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  • 中台灣最大!「鹿港慶端陽」6/8起跑 三大必訪活動曝

    2024/05/30 18:10
  • Telecom giant emphasizes privacy amid data use debate

    Discover how Chunghwa Telecom addresses privacy concerns amid allegations of mobile data misuse for demographic analysis. The company emphasizes its strict adherence to privacy laws and the anonymization of data in its big data services.
    2024/05/30 17:56
  • Aging Taipei homes prompt urban renewal push

    Explore how Taipei is improving disaster response and promoting urban renewal in response to the risks posed by aging infrastructure. Mayor Chiang Wan-an highlights new technologies at the SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024.
    2024/05/30 17:35
  • 秒殺2000顆!高雄爆餡「脆皮泡芙」巡迴出沒 千層蛋塔別錯過

    2024/05/30 17:09
  • Taiwanese shoe brands turn waste into wearable tech

    Discover how Taiwanese shoe manufacturers are leading the way in sustainability by transforming coffee grounds, plastics, and other wastes into innovative, eco-friendly footwear.
    2024/05/30 16:50
  • Premier Cho calls for Chinese goodwill in tourism standoff

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s decision to allow pre-organized tours to China despite an initial suspension, aiming to revive cross-strait tourism amid zero group travel from China. Learn about the government’s flexible approach and hopes for mutual goodwill.
    2024/05/30 16:45
  • Executive Yuan to challenge recent legislative amendments

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s political scene: The Executive Yuan plans to request a reconsideration of recent legislative amendments, aiming for resolution through dialogue. Learn about the legal framework and historical context.
    2024/05/30 16:07
  • Taiwan’s travel agencies challenge ongoing China travel ban

    Taiwan’s travel agencies urge the government to reconsider the prolonged group travel ban to China, arguing it is unconstitutional and harms cross-strait relations and the travel industry.
    2024/05/30 16:06
  • Taiwan’s TPP seeks to abolish Control Yuan

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s political landscape: The Taiwan People’s Party aims to abolish the Control Yuan, citing it as a financial burden and ineffective. With cross-party support and challenges ahead, this move could reshape governance.
    2024/05/30 16:02
  • Taiwan opposition proposes special corruption probe unit

    Explore the heated debate in Taiwan as the KMT proposes a special investigation unit to probe corruption, facing opposition from the DPP and TPP. This story delves into the complexities of political oversight, the potential abolition of the Control Yuan, and the broader implications for Taiwan’s constitutional reform.
    2024/05/30 16:00
  • New study highlights aging trends among younger people

    New research from Washington University in St. Louis suggests younger generations are aging faster due to lifestyle and dietary factors. Experts recommend moderate exercise and a natural diet to slow the aging process.
    2024/05/30 15:58
  • Former U.S. official urges Biden to clarify Taiwan policy

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s foreign affairs as Minister Lin Chia-lung responds to calls for a clear U.S. strategy on Taiwan, emphasizing peace and international support in the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/05/30 15:56
  • Taiwan allows pre-June travel groups to China despite ban

    Discover how Taiwan is adjusting its travel policies amid a ban on group tours to China, allowing pre-planned trips to proceed. This move aims to balance tourism interests and cross-strait relations.
    2024/05/30 15:50
  • 為拚IG流量!印少年「從10樓高跳水」慘溺斃 影片成遺作

    2024/05/30 15:37
  • 與李濬榮首度合作!表藝珍認了「一直覺得他很可怕」曝私下面目

    由《模範計程車》系列表藝珍、《Imitation》李濬榮、《青春應援CHEER UP》金賢鎮以及《黑暗榮耀》「小惠程」宋智友主演的最新浪漫韓劇《我光明正大想成為灰姑娘》,劇情描述在現實生活處處碰壁而夢想成為灰姑娘的女人,與「視女人如石頭」不相信愛情的財閥王子,兩人相遇後翻轉人生的故事。劇組於昨天(29)日在首爾舉辦記者會宣布即將開播,導演金敏京表示,希望能從觀眾口中聽到「真瘋」、「好好笑」等評語,提前預告本劇將是幽默無厘頭的輕鬆路線。
    2024/05/30 14:18
  • Court finds Aaron Yan guilty in sexual content case

    Discover the details of Taiwanese entertainer Aaron Yan’s sentencing by the Shilin District Court for crimes involving a minor, including his probation terms and legal settlement.
    2024/05/30 14:12
  • Chen Chi-mai defends smart transportation tech

    Discover how Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai defends the use of mobile signal positioning for smart transportation, emphasizing privacy and compliance with data protection laws amid KMT concerns.
    2024/05/30 14:08
  • Ko Wen-je supports new laws to prevent power abuse in Taiwan

    Discover the latest amendments to Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan law, aiming to balance government powers and ensure democratic integrity, as discussed by TPP leader Ko Wen-je.
    2024/05/30 14:06
  • DPP criticizes KMT’s unconstitutional proposals

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s legislative tensions: DPP’s Ker Chien-ming criticizes KMT’s Fu Kun-chi for unconstitutional proposals, urging unity and procedural justice in the Legislative Yuan.
    2024/05/30 14:03
  • 安全氣囊有致死風險 日產點名多款舊車駕駛「別再開」

    日產汽車(Nissan)近日發出通知,針對該品牌在2002至2006年期間生產的8萬3920輛舊車,發出「禁止駕駛」的警告,主要原因是這批車輛中,裝有由高田公司(Takata)生產、並因為設置瑕疵被召回的安全氣囊,存在可能致死的安全隱患。根據美國國家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)的召回通知,受影響的車型包含2002至2006年出廠的日產Sentra、2002至2004年的日產Pathfinder,以及2002至2003年的英菲尼迪(Infiniti) QX4。
    2024/05/30 10:52
  • Taiwan must focus on actions, not rhetoric, in U.S. dealings

    Russell Hsiao, executive director of the Global Taiwan Institute, discusses Taiwan’s evolving role in global policy, the need for dedicated think tanks, and the U.S. policy landscape.
    2024/05/30 10:33
  • 不給降級舊版本了!蘋果關閉iOS 17.5.1認證通道

    蘋果在上週緊急釋出iOS 17.5.1版本更新,主要是為了修復前一個版本iOS 17.5所出現的資料庫已刪除照片復活Bug,若果迷升級後發現太過耗電,想降回前一個版本的話,很可惜已經沒有回頭路了,官方近日已關閉iOS 17.5.1認證通道。
    2024/05/30 09:38
  • Taiwan maintains ban on group tours to China

    Discover the latest on the ban on group tours to China for Taiwanese citizens, as the Travel Agents Association confirms no changes despite industry calls for easing restrictions.
    2024/05/29 17:53
  • Taiwan updates power demand forecast for AI surge

    Discover how Taiwan is preparing for the AI era with a strategic focus on clean and renewable energy to meet the rising electricity demands of the AI and semiconductor industries.
    2024/05/29 17:48
  • 重現費玉清風華!林俊逸大馬秀精湛模仿秀 備戰金曲壯肌不藏了

    歌手林俊逸以專輯《上好的一年》入圍第35屆金曲獎最佳台語男歌手, 近來忙著排練全民大劇團新戲《腦內失控的iTunes》,同時還要準備8月4日高流的藍寶石大歌廳演出,讓他決定以平常心看待獎項,同時積極健身,目前已瘦了3公斤的他,希望能把身材練得更結實,迎接6月底的金曲獎頒獎典禮。
    2024/05/29 17:41
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