
Citizens brave rain for parliamentary reform in Taipei

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/28 14:30
Last update time:2024/05/28 14:30
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Citizens brave rain for parliamentary reform in Taipei (TVBS News) Citizens brave rain for parliamentary reform in Taipei
Citizens brave rain for parliamentary reform in Taipei (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As Taiwan's Legislative Yuan resumed deliberation on the parliamentary reform bill on Tuesday (May 28), a growing number of citizens, undeterred by the early morning downpour in Taipei, gathered outside the venue.

Many were clad in raincoats, holding aloft banners in a vivid display of civic engagement. This assembly marks a continuation of the mass mobilization seen last Friday, when over 100,000 people were reported to have converged outside the legislature, echoing calls from civic groups for the "Bluebird Movement" (青鳥行動) to take to the streets.


A Nationwide Call to Action

The Taiwan Citizen Front (台灣公民陣線) and the Alliance of Referendum for Taiwan (公投護台灣聯盟, ART), along with more than 50 other organizing groups, have rallied the public to closely monitor the legislative review process. The "528 Bluebird Movement" (528青鳥行動) saw simultaneous events in 15 counties and cities across Taiwan, with the main stage set up on Jinan Rd. (濟南路) and a secondary stage on Qingdao E. Rd. (青島東路) in Taipei.

Despite the inclement weather, protesters donned raincoats and remained vigilant outside the legislature.

The persistence of these citizens, braving the rain to voice their demands for legislative reform, underscores the depth of public sentiment on this issue. As the deliberation continues, the eyes of Taiwan remain fixed on the Legislative Yuan, with the hope that their collective voice will lead to meaningful change in the governance of their country.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan# Legislative Yuan# parliamentary reform# Taipei protest# Bluebird Movement# Taiwan Citizen Front# legislative review# Taiwan legislative reform bill protest# 528 Bluebird Movement in Taipei# Alliance of Referendum for Taiwan rally
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