
President Tsai advocates for energy-saving appliances

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/29 18:17
Last update time:2024/03/29 18:17
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President Tsai advocates for energy-saving appliances (Courtesy of Tsai Ing-wen’s Facebook President Tsai advocates for energy-saving appliances
President Tsai advocates for energy-saving appliances (Courtesy of Tsai Ing-wen's Facebook)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President Tsai Ing-wen attended the 34th Taipei Electronics, Air Conditioning, Audio-Visual, and 3C Expo and Audio Fair on Friday (March 29), urging manufacturers to join the government in helping rural elders replace their appliances with energy-saving ones.

During the opening ceremony, Tsai expressed her intention to choose energy-saving appliances from the expo for her upcoming move in a little over a month. Tsai reminded the public that purchasing a first-class energy-efficient air conditioner or refrigerator qualifies them for a subsidy of NT$3,000 for each new machine, along with potential savings of up to NT$2,000 in commodity tax by recycling old appliances.


Tsai pointed out that the government's subsidy program for the public to purchase first-class energy-efficient appliances and replace old ones is popular in metropolitan areas. In contrast, elders in rural areas tend to be more reluctant to replace old appliances, which could increase electricity usage.

In addition, Premier Chen Chien-jen also called on home appliance manufacturers, the public, and the government to work together towards energy conservation and carbon reduction to achieve the net zero emission target by 2050.

Taiwan Affairs

#energy-saving appliances# appliance subsidy program# energy conservation# rural elders# electronic expo# carbon reduction# net zero emission# government subsidy for energy-efficient appliances# replacement of old appliances in rural areas
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