美國總統大選進入最後倒數階段,全球都非常關注這場選舉對國際局勢帶來的影響,對此,國際危機組織(International Crisis Group)主席艾羅(Comfort Ero)認為,無論誰當選,世界局勢都可能變得更糟。
2024/10/30 11:22
Ma Ying-jeou advocates for Tainan’s comfort women statue
Discover how former President Ma Ying-jeou advocates for the preservation of Taiwan’s sole comfort women statue in Tainan on International Comfort Women Memorial Day.
2024/08/14 14:20
Taipei to upgrade animal shelter after criticism
Discover how Taipei’s Animal Shelter plans to enhance conditions in response to criticism, aiming for better ventilation and comfort for its 1,200 residents by July’s end.
2024/07/11 15:45
New Taipei rules out sunshades for YouBike stations
Discover why New Taipei City’s Transportation Department believes sunshades at YouBike rental stations are unnecessary, citing natural shade and solar charging concerns. Learn about the balance between user comfort and system efficiency.
2024/07/04 21:59
Kaohsiung Metro adjusts AC times following online backlash
Discover how Kaohsiung Metro is responding to public outcry over hot platforms by starting air conditioning an hour earlier. This change follows a viral Facebook post and aims to balance comfort with energy-saving policies.
2024/06/19 15:56
Heavy rainfall expected in central, southern Taiwan today
Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including brief showers, thunderstorms, and potential heavy rainfall in central and southern regions. Stay informed on air quality and temperature insights for safe travel and comfort.
2024/06/07 10:13
Kaohsiung zoo helps animals keep warm amid cold snap
Kaohsiung’s Shoushan Zoo caretakers went to great lengths to keep their animals warm during a recent cold front. Social media users were especially charmed by an orangutan named "Mimi" who was photographed wrapping herself in a blanket. With temperatures dropping to 11 degrees Celsius, the zoo staff installed heat lamps and provided high-caloric foods for the animals. Shoushan Zoo director Chuang Hsuan-chih explained that orangutans are highly intelligent and even imitate human actions, such as covering themselves with blankets and mimicking cleaning movements. The zoo also took measures to ensure the comfort of other animals, including reptiles, birds, and sloths, by installing heat lamps and providing high-caloric meals to help them store fat and survive the cold winter months.
2024/01/23 17:31
Hou Yu-ih aids homeless in cold snap initiative
New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih personally visits homeless individuals, distributing cold-weather supplies to aid the less fortunate during the winter chill. The city government has initiated cold-weather care protocols, providing temporary housing and resources for the homeless. District offices, volunteer groups, and community chiefs proactively comfort solitary seniors by phone, providing cold-weather health information and checking on their well-being. The government also reminds residents to prioritize line safety and ventilation when using heating equipment or water heaters to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. These measures aim to ensure a safe and comfortable winter season for all in New Taipei City.
2024/01/22 17:57
Dubai gets a taste of Taiwan with authentic douhua
Experience the authentic taste of Taiwanese douhua (tofu pudding) at a douhua shop in Dubai, reminiscent of Taipei’s Yongkang Street. Imported ingredients and decor from Taiwan ensure an authentic experience. The shop, founded by Taiwanese national Dennis Chang, aims to showcase Taiwan’s culture and cuisine while providing a taste of home for Taiwanese residents in Dubai. The shop’s ambiance, adorned with Taiwanese elements, adds to the authenticity. Patrons, especially from the Chinese community, appreciate the desserts and find comfort in this unique Taiwanese dessert establishment in Dubai.
2023/12/09 14:57
Evergreen Marine offers crew hotel-level comfort
Evergreen Marine Corporation has expanded its fleet with the commissioning of a new "A class" container ship, the EVER ALP, boasting a maximum capacity of 24,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU). This vessel, among 13 ordered by the company, brings luxury to the high seas with crew accommodations rivaling star-rated hotels. Constructed by South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries, the EVER ALP features nine decks and a range of leisure facilities, including a gym and social lounge. Crew quarters on the ship are designed to match that of star-rated hotel rooms, each spanning 16.53 to 46.28 square meters with private bathrooms. The working environment on board is notably comfortable, with third officers and engineers drawing an average monthly salary of about NT$170,000. For entertainment and relaxation, the ship is equipped with a library, karaoke facilities, treadmills, and dining options featuring a variety of international cuisines. These A-class container ships incorporate eco-friendly and energy-saving features, ensuring compliance with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) emission standards. With the addition of the EVER ALP, Evergreen Marine’s current fleet totals 210 vessels with a combined capacity of approximately 1.66 million TEU, marking a significant increase in the company’s global shipping capabilities.
2023/12/04 17:33
Taiwan’s diabetes diagnoses surge due to poor eating habits
The stress of daily life often leads people to turn to high-sugar or high-fat "comfort foods," affecting their overall health.
2023/02/21 14:58
今年農曆春節有10天假,是民眾出遊放鬆的好機會,當然也少不了美食相伴,北市議員楊植斗說,「我自己對物質都沒有什麼追求,惟對吃的比較在意!」剛選上議員的他,在自己選區(大安、文山)內也有了美食名單,阿英滷肉飯的招牌「中瘋滷肉飯」、大真無菜單創意料理鐵板燒,都是他的comfort food(療癒美食),心情不好的時候,來這大吃一頓就對了!
2023/01/23 10:36
Taiwan kidults drive high-end toy sales
When you enter most offices in Taiwan, you will likely see toy figurines spread out on desktops or hanging from computers. For many office workers, these toys are a source of comfort.
