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    energy 結果共472筆

  • ENERGY才回歸!阿弟爆舊傷復發 嘆「以為再也沒機會跳舞」

    傳奇唱跳男團「ENERGY」重返演藝圈,不僅將推出新輯《Here I Am》,7月27日更首次唱進台北小巨蛋,門票今(20)日中午12點正式開賣。而團員們近來緊鑼密鼓練舞,但「阿弟」蕭景鴻卻因高強度練習舊傷復發,照片曝光後讓粉絲、星友擔憂不已。
    2024/04/20 10:18
  • Taoyuan City grapples with frequent power outages

    Taoyuan City’s Deputy Mayor Wang Ming-Jiuh addresses multiple power outages, attributing them to increased usage and maintenance issues, while also discussing the broader energy strategy for Taiwan, including considerations around nuclear power and the Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant.
    2024/04/19 18:23
  • TSMC chips lead the way in energy savings and net-zero goals

    Discover how Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) is leading the way in energy-saving technology, with chips that save 6.8 kilowatt-hours for every kilowatt-hour used in production. Learn about TSMC’s commitment to net-zero strategies, including advancing their 100% renewable energy goal to 2040, and their collaboration with ITRI to measure their environmental impact.
    2024/04/19 17:56
  • 坤達回歸Energy準備攻蛋 柯佳嬿驚覺:我真的嫁給男團成員

    柯佳嬿過去與許光漢合作電視劇《想見你》引發熱潮,今(17)日她出席保養品牌活動時,透露自己有去看許光漢主演的電影《青春18×2 通往有你的旅程》,對於許光漢聲稱「這是最後一次演高中生」,笑說:「他宣布得太早了!」雖然認同對方想挑戰不同角色的想法,但不願把話說死,「我當初也是有這個想法,結果就遇到《想見你》的演出機會。」
    2024/04/17 20:46
  • Taipei auto shows spotlight green automotive strategies

    The 2024 Taipei AMPA and Autotronics shows highlight the automotive industry’s efforts toward achieving net-zero emissions, with global partnerships and market growth opportunities taking center stage.
    2024/04/17 17:52
  • Energy宣布727攻蛋!4大亮點搶先看 粉絲放話「拋夫棄子」追星

    2024/04/17 14:21
  • Blackouts hit thousands in Taoyuan: Faulty cables to blame

    Discover the cause behind the sudden blackouts in Taoyuan and Qingpu, as Taipower investigates faulty cables and fallen high-voltage lines affecting thousands. Learn about the impact on local households and the response from Taoyuan City officials.
    2024/04/17 10:15
  • J.W. Kuo to tackle Taiwan’s energy challenges as minister

    Taiwan’s Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai announces the third wave of cabinet appointments focusing on energy stability and green development amid national shortages in labor and resources.
    2024/04/16 16:52
  • Food vendors absorb electricity costs, fearing price hikes

    Lukang Old Street Business District chairperson Huang Shih-chieh expresses concern over rising electricity costs and their impact on food vendors, who may absorb cost increases to avoid raising prices due to declining consumer purchasing power, potentially leading to a vicious inflation cycle.
    2024/04/15 17:25
  • Mei寶寶臍帶繞頸「生一半塞回去」 轉2圈重來:五臟六腑快抽出

    2024/04/14 11:16
  • 超糗!男星池塘滑倒 褲子滑落「白皙屁股」露出畫面曝光

    男團始祖Energy大駕光臨《綜藝玩很大》,吳宗憲、KID、坤達帶領Energy團員阿弟、Toro、書偉、牛奶與新生代男團All in 5、FEniX和U:NUS進行PK生死鬥。為了熱烈歡迎天團,節目製作單位給予高規格的待遇,坤達表示團體中有3個人超過15年沒有上過綜藝節目,可以算是綜藝新手,請大家多包涵。並盡地主之誼跟團員們打包票說:「接下來交給我,聽我的就對了。」
    2024/04/12 14:00
  • Energy太狂!連續16蹲跳秀超猛腿肌 坤達爆斷片倒栽蔥內幕曝

    「傳奇唱跳團體」Energy將推出新輯《Here I Am》,更宣布7月27日首次唱進台北小巨蛋,這回他們釋出最新洗腦舞曲〈星期五晚上〉,企帶領大家放鬆、激發歡樂的能量,MV中Energy更挑戰「E16蹲」,挑戰連續16個蹲跳榨乾大腿肌,證明團員體態、體力都處於最好狀態;另外他們預告5月5日下午4點將在信義香堤大道廣場舉辦唯一限定簽唱會。
    2024/04/12 12:50
  • US, Japan establish joint command, deepen military ties

    Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and U.S. President Joe Biden reaffirmed the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, pledged to uphold international order, and signed approximately 70 cooperation agreements spanning defense, space, economic security, AI, nuclear fusion energy, and disaster relief during a bilateral summit at the White House.
    2024/04/11 17:52
  • Taipei offers subsidies to mitigate rising electricity costs

    Explore how Taiwan’s significant electricity rate hike affects businesses and consumers, and the Taipei City Government’s efforts to mitigate these impacts through subsidies and energy-efficient technology upgrades.
    2024/04/10 17:31
  • Heroic Rescue Dog Roger makes int’l news after earthquake

    Discover the inspiring journey of Roger, a rescue dog from the Kaohsiung Fire Bureau, who became a hero by finding victims in the aftermath of a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan. Initially trained as a drug-sniffing dog, Roger’s boundless energy led him to a career in search and rescue, culminating in international recognition for his bravery. As he approaches retirement, Roger’s story highlights the invaluable contributions of rescue dogs in disaster relief.
    2024/04/10 15:53
  • China slams Taiwan’s DPP for banning Chinese products

    China’s TAO criticizes Taiwan’s DPP for hindering Chinese products, emphasizing the benefits of Chinese electric vehicles and drones. Amidst these tensions, a significant ancestral worship ceremony in Henan aims to foster a sense of unity and cultural heritage among Taiwanese and Chinese compatriots.
    2024/04/10 14:42
  • Quake research in Taiwan highlights Hualien’s vulnerability

    Discover the latest on Hualien County, Taiwan’s most earthquake-prone region, including recent seismic events, research insights, and ongoing efforts to enhance structural reinforcement and disaster recovery planning.
    2024/04/10 10:41
  • 影音/男團ENERGY登大巨蛋表演! 連飆4歌曲〈放手〉全場high

    2024/04/06 11:51
  • Energy首登大巨蛋!等22年揭重磅喜訊 心繫花蓮強震發聲了

    「最殺男團」Energy回歸歌壇後,新歌〈分合〉在各大數位平台排行榜霸榜四冠王,下一步備受關注。他們昨(4)日擔任中信兄弟台北大巨蛋主場開幕戰賽前演出,驚喜宣布睽違22年的新輯《Here I Am》將於5月2日正式發行,他們自嘲笑說:「專輯做了20年,不容易!」
    2024/04/05 13:22
  • Taipower struggles with losses amid calls for reform

    National Audit Office Auditor-General Chen Jui-min calls on Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) to enhance management and boost revenue amid consecutive losses. Chen emphasizes the need for electricity price adjustments and debt interest reduction. Kuomintang Legislator Lin Ssu-ming questions Taipower’s deficits and government subsidies, urging a review of energy policy. Chen confirms NT$100 billion subsidy and stresses the importance of green energy for profit sustainability.
    2024/04/02 18:13
  • President Tsai advocates for energy-saving appliances

    President Tsai Ing-wen urges manufacturers to assist rural elders in replacing appliances with energy-efficient ones at the Taipei Electronics, Air Conditioning, Audio-Visual, and 3C Expo. The government offers subsidies for purchasing energy-saving appliances, encouraging both individuals and manufacturers to contribute to energy conservation and carbon reduction.
    2024/03/29 18:17
  • Officials face public dissatisfaction, survey shows

    The latest poll by My-formosa.com reveals high dissatisfaction rates towards Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua, Minister of Digital Affairs Audrey Tang, and NCC Chairman Chen Yaw-shyang. Criticism is directed at the Tsai administration’s handling of inflation, fraud prevention, and green energy policies. Conducted through telephone interviews across Taiwan, the survey highlights public discontent with specific government departments and policies.
    2024/03/29 12:15
  • Taiwan’s political parties clash over power costs

    DPP Legislator Rosalia Wu questions Legislative Yuan’s responsibility in case of Taipower collapse, prioritizing people’s livelihoods. KMT and TPP propose freezing electricity price hikes amidst Ministry of Economic Affairs’ decision to increase prices by 11% on April 1. DPP counters with cross-party negotiation pullback to address unreasonable proposals.
    2024/03/29 12:13
  • Lawmaker proposes public review for electricity prices

    Kuomintang caucus whip Fu Kun-chi proposes amendment to The Electricity Act for public scrutiny of electricity price fluctuations amid impending price hike. Fu warns of potential impact on commodity prices and housing costs, criticizes current energy policies as flawed. Calls for national congress oversight and public review of electricity price changes.
    2024/03/27 15:41
  • Taiwan, France hold talks to elevate economic ties

    The inaugural Taiwan-France High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue, led by Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, discussed cooperation in semiconductors, AI, and electric vehicles. French officials agreed to integrate industrial and economic cooperation meetings, with a focus on supply chain opportunities in renewable energy and the space industry. Bilateral trade between Taiwan and France reached a record high of $60.9 billion last year, with significant investments from both sides.
    2024/03/27 14:34
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