’EST的金鍾炫(JR)、Wanna One的尹智聖和AB6IX的金東賢參與演出。這些選秀節目出身的明星的演出,使得劇集在播出前就已經成為熱門話題。
    2024/04/26 16:16
  • China demands U.S. halt arms to Taiwan amid new bill

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office demands the U.S. to halt military support for Taiwan, citing the issue as China’s internal affair and a violation of the "One China principle." The call comes in response to a U.S. Senate bill providing military aid to Taiwan, among others.
    2024/04/24 16:48
  • Intensive care continues for four from food poisoning

    Deputy Minister Victory Wang provides an update on the Polam Kopitam food poisoning outbreak in Taipei. Four patients remain in critical condition, with one undergoing a liver transplant and another needing ECMO treatment due to severe complications.
    2024/04/19 18:20
  • Uranus Building demolition in Hualien to finish early

    Demolition of leaning Uranus Building in Hualien to finish early on April 15th. Roads and utilities to reopen by April 18-19. One cat found but escaped capture.
    2024/04/15 18:09
  • 付費用戶破億!Google突宣布「終止1服務」:幾乎沒人用

    科技巨擘Google近日宣布,將逐步終止旗下的Google One VPN服務。該項服務自2020年推出以來,旨在提升用戶的網路隱私及安全,然而據最新數據顯示,實際使用人數卻相當稀少。
    2024/04/15 07:58
  • Taipei mayor takes action on suspected daycare child abuse

    In Taipei, a child under one year old underwent successful emergency surgery for a subdural hematoma, sparking concerns of potential child abuse. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an has mobilized the Department of Health and police to investigate, with the daycare center temporarily suspended. The case’s complexities, including the timing of the injuries and responsibilities of the parents or nanny, are under scrutiny as authorities aim for a swift resolution and the child’s recovery.
    2024/04/12 10:59
  • Ma’s China visit: Meeting with Xi unconfirmed

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou’s 11-day visit to China sparks speculation of a meeting with Xi Jinping, as TAO announces arrangements but remains non-committal. Zhu Fenglian praises Ma’s adherence to the "One China policy" and his efforts in promoting cross-strait youth exchanges, criticizing Taiwan’s DPP for hindering these interactions.
    2024/04/10 13:21
  • Hualien quake: landslides, building damage, traffic chaos

    Minister of the Interior Lin Yu-chang said on Wednesday (April 3) that the Hualien railway and highway are currently disrupted, with the earliest expected railway reopening for one-way traffic by early Thursday morning. 
    2024/04/03 18:04
  • Restaurant under investigation after fatal food poisoning

    A food poisoning incident at Polam Kopitiam restaurant in Taipei has resulted in an investigation by prosecutors, focusing on food preparation and storage. Traces of "Bongkrekic acid" were found in the autopsy report of one deceased individual. The case involves potential charges of negligence leading to death and violations of food safety laws. Multiple staff members, including CEO Mr. Li and chef Mr. Hu, have been questioned and detained as part of the ongoing investigation.
    2024/03/29 16:23
  • Mayor Chiang acts on fatal food poisoning case

    The story covers Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s announcement regarding a recent food poisoning incident at Polam Kopitiam’s Far Eastern Department Xinyi A13 store, resulting in one death and several illnesses. Health officials, food safety officers, epidemiologists, and police are investigating the source of the illness. The Taipei City’s Department of Health has ordered the closure of the store and its branches in Taipei. If you have dined at Polam Kopitiam in Xinyi district and experience symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.
    2024/03/27 14:36
  • Taiwan’s FDA investigates deadly food poisoning case

    A suspected mass food poisoning incident at a vegetarian restaurant in Taipei’s Xinyi District has left one person dead and eight others ill, according to Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration. Wu Shou-mei, Director-General of the FDA, stated that three victims are in serious condition. The incident occurred at Polam Kopitiam in the Far Eastern Department Store’s Xinyi A13 branch. Authorities are investigating the cause and testing food samples from the restaurant.
    2024/03/27 13:45
  • Taipei health officials probe deadly food poisoning case

