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    dog 結果共70筆

  • 金曲35/入圍名單今揭曉!林俊傑搶歌王呼聲高 楊乃文拚2封歌后

    第35屆金曲獎頒獎典禮將在6月29日於台北小巨蛋盛大登場,今(16)日下午1點於三創生活園區舉辦金曲獎入圍揭曉記者會,邀來台語金曲歌后曹雅雯、以莉.高露、米莎、JADE以及鶴The Crane揭獎,另外本屆評審團主席也將正式現身。
  • Heroic Rescue Dog Roger makes int’l news after earthquake

    Discover the inspiring journey of Roger, a rescue dog from the Kaohsiung Fire Bureau, who became a hero by finding victims in the aftermath of a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan. Initially trained as a drug-sniffing dog, Roger’s boundless energy led him to a career in search and rescue, culminating in international recognition for his bravery. As he approaches retirement, Roger’s story highlights the invaluable contributions of rescue dogs in disaster relief.
    2024/04/10 15:53
  • Mayor welcomes home rescue team, gifts dogs toys for efforts

    Kaohsiung City Mayor Chen Chi-mai welcomes home a search and rescue team, including four dogs who helped locate victims of the April 3 Hualien earthquake. Roger, an 8-year-old rescue dog nearing retirement, found three deceased members of the Yu family and was gifted a toy upon return.
    2024/04/08 10:47
  • 網路瘋傳德國禁養臘腸狗? 柏林否認:與品種無關

    德國正在審議新版動物保護法案,主要為了防止「殘酷繁殖」行為發生,沒想到卻引發廣大民眾和網友關注,甚至在社群開始出現討論,聲稱德國政府有可能禁止飼養臘腸狗(sausage dog),讓許多喜愛臘腸狗的民眾與飼主感到憂慮。對此傳聞,包含英國廣播公司(BBC)等外媒,稍早已取得德國聯邦政府的澄清回應,柏林當局強調、新法無意針對特定品種,也並沒有打算禁止飼養特定品種,主要希望能避免,為了迎合市場與人為喜好,讓動物們遭受不必要的折磨。
    2024/03/29 18:03
  • Foreign exchange student adopts stray dog in Taiwan

    A German exchange student in Taiwan forms an unexpected bond with a stray dog, altering her travel plans as she prepares to bring the dog back to Germany. A heartwarming story of love and compassion.
    2024/02/14 12:30
  • 天團主唱無預警停工!驚罹「腎臟癌」急動刀 日巡演全喊卡

    日本68歲資深歌手大友康平是知名搖滾樂團「HOUND DOG」主唱,出演過第73回紅白歌合戰,也陸續參演《偵探羅曼史》、《3年A班》、《派遣女醫》等多部電視劇,至今仍活躍於日本演藝圈。沒想到昨(18)日經紀公司發布聲明,大友康平罹患腎臟癌,將住院動手術,原定3月份的巡演全部取消。大友康平透過部落客向期待演唱會已久的粉絲致歉,他會好好接受治療,請大家不需過度擔心。
    2024/01/19 11:42
  • Taiwan seeks dog handlers for airport and seaport security

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture is recruiting four dog handlers for its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency. The positions offer a starting salary of NT$37,769 per month, plus an additional NT$7,700 allowance for outstations. Handlers must have at least one year of related experience and be available for shifts and business travel. They also need a good understanding of dogs, an outgoing personality, and the ability to work independently. The positions are divided among Taipei Songshan Airport, Taoyuan International Airport, and Kinmen Shuitou Pier, with potential relocation to Kaohsiung Airport or Taichung Airport.
    2024/01/04 15:18
  • Gingle Wang, Tsao Yu-ning share sweet Christmas photos

    Taiwanese actors Gingle Wang and Tsao Yu-ning share sweet holiday photos on Instagram, wearing matching red sweaters and embracing each other. Wang gained fame in 2019 with her role in the horror film "Detention," while Tsao entered the film scene in 2014 with the baseball movie "KANO." The couple’s post surprised fans and received playful comments, solidifying their status as high-profile favorites in Taiwan’s film industry.
    2023/12/26 15:42
  • Doggy Christmas party brings holiday cheer to beloved pets

    Taipei’s Family Dog hosts a unique Christmas celebration, bringing together over 20 dogs and their owners for a festive feast. Embracing the growing trend of including pets in holiday festivities, the event highlights the increasing importance of pets in family life and supports animal shelters.
    2023/12/25 11:15
  • Pets join owners at Christmas charity event for stray dogs

    The Family Dog center in Taipei organized a heartwarming charity event, uniting pet owners and their furry companions in the festive season. The event, aimed at supporting stray animals, featured shared meals and a "Promise Tree" initiative, highlighting community spirit and pet-owner bonding.
    2023/12/24 15:01
  • Ministry of National Defense retires two drug-sniffing dogs