2023/01/23 08:00
Golf新年式喊漲2至3萬元 全球晶片缺件交車期恐拉長
雖然今年7月才剛發表,並且以94.8萬元至159.8萬元價格帶成為史上最昂貴的Golf世代。不過,就在2021年式車型接近完售之際,面對全球航運以及原物料價格高漲的壓力之下,Volkswagen Taiwan也悄悄透過官網資訊更新的方式,公布2022年式Golf全車系建議售價,除了230 eTSI Comfort與230 eTSI Life兩款車型之外,全面上漲2至3萬元,其中Golf GTI更因此跨過160萬元關卡,來到162.8萬元之譜。
2021/10/19 18:46
台塑德州廠遭控違反美國空汙法 民事和解金台幣7900萬
台塑公司(Formosa Plastics Corporation)為於美國德州康福特(Point Comfort)的石化工廠在2013及2015年曾發生多起火警、爆炸等公安事故,造成多名員工受傷。因此被控違反多項聯邦「清潔空氣法案」(CAA)。美國司法部13日宣布,台塑已同意支付285萬美元(約7891萬新台幣)進行民事賠償。
2021/09/14 12:58
宏佳騰車友推薦購車活動 最高可享近6萬優惠回饋
搭載全新次世代智慧儀表的宏佳騰Ai-1 Ultra ABS自6月推出以來,受到消費者熱烈關注討論。宏佳騰為感謝車友熱烈支持,除了推出新一季車友推薦禮「揪Ai推 集好禮」活動,車友推薦親友購車,最高可獲得總價值超過34,000元的好禮;亦與多間銀行合作,推出不限車款最高30期零利率,富邦銀行加碼再享千元回饋刷卡金購車優惠!再加上政府汰舊換新最高補助24,000元(以南投縣為例),等於最多可獲得近60,000元優惠回饋。
2021/07/04 13:56
94.8萬起8代Golf成最貴世代 全車系漲幅3萬起跳
一如Volkswagen Taiwan先前所預告,8代Golf於今日 (7/1) 正式發表上市。與先前仍有90萬元內入門車型的7.5代Golf相比,第8代Golf車價全面上揚,擔任車系最低規入門車型的280 eTSI Comfort售價已經來到94.8萬元,Golf Variant旅行車的入門車型280 eTSI Style亦來到121.8萬元水準,Golf GTI的標準版車型則是開出159.8萬元建議售價,全車系有3至6萬元不等漲幅。為了能夠在上市期間衝一波買氣,Volkswagen Taiwan同時為99.8萬元的230 eTSI Life與102.8萬元280 eTSI智能特仕版兩款車型提供上市折扣,分別開出96.8萬元與100.8萬元優惠價,各有3萬元與2萬元優惠。
2021/07/01 14:14
Golf全車系配備編成曝光 數位儀表與無線充電全面標配7月1日上市
在宣告以限量45輛的Golf GTI熱血限定版預售吹響第8代Golf入臺號角之後,8代Golf全車系編成也首度曝光,根據Volkswagen Taiwan釋出資訊,8代Golf將導入1.0 eTSI、1.5 eTSI兩款動力選擇,搭配Comfort、Life、Style與R-Line等4款配備等級,Golf Variant則是僅提供1.5 eTSI單一動力選擇,配合Style與R-Line兩種配備等級,再加上Golf GTI,整個8代Golf總共導入多達7種車型可選,且從最入門Comfort車型就已經把10.25吋全數位儀表列為標配。Volkswagen Taiwan表示,新世代Golf預計7月1日正式在臺灣上市,且已經正在運作Golf R導入規劃,後續將會加入新世代Golf車系當中。
2021/06/23 12:57
辣到忘記煩惱 "辣炒年糕"韓第一療癒食物
英文裡的comfort food, 指的是在難過或焦慮時, 可以帶來安慰的食物, 南韓首爾市政府, 不久前針對全國作了一個線上調查, 問韓國人心目中的"療癒食物", 回答當中排名第一的, 就是南韓平民小吃"辣炒年糕", 白色年糕加上魚板, 用辣椒醬調味, 便宜的一份台幣30元有找, 有人說辣辣的炒年糕不但好吃, 還能化解生活中的壓力, 辣到流淚的時候, 不管多壞的事情都能忘掉。
2020/12/02 14:00
79.8萬限時入主T-Cross 再加碼十倍回饋
隨著疫情趨於緩和,讓國內旅遊大爆發,台灣福斯汽車本月針對The T-Cross最強跨界休旅推出多元優惠內容,Comfort車型推出夏日限定優惠現金價79.8萬,消費者另可選擇高額零利率優惠和購車三重送回饋方案,入主即享80萬36期0利率貸款, 同時本月領牌可再免費獲得 GTI黑色保冷袋乙個,並且享有台灣福斯汽車加碼振興10倍回饋優惠三選一,如Roof Box車頂架、兒童安全座椅及原廠前鏡頭行車記錄器,再加上指定車型第五年延長保固。
2020/07/19 16:00
緩解考試週壓力 大學圖書館開放毛小孩陪讀
越來越多心理研究證實透過動物的陪伴,可以協助人類轉換心情,療癒人們不安低落的情緒。而在荷蘭的阿姆斯特丹大學日前更為了在考試週協助學生紓壓,在圖書館設立了一間「狗狗陪伴室」,希望透過與小狗接觸得到慰藉(contact comfort),一解考試壓力大學生的困擾。
2018/10/18 10:06