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    Y 結果共10,000筆

  • President Lai urges dialogue after legislative amendments

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s legislative reforms as the Presidential Office voices concerns over the passage of controversial bills, highlighting a call for dialogue and potential constitutional challenges.
    2024/05/29 13:47
  • Over 70K rally in Taipei, push giant ball into legislature

    Discover how over 70,000 supporters in Taiwan rallied for democracy at the Legislative Yuan, pushing for legislative reconsideration to protect democratic values.
    2024/05/29 13:23
  • Taiwan’s DPP and KMT clash over contempt of parliament bill

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan passing a new amendment to introduce the crime of contempt of parliament, sparking debates and a heated altercation among legislators.
    2024/05/29 13:07
  • Taiwan’s premier seeks legislative review over concerns

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai is taking steps to protect the constitution by challenging recent legislative amendments. Read about the government’s efforts to maintain democratic integrity.
    2024/05/29 10:53
  • DPP legislator flags loopholes in newly passed reform bills

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s legislative reforms: The Legislative Yuan passed key bills amid criticism for potential loopholes and fines. Learn more about the debate and calls for transparency.
    2024/05/29 10:00
  • MAMAMOO頌樂7月台北開唱! 把寶島當廚房走「台粉竟超哀怨」

    韓國4人女團MAMAMOO從去(2023)年到今(2024)年不論是完全體、子團或個人單飛,都把台灣當作「造咖」(廚房)在走,甚至還進攻高雄。現在又傳出好消息,「兔子隊長」頌樂宣布7月14日晚間7點半,要在台北國際會議中心(TICC)舉辦個人亞洲巡迴演唱會「Solar 2nd CONCERT [COLOURS] IN TAIPEI」,她也向台灣YONGSOON(粉絲名)興奮喊話:「姐姐沒有失約,我就要來開唱了!」
    2024/05/28 20:51
  • AI深偽影音氾濫 從「親友復活」到竊取聲音影像 規管難

    2024/05/28 20:01
  • 木曜女神辣跳〈晚安大小姐〉!阿部瑪利亞襯衫敞開 網全暈:睡不著了

    曾是女團AKB48成員之一的日本女星阿部瑪利亞,來台發展後在YouTube網路節目《木曜4超玩》擔任主持群之一,被台灣網友封為「木曜女神」,同時也在經營自身YouTube頻道,憑藉甜美形象人氣飆漲,累積了許多粉絲。阿部瑪利亞經常在社群平台上分享生活點滴與粉絲互動,昨(27)日也跟上風潮,大跳洗腦神曲〈晚安大小姐 잘자요 아가씨〉,性感模樣連泱泱都忍不住直呼「妳這樣我更睡不著了」。
    2024/05/28 19:11
  • Taiwan’s legislature passes major reforms amidst controversy

    Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan passes amendments to reform the legislature, including the normalization of the Presidential State of the Nation Report and strengthening of congressional powers, amidst criticism from the DPP for potential overreach.
    2024/05/28 18:34
  • Bluebird Movement: Protest swell outside Legislature

    Explore the ongoing "Bluebird Movement" in Taiwan, where thousands protest outside the Legislative Yuan against bills feared to undermine democracy. Learn about the role of social media in mobilizing support and the global attention it’s drawing.
    2024/05/28 18:31
  • Legislature proceeds with third reading of reform bills

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s legislative session as the Legislative Yuan debates a controversial reform bill. The proposed changes could reshape interactions between the executive and legislative branches, amid growing tensions and calls for consensus.
    2024/05/28 18:16
  • 閃婚不到2月!瑀熙抓包老公「藏前女友合照」 尪求生慾秒逗笑她

    2024/05/28 18:08
  • 李浩瑋現身助陣!東京「怪物新人」來台開唱 超強背景曝

    次世代「怪物新人」東京潮團DURDN於26日晚間首度來台舉行演唱會,由韓國創作歌手Baku擔任主唱,和以〈tea tea〉為名的兩名音樂製作人SHINTA和yacco組合,而曾在EP中獻聲的李浩瑋,也特地前來擔任嘉賓與DURDN共同演唱合作單曲〈Pretense〉,雙方並改編了李浩瑋的成名曲〈Crush On〉,為演唱會帶來最高潮。
    2024/05/28 16:34
  • Citizens brave rain for parliamentary reform in Taipei

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s parliamentary reform bill as citizens, undeterred by rain, gather in large numbers outside the Legislative Yuan, demanding change.
    2024/05/28 14:30
  • 吹變頻冷氣2個月電費破萬!師傅曝定頻1吹法:帳單2千有找

    2024/05/28 14:17
  • YouTube再出手制裁廣告攔截器?影片全程被靜音、直接跳片尾

    自從YouTube開始鼓勵用戶加入YouTube Premium後,便開始強力打擊第三方的YouTube廣告攔截器App。近日,民眾發現YouTube好像又出新招了!被稱作「美版PTT」的論壇Reddit上的一篇熱門貼文指出,網友在使用YouTube廣告攔截器後,原本正在觀看的影片突然直接跳到片尾,或是一直呈現載入狀態,無法播放;更有網友表示,自己因為使用廣告攔截器,導致YouTube影片整個「被靜音」,但這些情況在用戶關閉廣告攔截器後就會恢復正常。
    2024/05/28 13:01
  • 潤娥登坎城遭保全「伸手驅離」非裔女星也被趕 網轟:種族歧視

    日前落幕的第77屆坎城影展出現爭議鏡頭,韓團少女時代成員、33歲南韓女星潤娥(Yoona)在紅毯上與粉絲揮手打招呼時,竟遭到工作人員阻擋驅離,同樣的狀況也發生在非裔女星凱莉羅蘭(Kelly Rowland)、 多明尼加籍演員瑪西兒塔維拉斯(Massiel Taveras)身上,氣得粉絲怒轟種族歧視,要求開除該名工作人員。
    2024/05/28 12:02
  • KMT and TPP members occupy Taiwan’s parliament podium

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s legislative reform as KMT and TPP members occupy the Legislative Yuan podium, highlighting a critical moment for democracy and governance.
    2024/05/28 11:32
  • 男星驚爆「閃婚」!無預警登記結婚全被拍 正妹妻身分曝光

    2024/05/28 08:56
  • 「他的筋很軟」爆前任劈腿?人氣YTR突分手 留1符號粉絲瘋猜

    2024/05/27 18:10
  • Walk the Talk Geneva advocates for Taiwan’s WHA inclusion

    The 77th World Health Assembly begins in Geneva, and Taiwan is excluded for the sixth consecutive year. Despite global support and calls for inclusion, Taiwan remains out of the WHA.
    2024/05/27 15:36
  • 韓邁入超高齡社會 推動各項年長者福利

    2024/05/27 15:21
  • Typhoon Aghon sets course for Japan, upgraded to moderate

    Discover the latest on Typhoon Aghon, the first typhoon of the year, now a moderate typhoon heading towards Japan. Learn about its impact on Taiwan and safety warnings for coastal areas.
    2024/05/27 14:43
  • Taiwan to revamp education with AI, digital literacy focus

    Discover how Taiwan plans to revolutionize its education system by integrating AI and digital literacy into the curriculum, as announced by Education Minister Cheng Ying-yao. This initiative includes new teaching guidelines, teacher training, and community engagement to prepare for the digital future.
    2024/05/27 14:41
  • 百萬零負評YTR翻車?他嘆「影片都業配」想退粉 兩派吵翻

    2024/05/27 14:25
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