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) announced that three drug-sniffing dogs have completed their service, one continuing under the Customs Administration’s evaluation and the other two retiring in October. The MND deployed 18 additional detection dogs across various regions in December 2022. Major General Chen Heng-wei stated that the detection squads conducted 467 assigned smell duties through educational recalls and base applications. Throughout the year, operational areas designated 211 smell duties, with 145 requests from military bases. The government mandates a service limit of four years for these canines, but dogs in good condition may serve up to seven years. The establishment of drug-sniffing dog units began in 2020 as part of efforts to deter military personnel from bringing drugs into the barracks, showcasing the ministry’s commitment to maintaining zero tolerance for drugs within military facilities.
    2023/12/20 18:35
  • Taiwan’s MND touts success of drug-sniffing dog teams

    The Ministry of National Defense in Taipei showcased its drug prevention program’s accomplishments, emphasizing the effectiveness of its narcotics detection dog teams. Since December last year, 18 additional dogs have been added to these teams, allowing regions across Taiwan to request their services for drug-sniffing operations within military camps. According to government regulations, these service dogs typically serve for four years, with the possibility of an extension to seven years. Since 2020, three narcotics-detection canines have completed their service term, with replacements already trained and deployed. The defense ministry conducted 467 drug-sniffing missions within military bases this year through mobilization, camp applications, and operational zone assignments. Additionally, over 1.13 million urine screenings have been conducted among military personnel, with positive results leading to prosecutions and the removal of implicated individuals from service.
    2023/12/20 17:18
  • Taiwan readies aid after Gansu Quake

    Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen and Premier Chen Chien-jen have been alerted and instructed to prepare for emergency relief efforts following a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Gansu Province, mainland China. The earthquake resulted in the deaths of 105 people and damage to 4,782 homes. Taiwan’s Minister of Interior, Lin Yu-chang, announced that a 160-member search and rescue team, including a structural engineer, doctors, nurses, and search dogs certified in International Search and Rescue Dog Organisation (IRO) rubble search, is ready to provide assistance. Communication has been established with mainland China through the Mainland Affairs Council to coordinate rescue needs. If requested, Taiwan’s National Fire Agency will collaborate with the Disaster Relief Foundation to activate a special charter flight mechanism for humanitarian rescue missions. Additionally, an earthquake in Qinghai Province resulted in the deaths of 13 individuals, bringing the total earthquake death toll in mainland China to 118. Taiwan’s quick mobilization demonstrates its readiness to provide humanitarian assistance despite the complex political relationship with Beijing.
    2023/12/19 16:52
  • Creepy Nuts海外首唱獻寶島! 台灣人太暖「回日本怎麼辦啦」

    日本老牌音樂祭「RUSH BALL」昨(13)、今(14)晚分別在台中、台北兩地開唱,這次邀請到[Alexandros]、Creepy Nuts、go!go!vanillas、Saucy Dog四組樂團演出。Creepy Nuts今晚演出前特別接受訪問,第一次造訪寶島的他們驚呼:「台灣人太暖了!」還擔心回日本無法適應。
    2023/12/14 21:50
  • 日樂團[Alexandros]進台灣超商就皺眉! 宇宙人亂教「禁忌中文」

    日本關西地區超人氣大型音樂祭「RUSH BALL」睽違5年再度來台舉辦,這次參與的陣容有[Alexandros]、Creepy Nuts、go!go!vanillas、Saucy Dog,昨(13)天先在台中演出,今(14)晚則移師新莊。4人樂團[Alexandros]今天演出前接受訪問,沒想到吉他手白井眞輝竟驚爆台灣樂團宇宙人教了他們「無法隨便說出的中文」。
    2023/12/14 20:54
  • DPP releases ’Cats and Dogs Love Taiwan’ LINE Sticker set

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has released a new set of LINE stickers titled "Cats and Dogs Love Taiwan" ahead of Taiwan’s upcoming elections. Collaborating with illustrator Stupid Sheep, Lai introduced this new set 10 months after their previous collaboration. The sticker pack includes illustrations of cats, dogs, and caricatures of Lai and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim. Building on the popularity of the "cat and dog badge" illustrations, this release adds more design movements and patterns to the LINE platform. The cartoon versions of Lai and Hsiao feature iconic memes like "I want it all," aiming to appeal to both feline and canine fans and bring laughter to their supporter base. Lai’s campaign office spokesperson, Kuo Ya-hui, hopes that these new stickers will encourage supporters to download and join the "Taiwan side," regardless of their preference for cats or dogs.
    2023/12/11 12:18
  • JINS, guide dog association launch bandana set for charity