    A suspected food poisoning incident at a Taipei department store restaurant has caused eight people to feel unwell, resulting in one fatality. The Taipei City Government’s Department of Health has ordered the restaurant to stop serving food, with samples sent for central testing to identify the cause. The severity of the situation has prompted discussions with toxicology experts, while the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control are actively investigating.
    2024/03/27 10:10
  • 煮熟也沒用!吃「6種魚」當心組織胺中毒 半小時就發作急就醫

    2024/03/27 08:36
  • Hsiao defends Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit amid DPP criticism

    Hsiao Hsu-tsen of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation vows to confront DPP smear campaign ahead of Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit. He emphasizes one-China constitution and calls for DPP to address issues hindering cross-strait peace. Criticizes President Tsai’s two-state theory and warns of endless strife if constitutional issues not faced. Historical and cultural ties between Taiwan and China highlighted amid upcoming visit to Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.
    2024/03/26 16:09
  • Taiwan halts sales of Japanese red yeast rice products

    Taiwan’s Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan announces the removal of products made with red yeast rice from Japan due to adverse reactions. Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s recall follows reports of acute kidney failure, with one reported death under investigation.
    2024/03/26 13:55
  • Taiwan monitors Chinese military activity near Strait

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) reported detecting Chinese military aircraft and naval vessels near the Taiwan Strait, with one aircraft crossing into Taiwan’s airspace. Tensions are high as Taiwan’s defense forces remain on alert, closely monitoring the situation to ensure security.
    2024/03/25 13:41
  • 米可白「病床上吐血」缺氧險窒息 自曝煎熬狀態:超出身心負荷

    東森戲劇台醫療生活劇《生命捕手》第二季持續熱播中,眾多驚喜卡司接連登場,為劇情帶來更多意想不到的轉折。金鐘女配角黃瀞怡(小薰)加入客串行列,化身霸氣律師,與劇中「前夫」柯叔元對戲默契十足,超長台詞「one take」就過關。新科金鐘女配角米可白挑戰詮釋罹患紅斑性狼瘡的病人,坦言「吐血戲」讓她最難熬,超出身心負荷。
    2024/03/23 13:07
  • Premier considers national Labor Day holiday amendment

    Premier Chen Chien-Jen addresses inquiries on the possibility of a unified Labor Day holiday on May 1 in Taiwan, pending a meeting with the Ministry of the Interior. Legislation amendments may be considered if a decision is reached before May 20, as discussed in response to concerns raised by KMT legislator Wang Hung-wei and the National Federation of Teachers Unions.
    2024/03/15 17:52
  • 旗艦等級資安+鏡頭 三星A55 5G、A35 5G將上市

    三星電子推出新款智慧型手機「Galaxy A55 5G」和「Galaxy A35 5G」,將於2024年3月25日在台灣上市。這兩款手機具有優秀的攝影功能、Super AMOLED顯示螢幕,並首次引入Samsung Knox Vault安全功能。三星行動通訊事業部總裁盧泰文對此表示自豪。新機將在三星智慧館、三星商城等通路上市,提供多種購機優惠。兩款手機繼承了Galaxy旗艦機的攝影功能,搭載Vision Booster技術。建議售價分別為14,990元、15,990元(A55 5G)和11,990元、12,990元(A35 5G),同時推出多項促銷活動。新機強調夜間攝影功能升級,並加入光學防手震和數位防手震功能。安全性方面,Samsung Knox Vault和長達五年的安全更新保護用戶數據,並支援四代Android作業系統與One UI升級。兩款手機與Galaxy生態圈完全相容,提供無縫整合的跨裝置體驗。
    2024/03/15 11:54
  • 火箭升空5秒爆炸 日本民企「兩個第一」失利

    太空商業時代來臨,太空商戰正式開打,但日本在太空競賽上,官方幾乎沒有實質成績,民營企業因此加入戰局。名為「SPACE ONE」的太空新創公司相中太空物流,研發小型火箭、建造發射場,縮短升空時間。不過,週三(3/13)一號機首次發射,只飛行5秒就爆炸。而首次從民間發射場升空,以及首次成功送衛星進軌道,民營企業的兩項挑戰,宣告失敗。
    2024/03/14 19:57
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