    JINS and the Taiwan Guide Dog Association have collaborated to release a limited edition ’Matching Bandana Set’ for pets and owners, with proceeds going to support guide dogs. The collection draws inspiration from parent-child outfits, featuring dogs leading their owners on outdoor adventures. Celebrity Ada Pan endorses the campaign, hoping to raise awareness and funds for the guide dog program.
    2023/12/07 18:49
  • DPP candidates register for 2024 presidential election

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential and vice-presidential candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim registered for Taiwan’s 2024 national election with the Central Election Commission. They wore badges featuring cartoon depictions of a cat and a dog, symbolizing their representative animals. Lai’s campaign design incorporates a baseball theme and an animation series featuring his dog, while Hsiao, a well-known "cat person," often compares her diplomatic skills to a cat’s charm. The slogan "pick the right people, follow the right path" emphasizes their commitment to jointly shaping Taiwan’s future.
    2023/11/22 19:43
  • Search and rescue dogs retire from Taichung Fire Bureau

    Three esteemed search and rescue dogs, Iron Xiong (鐵雄), Leggy (雞腿), and Penwan (本丸), retired from the Fire Bureau of Taichung City Government. Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen personally presented them with retirement certificates at the "Graduation Ceremony for Retired Search and Rescue Dogs." These four-legged heroes played a crucial role in disaster response efforts, including the Hualien and Türkiye earthquakes, tirelessly searching for signs of life amidst the ruins. The event was a heartfelt episode as the dog handlers passed the dogs on to their new adopters. Mayor Lu emphasized the dogs’ relentless efforts to protect the citizens of Taichung, deserving high honors and a fitting send-off. Sun Fu-you, the director-general of the Fire Bureau, expressed gratitude for their service and wished them happiness and peace in retirement.
    2023/10/28 16:24
  • Taitung imposes fines to tackle alarming dog fouling

    The Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau (TTEPB) is dealing with an increasing number of public nuisance cases related to dog poop, with 31 reports accounting for 1.53 percent of total cases from January to September 2023. The challenge for inspectors is that dog owners often leave before they arrive, making it difficult to gather evidence. Furthermore, inspectors have faced intimidation and even knife threats despite having verified evidence. In response, the TTEPB is urging dog owners to be civic-minded and bring cleaning supplies when walking their dogs. This includes leashes, poop scoops, waste bags, and water bottles.
    2023/10/26 15:26
  • 有片/全穿上超萌「熱狗堡」裝 臘腸犬奔跑賽開跑

    美國俄亥俄州每年都有一場超萌的寵物賽跑大會,邀請各地飼養臘腸犬(wiener dog)的飼主一起共襄盛舉,替自家毛小孩穿上最可愛的「熱狗堡服裝」,與其他同類一較高下,冠軍得主還能獲得一年期的免費狗糧。不過,對於主辦地辛辛那堤(Cincinnati)來說,這場超萌賽跑大賽不僅是當地重要慶典,更能為城市帶來驚人的觀光人潮和收益,剛剛落幕的4天嘉年華,一共湧入超過70萬名遊客,替辛辛那堤創造可觀的收入與曝光。
    2023/09/19 13:27
  • Retired rescue dog up for adoption by Taichung City Gov’t

    Tieh-hsiung, an advanced-level rubble search and rescue canine owned by the Fire Bureau of Taichung City Government, has retired and is now available for adoption.
    2023/09/07 13:05
  • 「比特混惡霸治療犬」兇性大發 狠咬少年臉部後下場慘

    受過訓練的治療犬(Therapy dog)能藉由接觸與溝通,療癒飼主的身心。近日卻傳出美國一名11歲男童,遭到親戚家的治療犬攻擊狠咬,臉部、頭部與手臂遭嚴重咬傷,緊急送到醫院進行手術。
    2023/08/30 18:06
  • Taichung says swings for children only amid dog swing video

    A recent video depicting pet owners bringing their dog into the Hongen Park in Taichung and allowing the dog to play on the swings has sparked controversy. 
    2023/07/25 17:16
  • 勵志片/因畸形遭棄養!中國冠毛犬獲選「全球最醜」冠軍

    年度「全球最醜狗狗大賽」(World’s Ugliest Dog)日前登場,今年冠軍得主也在24日正式出爐,是一隻現年7歲、曾被飼主遺棄流落街頭的中國冠毛犬(Chinese Crested)史考特,這隻榮獲冠軍的寵物狗,當年因為後腿畸形被遺棄,差一點被安樂死喪命,是被現任飼主琳達(Linda Celeste Elmquist)與動保團體搶救撿回性命,如今才能讓外界看見、這隻小狗樂觀勵志的故事。
    2023/06/25 11:06
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